Black Ships Before Troy Quiz Chapters 1,2, and 3 Flashcards
How did the “Golden Apple” create a conflict amongst some of the gods?
The golden apple had writing on it that said to the fairest which lead to the three gods fighting over who is the fairest or prettiest
Why did the guests at the wedding refuse to choose a winner for the golden apple?
Because they would make an enemy out of the other two gods
How long did the conflict or quarrel last?
It lasts about 17 to 20 years or however, long it took for Paris to be an adult
How did the city of Troy become rich?
They became rich by merchant ships, having to pay a toll to get into Troy
Why was Paris abandoned by his family?
Because a prophecy for told that he was responsible for the destruction of Troy
What attracted Helen to Paris?
Paris look younger and good-looking, then her husband, which attracted Helen to him
Why was Achilles protected from death in battle?
Because his mom dipped him in the river Styx, which is in the underworld, and made him indestructible, except for his heel
Why was King Lycomedes hiding Achilles? How was he hidden?
He was hiding Achilles because his mom doesn’t want him to go to war. He was hidden by dressing up as a girl and hiding among the kings daughters
Why was Achilles important to the war effort?
He was important to war because a soothsayer says that Greece win without a Achilles
What does Achilles’ mother tell him before he sails off for Troy?
She tells Achilles that if he fights, the war, he will die but be remembered and famous, but if he doesn’t go to war, he will live a long life, but no one will remember him.
What gift was given to Achilles that will give him an advantage in the
He was gifted armor by the gods
Why was the journey to Troy so difficult for the Greeks? Identify two reasons that made the trip hard to make?
It was a hard journey because of the big storms and all the enemy ships (Pirates) that they were coming across
How did the Greeks survive for ten years on the shores of Troy? How did they acquire food and shelter?
They raided smaller towns for food and supplies
What was the effect of Agamemnon taking a priest’s daughter for his prize? What was the result of that act?
Apollo realeses a deadly plague that kills many people
Why did Agamemnon and Achilles quarrel? What were they fighting over?
Agamemnon had to give backs his prize so he takes Achilles prize away.
How did Achilles react to Agamemnon’s theft? What was Achilles reaction to Agamemnon stealing his prize?
Achilles tells his mother to tell Zeus to give Troy a glorious victory because he wants them to feel his loss and he refuses to fight for Agamemnon.