BSBT Ch 7, 8, 9, and 10 Flashcards
What plan did Menelaus suggest that Agamemnon agreed with?
The plan was to send over a scout to spy on the Trojans
What was Hector planning while Agamemnon met with his war-council?
He was planing to send a spy to spy on the Greeks
What valuable information did Diomedes and Odysseus discover from Dolon?
They discover that the Threstians are going to be allies with the Trojans and they are going to be planing an ambush.
What did Diomedes and Odysseus achieve by killing King Rhesus and stealing his horses?
They achieved destroying a good ally of Troy which gave the Greeks a higher advantage
What unusual event occurred at dawn in the beginning of the chapter? Why?
Zeus made it rain red to put fear into the Greeks
Which side is winning the battle at the beginning of chapter 8 and who is leading them?
The Greeks are winning with Agamemnon as their leader
Where was Achilles during this great battle?
He is in his ship watching the war from afar
Why is this chapter titled, “Battle for the Ships?” What is the significance of the chapter’s title?
Because they are literally fighting for the ships trying to prevent them from getting burned
How do the Trojans advance into the heart of the Greek camp?
With Hector all powerful after Apollo healed him, he was able to lunge a bolder to the Greek wall and made a hole big enough for all the Trojans to pour through
How do the Greeks recover and push back against the Trojans?
With the help of Poseidon
How does Hector survive?
By Zeus calling for Apollo’s help to heal him, once he did this he was cured
By the end of the chapter, who appears to be winning the battle? Why?
The Trojans because Hector, their leader, went beast mode after he got healed by Apollo and starts to burn the Greek ships and destroy the Greek camp
Why does Patroclus ask to wear Achilles armor?
He did this, so he could bring fear to the Trojans, and bring high morale to the Greeks
What is the condition that Achilles gives to allowing Patroclus to wear his armor?
After Patroclus pushes back the Trojans away from the wall, he HAS to come back to return the armor
Where is Achilles during the battle and what is he doing?
He is in his hall praying that Patroclus will return home safely
Why does Patroclus disobey Achilles orders?
This is because Zeus gives him battle rage which makes him try and climb the wall with his bare hands
How was Patroclus’ true identity discovered?
By Apollo taking off his helmet and revealing his face to Hector
What does Patroclus say to Hector before he dies?
He says that Achilles will slay him in the same spot that Hector has killed Patroclus