C Communities and ecosystem Flashcards
what are trophic levels
an animals feeding position in a food chain
can be deduced form content in the stomach or adaptation fo an animal
food webs show all possible food chians in as community
what are food conversion ratios
what is the impact of the climate on ecosystem type
climate emergs from teh interaction of a number of variables including temp and precipitation
temp inlfuces organism distribution as influences rate of cellular respiration, photosynthesis, decomposition and transpiration and hence productivity
precipitation influences prodcutivity as affects photosynthesis, decompositio
see whittaker climograph

what are gersmehl nutrient cycle diagrams
show the inter relationships between nutrient stores nad flows
has three compartments - biomass litter and soil
thickness of arrows is flow rate

what is successsion
succession refers to changes to the environment (abiotic factors) , e.g environment becomes less hostile over time so larger more complex animals can grow and survive
two types primary and secondary
primary occurs in newly exposed area where initally there was no soil or organic matter there - first bacteria and lichen land and grow on rock, weathering of rock creates soil so moss grows, then grass, then trees, then animals
soil is present but not plant or animals eg. after a forest fire
how can productivity be measured
production in plants is when organic matter is synthesizes through photosynthesis
in animals it is when organic matter is synthesized ater food is ingested, digested and absorbed
net production = gross prodcution - respiration
gross = total amount of organic matterr synthesizes ber unit area per unit time by a single trophic level
net = total amount of gross production after respiration has occured to break down some of this matter
how does productivity link to succession
at very start of succession there is little respiration
during succession there is high iintensity sun light so the gross production is high , a lot of light used to syntheisie organic matter
as succession continues more plnants grow and respriation by these plants increase
at the end of succession when a stable woodland is created the amount of gross production decreases as most available spaces are filled up with trees
an equilibrium is reached where totaly productions : total respiration rate P/R equals 1 - stable ecosystem as rate s are equal
how to measure succession
- leaf area index
- stem density
- diversity
- above ground biomass
- light levels
- volume of leaf litter
- bulk soil denstiy
- soil variable ( nutrient level, moisture, …)
what are the 3 types of ecosystems
- open - exchange both matter and energy with surroundings though cycles, if disturbed by humans this exchange of matter increases from eg. humans harvesting crops
- closed systems exchange energy but not matter - mecocosms , biosphere 2
- isolated systems exchange neither - thoeretical
how do disruptions affect the nutrient cycling?
humans can accelerate flow into and out of ecosystems - e.g. in agriculture teh harvesting of crops and transport out of area where grown depeletes the area of teh nutrients thatt are locked in to the biomass fof the crop
–> regular inputs of nutrients must be added to teh soil so that agriculture can continue - phosphate and nitrogen are key
phosphate is mined, nitrogen is produced from gaseous N2 in the haber process –> run off from agriculture can lead to eutrophication