BSBT Quiz Ch 5,6,7 Flashcards
Why did Agamemnon decide to attack the Trojans?
Zeus came to him in his dreams and said he would win a victory against the Trojans
Why were the Trojans so eager to fight the Greeks in battle when the Greeks marched on the Trojan wall?
Because they knew that Achilles wasn’t fighting for the Greeks anymore
How did Paris feel when Menelaus stepped up to fight him in single combat?
He felt ashamed of his actions
Who does Priam blame for the war?
The will of the gods
How did Paris survive the fight with Menelaus?
Aphrodite threw an invisability cloaks over Paris and whisked him away
What was Helen’s reaction to Paris when he returned from his battle with Menelaus?
Helen is disgusted with Paris so she says that Menelaus was more of a man than Paris would ever be
Why didn’t Aphrodite want Helen to go back to Menelaus and essentially end the war?
Then that would mean she isn’t the true prettiest goddess
Why did Pandarus shoot at Menelaus? What was the purpose behind this action?
Because Athena whispered to do that action in Pandraus’ ear. This was to start the war up again
What did the soothsayer tell Hector in the middle of the battle? Why?
The soothsayer tells him to bring offerings to the Athena temple so that the could get Athena to show mercy and bring peace
Hector’s wife is scared he might die in the battle and wants him to stay with her. What does Hector say to her at that moment?
He says that he wants to prevent his family from being enslaved
What do we learn about Hector from this chapter?
We learn inat tector has a tremendous amount of responsibility
Why did Agamemnon forbid Menelaus from fighting Hector? Two reasons
He knew Hector would defedt Menelaus and he can’t let him die and that if Menelaus dies, then the war effort ends
Why did Hector and Ajax exchange gifts when their battle was over?
To show each other respect and honor
Why did Agamemnon tell the Greeks they should abandon the war effort?
Because Zeus is on the Trojans side and Agamemnon doesn’t know how to defeat the king of gods
What happens in the chapter that shows the Trojans are confident they will soon win the war?
they camped out and celebrated which basically means that they are taunting the Greeks
What does Nestor suggest be done to start winning battles again?
They need to get Achilles back in their side
According to Achilles, what needs to happen in order for Achilles to return to fighting for the Greeks again?
The Greeks need to really be loosing for Achilles to help them