1.2 Ultrastructure of the cell Flashcards
draw, recognize and comment on this structure

- the nuclear membrane is double and has pores through it
- the nucleus has chromosomes wrapped around histone proteins to condense them
- uncoiled chromosomes in the nucleus are chromatids
- often densely stained chromatid areas around outside of nucleus
- nucleus is where DNA is replicated or transcribed to form mRNA which leaves via nuclear pores
- in the nucleolus ribosomes are synthesized

draw, recognize and comment on this structure

the rough endoplasmic reticulum is made up of flattened membrane sacs called cisternae with ribosomes on the outside
the main function is to synesize proteins for the secretion of the cell. these proteins then pass into the cisternae and are then carried by vesciles which bud off the cisternae to the golgi
cisternae are interconnected and filled with fluid
usually found near the nucleus

draw, recognize and comment on this structure

the golgi apparatus is also made up of flattened cisternae sacs but these are not as long as in the rER, are curved and do not have ribosomes on them as well as not being near the nucleus usually
the golgi apparatus processes proteins received from the rER and then usually sends them off in vesciles to be secreted by the membrane
it has enzymes to help modify the proteins
if a protein needs to be delievered within the cell a lysosome, not a vesicle, is used

draw, recognize and comment on this structure

the lysosome usually looks round and it very densley stained as it is filled with high concentrations of proteins
they are formed from golgi vessles and contain digestive hydrolytic enzymes to break down ingested food in vesicles or organelles or even the whole cell

draw, recognize and comment on this structure

mitochondrion are usually round or spherically, depending on which way they are sliced. are less stained than lysosomes and have crista which distinguish them
the mitochondria has a double membrane which is invaginated to form crista. The fluid inside is called the matrix and its job is to produce ATP energy in respiration
fat is digested here if it is being used as an energy source for the cell

draw, recognize and comment on this structure

free ribosomes appear as dark granules on an electron microscope
they do not have a cell membrane and are about the same size as the ribosomes on the rER
they are very small and synthesize proteins and then release them to work in the cystoplasm as enzyme or similar
they are made in the nucleolus

draw, recognize and comment on this structure

chloroplasts have a double membrane and are filled with stacks of thylakoids which are flattened socs of membrane. May also contain starch grains after a lot of photosynthesis
they are usually spherical or ovoid but may vary
they produce glucose etc by photosynthesis

draw, recognize and comment on this structure

vesicles and vacuoles are a single membrane with fluid within them
many plant cells have vacuoles that occupy of half the cells volume
some animals absorb food from outside and digested them inside the vacuoles, some unicellular organisms use vacuoles to expell water
vesicles are small vacuoles used to transport materials inside the cell

draw, recognize and comment on this structure

microtubules and centrioles are part of the cytoskeleton
roles include moving chromosomes during cell division.
centrioles are only present in animals and consist of 9 microtubules. They form an anchor point for microtubules during cell division and also for microtubules inside the cilia and flagella
draw, recognize and comment on this structure

cilia and flagella are whip like projections from the cell’s surface containing a ring or 9 double microtubules and 2 central ones
flagella are larger and usually only one is present e.g. sperm
both can be used for locomotion
cillia can also be used to create a current in the fluid next to the cell

exocrine glands of the pancreas - what do they do

glands secrete substances, which are released throught the plasma membrane
two types of glands in pancreas -
- endocrine - hormones into blood
- exocrine - digestive enzymes into small intestine
enzymes are proteins so exocrine gland cells have lots of ribosomes for making them and organelles to transport etc them
palisade mesophyll cells
shape of cell roughly cylindrical
function in leaf to make glucose in photosynthesis using light energy
the use of electron microscopes
electron microscopes have a much higher resolution than normal light microscopes because it is not limited by the wave length of light (400-700nm).
electron beams have a much shorter wavelength so much higher resolution about 200 times greater than in light microscopes.
eye - 0.1 mm
light microscope - 0.2 micrometer
electron microscope - 1 nm
how do prokaryotes divide?
prokaryotes divide by binary fission - a form of asexual reproduction. The singular chromosome is replicated and the two copies move to opposite ends of the cell.
The cytoplasm then divides aswell. The daughter cells are genetically identical.
describe the cell structure of prokaryotes
- prokaryotes have no nucleus - in contrast to eukaryotes which have a nucleus with a double membrane as a nuclear envelope
- first organisms on earth and the simplest cell structures
- all cells have cell membranes but prokaryotes also have a cell wall which protects the cell, maintains its shape and prevents it from bursting. In prokaryotes the cell wall often has peptidoglycan which is often referred to as being extra cellular
- the cytoplasm is one uninterrupted chamber filled with many biochemicals and enzymes
- prokaryotes do not have cytoplasmic organelles apart from ribosomes which are smaller than those in euaryotic cells
- the part of the cytoplasm that appears lighter on electron micrographs is usually the part that has the one circular DNA molecule- called the nucleoid
describe the cell structure of eukaryotic cells
- a compartmentalized structure divided by partitions
- has organelles - like organs each organelle is specialized to perform a particular role
advantages to being compartmentalized
- enzymes and substrates for particular processes can be much more concentrated in an area
- organelles and their content can be moved around within the cell
- conditions such as pH can be maintained at an ideal level for a particular process which may need to be different for different processes
- the substances that could cause damage to a cell can be kept inside the membrane e.g digestive enzymes stored in the lysosome
comparison of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
smaller - larger
always unicellular - often multicellular
no nucleus or membrane bound organelles - have both those
DNA is circular, no proteins - DNA is linear with histone-proteins to form chormatids
small ribosomes 70S - large ribosomes 80S
no cytoskeleton - always has a cytoskeleton
binary fission to divide-use meiosis or mitosis to divide
asxual reprodcution - sexual or asexual reporduction
huge variety of metabolic pathways - common metabolic pathways
rigid rotating flagellum (made of flagellin) - felxible waving cilia or flagellae (made of tubulin)
draw a bacteria cell
- ribosomes - smaller and less complex
- no nucleus
- no membrane bound complex organelles
- no mitochondria
- cell membrane
- cell wall - made of peptoglycan murein (chain of amino acids and carbohydrates)
- flagellum from cell wall
- i singular chromosome or strand of DNA
- plasmids
- slime capsule