C1: Media Flashcards
Key terms for this topic area
The technological means by which content is communicated between an origin and a destination, such as a telegraph, telephone, TV, book and so on
The plural of the word ‘medium’ which refers to a channel of communication
Mass media
Forms of communication that transmit information to large audiences through instruments such as newspapers, radio, TV, cinema and the internet
Media text
This term refers to any media product a sociologist wishes to examine. E.g. film, TV programme, web-page, newspaper article etc.
Media as an agency of socialisation
The idea that the media helps to transmit the culture of society by teaching people norms, values etc.
Marxist view of the media
A theory which argues that the media is an ideological instrument of the ruling class. It argues that media owners and advertisers have the biggest influence on media content
Ideological power
The ability to shape people’s minds in terms that favour the power holders. Control of the media can potentially be used for this purpose
Ruling class ideology
A set of ideas that justify the inequalities produced by capitalism. These are transmitted by the capitalist class through agents of socialisation such as the media
‘The new opium of the masses’
A phrase used by Ralph Miliband to describe the ideological effects of the media on audiences
A term used by the Marxist Gramsci to describe the domination of ruling class ideology in society. These ideas help to legitimate capitalism and are accepted as ‘common sense’ by large sections of the population
The process by which the mass of the population come to accept the rule of the few as natural and normal and inequality as fair
False consciousness
A Marxist term suggesting that the working class do not see the true nature of their exploitation, or the fact that they have common interests, because of the influence of ideology
Myth of meritocracy
The (false) belief that capitalism is a fair system where there are equal opportunities for all
American Dream
The idea that equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved.
A form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another
Poverty porn
Any type of media which exploits the poor’s condition in order to gain audiences
Frankfurt School
A group of German Marxists, e.g. Theodor Adorno, who argue that the capitalist ruling class use the media in an ideological way to control society’s thinking, thus ensuring passive conformity
Culture industry
A Marxist idea, which states that culture (e.g. music and the arts) has become something to be manufactured and sold, in order to make a profit by media companies
Popular culture
The culture of ordinary people
Mass culture
The idea that the mass media are responsible for a commercialised popular culture which revolves around superficial entertainment. This stifles creativity, imagination and critical thought in society
False needs
The outcome of sustained advertising which manipulates people into thinking that a consumer item is vital to their social well being
Pluralist view of the media
A theory which argues that audiences rather than owners, editors or journalists have the most influence on shaping media content. As media audiences are diverse this in turn leads to lots of choice and diversity within the media.
Media saturation
The idea that we live in a society where we are being constantly bombarded by messages and images from the media . As a result media images now dominate and distort the way we see the world
Wireless Communications
Things like smart phones, lap-tops and tablet computers