Bursitis Flashcards
Bursa are small fluid filled sacs loacted around joints, acting as cushions between tendons and bones. If this becomes inflamed it is called bursitis. Is bursitis more common in men or women?
- the same
All of the following are risk factors for bursitis, EXCEPT:
1 - diabetes
2 - immunocomprimised
3 - alcoholics
4 - age
5 - occupation
6 - overuse
7 - gout
4 - age
Bursitis can be causes by inflammation of the synovial lining of the bursa. This can result in increased inflammatory markers. All of the following are typically raised, EXCEPT:
1 - WBC
2 - TNF-a
3 - cyclooxygenase
4 - interleukins
1 - WBC
Bursitis can be acute or chronic. The following are all symptoms patients may present with, EXCEPT which one:
1 - swelling
2 - crepitus of joint
3 - reduced joint motion
4 - pain (may be absent if chronic)
2 - crepitus of joint
Bursitis can be acute or chronic. The following are all signs that the clinician may be able to see, EXCEPT which one:
1 - crepitus of joint
2 - thickened bursa
3 - warm, red and tender bursa
4 - no effusion in adjacent joints
1 - crepitus of joint
All of the following are differentials for bursitis, EXCEPT which one?
1 - Gout
2 - Ankylosing spondylitis (ischial bursitis)
3 - Sciatica (ischial bursitis)
4 - Iliotibial band syndrome (trochanteric bursitis)
5 - Medial collateral ligament or medial meniscal injuries (pes anserinus bursitis)
6 - Knee septic arthritis (prepatellar bursitis)
7 - Rotator cuff tear or impingement (subacromial bursitis)
8 - osteoarthritis
8 - osteoarthritis
Bursitis typically clears on its own. Which of the following is not part of the early conservative management?
1 - Rest
2 - Heat
3 - Compression
4 - NSAIDs
5 - padding
2 - Heat
- ice is normally advised
Can an aspiration of bursitis be useful?
- yes
- BUT must be under strict aseptic conditions
Can a steroid injection be useful in bursitis?
- occasionally
- BUT must be performed under strict aseptic consitions