Buzz words cardio Flashcards
Patient has fever and pleuritic chest pain that is relieved by sitting up and leaning
Irregularly irregular pulse
Atrial Fibrillation
ECG - saw tooth baseline + 150 bpm →
Atrial Flutter
Raised JVP/hepatojugular →
Right-sided heart failure
sense of impending doom
Saddle shaped ST elevation →
Broad complex tachycardia →
Ventricular problem
Mid-diastolic murmur with a tapping, undisplaced apex
mitral stenosis
PMHx of rheumatic fever
mitral stenosis
Broad QRS with slurred upstroke on R wave (delta wave) →
. Tall, tented T waves →
Hyperkalaemia (and wide QRS complexes
Patient gets pericarditis 4-6 weeks post MI. Relieved by sitting forward. Diffuse
saddle shaped ST elevation
Dressler’s syndrome
‘Blurred yellowing vision headache” →
digoxin toxicity
Janeway Lesions/Osler’s Nodes →
(Subacute bacterial) infective endocarditis
Continuous Machine like Heart Murmur →
Patent Ductus Arteriosus
Rib Notching on CXR →
Coarctation of the aorta
Crescendo decrescendo murmur →
Aortic Stenosis
Slow rising pulse –
aortic stenosis
Alcohol/dilated cardiomyopathy
pan-systolic murmur (mitral regurgitation)
Early diastolic murmur
aortic regurgitation
Diminished absent lower limb pulses
Coarctation of the aorta
Radio-femoral delay =
coarctation of the aorta
. Radio-radial delay =
coarctation or aortic dissection
Systolic murmur, radiates to the neck
aortic stenosis
. Sudden tearing/ripping chest pain, radiates to back
aortic dissection
. Soft S1 =
mitral regurgitation
. Soft S2 =
aortic stenosis
‘Jones criteria’; migratory polyarthiritis, carditis, subcutaneous nodules, erythema
marginatum of skin =
rheumatic heart disease
Mitral stenosis caused by CRAP:
congenital, rheumatic and prosthetic valve
Mitral stenosis =
mid-diastolic rumbling murmur
. Tetralogy of fallot =
RVH, ventricular septal defect, pulmonary stenosis and overriding aorta. Commonest cause of congenital cyanotic heart disease
Side effect of ACEI-
dry cough, Contraindicated in Renal artery stenosis
. Collapsing pulse –
aortic regurgitation
slow rising pulse –
aortic stenosis
. splinter haemorrhages –
infective endocarditis
Atrial myxoma -
a noncancerous tumour in the upper left or right side of the heart;
most often grows on the wall that separates the two sides of the heart
Cardiac tamponade -
collection of blood/fluid/pus/clots/gas around the
heart/pericardial space that prevents contractions. Medical emergency.
Treatment of pericarditis -
pain relief; NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
. Reactive arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis =
Left sided heart failure on examination = MAT CAT.
Mitral regurgitation, apex
displaced, tachycardic, crackles bilateral and basal, auscultation 3rd heart sound,
Triphasic systolic and diastolic murmur=
acute pericarditis
Distended heart sounds/muffled heart sounds, distended JVP, low blood pressure=
cardiac tamponade
Bicuspid valve-
aortic stenosis
Causes of Atrial Fibrillation -
A - Alcohol
T - Thyroid problems
R - Rheumatic fever
I - Idiopathic
A - Atrial myxoma
L - Lung (P.E, emphysema)
F - Pheochromocytoma
I - Ischaemia
B - Blood pressure
4 H’s and 4T’s for reversible causes of cardiac arrest
Tension pneumothorax