Buoyage Flashcards
Knowledge & application of the IALA Buoyage System
Describe the purpose of the IALA Buoyage System
The IALA Maritime Buoyage System, often referred to as the MBS, is a guide to Marine Aids to Navigation (AtoN).
The purpose is to help all mariners navigating anywhere in the world to fix their position and avoid dangers without
fear of ambiguity. It is also to help competent maritime authorities to harmonize AtoN markings.
What are the two regions known as within the system?
- IALA Region A
- IALA Region B
Where in the world applies the IALA Region A system?
- Europe
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Africa
- The Gulf
- Some Asian Countries
Where in the world applies the IALA Region B system?
- North, Central & South America
- Japan
- North & South Korea
- Philippines
What buoys make up the IALA Buoyage System?
- Lateral Marks
- Special Marks
- Cardinal Marks
- Isolated Danger Marks
- Safe Water Marks
- Emergency Wreck / New Danger Marks
What are the purpose of Lateral Marks?
Lateral marks indicate the port and starboard hand sides of the route to be followed.
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, region, colour, shape, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Port Hand Lateral Mark
Region = A
Colour = Red
Shape = Can, Pillar or Spar
Top Mark = Red Can
Colour of Light = Red
Rhythm of Light = Any rhythm expect 2 + 1
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, region, colour, shape, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Starboard Hand Lateral Mark
Region = A
Colour = Green
Shape = Conical, Pillar or Spar
Top Mark = Green Cone
Colour of Light = Green
Rhythm of Light = Any rhythm expect 2 + 1
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, region, colour, shape, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Preferred Channel to Starboard Lateral Mark
Region = A
Colour = Red with a Green Band in the middle
Shape = Can, Pillar or Spar
Top Mark = Red Can
Colour of Light = Red
Rhythm of Light = 2 + 1
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, region, colour, shape, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Preferred Channel to Port Lateral Mark
Region = A
Colour = Green with a Red Band in the middle
Shape = Conical, Pillar or Spar
Top Mark = Green Cone
Colour of Light = Green
Rhythm of Light = 2 + 1
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, region, colour, shape, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Port Hand Lateral Mark
Region = B
Colour = Green
Shape = Can, Pillar or Spar
Top Mark = Green Can
Colour of Light = Green
Rhythm of Light = Any rhythm expect 2 + 1
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, region, colour, shape, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Starboard Hand Lateral Mark
Region = B
Colour = Red
Shape = Conical, Pillar or Spar
Top Mark = Red Cone
Colour of Light = Red
Rhythm of Light = Any rhythm expect 2 + 1
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, region, colour, shape, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Preferred Channel to Starboard Lateral Mark
Region = B
Colour = Green with a Red Band in the middle
Shape = Can, Pillar or Spar
Top Mark = Green Can
Colour of Light = Green
Rhythm of Light = 2 + 1
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, region, colour, shape, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Preferred Channel to Port Lateral Mark
Region = B
Colour = Red with a Green Band in the middle
Shape = Conical, Pillar or Spar
Top Mark = Red Cone
Colour of Light = Red
Rhythm of Light = 2 + 1
What are the purpose of Cardinal Marks?
Cardinal marks indicate where safer water lies in the area, in relation to a point of interest
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, colour, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = North Cardinal Mark
Colour = Black Top, Yellow Bottom
Top Mark = Two Black Cones with Apexes pointing up
Colour of Light = White
Rhythm of Light = Very Quick Continuous Flashing OR Quick Continuous Flashing
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, colour, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = East Cardinal Mark
Colour = Black Top & Botton, Yellow Centre
Top Mark = Two Black Cones with bases together
Colour of Light = White
Rhythm of Light = Very Quick 3 Flash every 5 seconds OR Quick 3 Flash every 10 seconds
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, colour, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = South Cardinal Mark
Colour = Black Botton, Yellow Top
Top Mark = Two Black Cones with Apexes pointing down
Colour of Light = White
Rhythm of Light = Very Quick 6 Flash & 1 Long Flash every 10 seconds OR Quick 6 Flash & 1 Long Flash every 15 seconds
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, colour, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = West Cardinal Mark
Colour = Black Centre, Yellow Top and Bottom
Top Mark = Two Black Cones with Apexes pointing together
Colour of Light = White
Rhythm of Light = Very Quick 9 Flash every 10 seconds OR Quick 9 Flash every 15 seconds
What is the purpose of Isolated Danger Marks?
