Buddhism 3.2 Forms of Worship Flashcards
Two ways images of the Buddha are used by Buddhists
1) Put on high shelfs in a home or make a shrine to B in a home to constantly remind us of the struggles he went through to reach nirvana
2) In temples there are large images housed, remind us of spiritual qualities during group meditation
What is a mandala
A symbolic picture of a imaginary palace that is contemplated during meditation
Importance and reason for use of a Mandala
Tries to transform ordinary minds to enlightened ones. They give off positive energy to those who view them and when finished they destroy them as a reminder of impermanence
What is a wheel of life
A complex picture representing samsara. It has a light half and dark half, split into 6 realms and held by a demon. Has the three poisons in the centre.
What is a prayer wheel
A device used for repetition of a mantra. It is a cylinder filled with a scroll with a mantra written on it
Why is a prayer wheel important
Because it is believed that when the wheel is spun the person gains wisdom and destroys negative karma.
Paritta in particular is chanting sutras from the dharma (teachings). Chanting aids accurate memory of the Buddha’s teachings. It aids concentration and focuses and develops wisdom.
2 features of Buddhist birth rituals
1) Monks pour water to pass on their good karma
2) Taken to the temple and monks and nuns chant to generate good health and protection for the child
Why birth is sometimes not seen as a good thing
Birth can be interpreted as an unfortunate reminder that the person is still tied to the wheel of reincarnation and has not yet achieved complete liberation.
2 features of coming of age
1) Poy Sang Long they are given lots of very nice clothes to represent the wealth of Buddha before asceticism
2) Poy Sang Long they eat large meals to represent the luxury he received before he made the switch
Reasons Buddhists don’t celebrate many comings of age
Because a child getting older and becoming older has a notion of a fixed self ie permanent and this goes against the anatman which says that all things are impermanent and constantly changing
Buddhist attitudes towards marriage
- Minimal theological interest in marriage
- Lack of a distinctive wedding ceremony
- And the preference for celibate leadership
2 features of a marriage ritual
1) Monks give their blessing to the couple
2) If a wedding takes place at a home then a shrine would be set up and offering would be made to it
Why do Buddhists still marry
Because marriage enables Buddhists to practice and exercise many of the traits that are necessary for ending dukkha and achieving enlightenment. Like generosity (dana) and avoidance of sexual misconduct, such as pre-marital sex
How are monks involved with funerals
Monks are present to ensure the person passing away is sent of with an abundance of good karma.
What happens at funerals
Body is cremated, monks perform rituals and at the site of burial monks recite the 3 refuges and 5 precepts.
2 features of funeral
1) Monks recite mantras just prior to the death to the person near to death In order to make the last thoughts of the person wholesome
2) Ribbons are given to everyone and one onto the coffin in the hope that all good karma will pass to the deceased person in the time of need
Why are funerals important
Because they are a reminder that nothing is permanent and the more accepting of this you are the less you suffer.
What are the main benefits of meditiation
Increase in calm and awareness. More patient, clearer head and more energetic.
2 types of meditation and what they do
Samatha which refines and cleans the mind making it see things how it really is.
Vipassana aims to understand the three marks of existence, aided by samatha.
What do people do to show devotion in the vihara
Visit a temple and perform acts which amount to showing devotion to the three refuges.
Why is devotion and meditation important in the vihara
Because the sangha is one of the three refuges and so engaging with the sangha in acts of devotion and meditation at a vihara is essential to being buddhist. The communal aspect of being at a vihara is very important to represent being with the sangha.
Why is devotion and meditation at a vihara not needed
Because the sangha predated and survived without vihara’s and therefore the being at a vihara isn;t necessary to satisfy the communal aspect of Buddhism.
Why devotion and meditation in private is more important than at viharas
Because in Mahaparinibbana Sutra the Buddha said “with the Dharma as your island, the Dharma as your refuge”. This shows we don’t need the sangha and can worship the dharma alone as a sole focus.