The Isolated Danger mark is placed on or near to a danger that has navigable water all around
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, colour, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Isolated Danger Mark
Colour = Black Top and Bottom with a Red Band in the centre
Top Mark = Two Black Spheres, one above the other
Colour of Light = White
Rhythm of Light = Group flash of 2
What is the purpose of Safe Water Marks?
The Safe Water mark has navigable water all around it and does not mark a danger. Safe Water marks can be used,
for example, as fairway, mid-channel, or landfall marks
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, colour, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Safe Water Mark
Colour = Red and White stripes
Top Mark = 1 Red Sphere
Colour of Light = White
Rhythm of Light = 1 long flash every 10 seconds OR Morse “A” OR Isophase (equal amount of light and dark) OR Occulting (on longer than off / flashing darkness)
What is the purpose of Special Marks?
Special marks are used to indicate a special area or feature whose nature may be apparent from reference to
a chart or other nautical publication. This can be from the following:
- Spoil Ground marks
- Military exercise zone marks
- Cable or pipeline marks
- Recreation zone marks
- Boundaries of anchorage areas
- Man-made structures
- Aquaculture
- Mooring buoys
- Moving object / hazard (MAtoN)
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, colour, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Special Mark
Colour = Yellow
Top Mark = 1 Yellow “X” shape
Colour of Light = Yellow
Rhythm of Light = Any rhythm not used by other buoys in the area with white lights
What is the purpose of Emergency Wreck / New Danger Marks?
New dangers marked which are not on the chart. Can be wrecks and also natural hazards like sandbank build up
Describe this buoy (the buoy itself, colour, top mark, colour & rhythm of light)
Buoy = Emergency Wreck / New Danger Mark
Colour = Blue & Yellow stripes (minimum 4, maximum 8)
Top Mark = 1 Yellow “+” shape
Colour of Light = Blue & Yellow
Rhythm of Light = Flashing between Blue & Yellow every 3 seconds
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Port Hand Lateral Mark (Region A)?
- RED continuous band
- RED can shape
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Port Hand Lateral Mark (Region B)?
- GREEN continuous band
- GREEN can shape
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Starboard Hand Lateral Mark (Region A)?
- GREEN continuous band
- GREEN conical shape
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Starboard Hand Lateral Mark (Region B)?
- RED continuous band
- RED conical shape
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Port Hand Lateral Mark with a Preferred Channel to Starboard (Region A)?
- RED continuous band
- RED can shape
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Port Hand Lateral Mark with a Preferred Channel to Starboard (Region B)?
- GREEN continuous band
- GREEN can shape
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Starboard Hand Lateral Mark with a Preferred Channel to Port (Region A)?
- GREEN continuous band
- GREEN conical shape
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Starboard Hand Lateral Mark with a Preferred Channel to Port (Region B)?
- RED continuous band
- RED conical shape
What are the retroreflective colours used for a North Cardinal Mark?
2 bands of colour - blue over yellow
What are the retroreflective colours used for a East Cardinal Mark?
2 bands of colour - blue over blue
What are the retroreflective colours used for a South Cardinal Mark?
2 bands of colour - yellow over blue
What are the retroreflective colours used for a West Cardinal Mark?
2 bands of colour - yellow over yellow
What are the retroreflective colours used for an Isolated Danger Mark?
2 bands of colour - blue over red
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Safe Water Mark?
- 2 bands of colour - red over white
- Red & White vertical stripes
What are the retroreflective colours used for a Special Mark?
- Yellow band
- Yellow “X”
- Yellow symbol
What are the retroreflective colours used for an Emergency Wreck Mark?
NONE - to remain lit at all times