Brown: Chapter 5 Flashcards
When is inferential statistics used?
Inferential statistics is used when a researcher wants to infer, or conclude/suggest from evidence and reasoning, something about a larger population based on a sample used in a study.
Parametric statistics assume…
the distribution of scores in the sample are normally distributed
*nonparametric stats are distribution free
What is statistical significance?
a number that expresses the probability that the result of a given experiment or study could have occurred purely by chance
Statistical significance is reported as a p value.
Probability is how likely something is to happen.
What is level of significance?
the amount of risk you are willing to assume when conducting a study
Most researchers use 0.05.
This means a 5% risk that the difference between two groups is not a true difference, but instead occurred by chance (and a 95% chance that it is a true difference).
What is a t-test?
the most basic of inferential difference statistics because it examines the difference between two groups at a single point in time, or one group at two time points
What is a t-test for independent samples?
also known as a two-group/two-sample t-test or an unpaired sample t-test
compares the difference in the mean score for two unrelated groups (between-group comparison)
What is a t-test for dependent samples?
also referred to as a paired-sample t-test
compares the pretest and posttest scores of a single group (within group comparison).
What is an ANOVA?
the test for comparing more than two means
What is a one way ANOVA?
(similar to the between-group t-test) compares three or more groups on a single dependent measure
What is a repeated measures ANOVA?
(similar the within- group t-test) is used when the means are compared over three or more time points
What is a mixed model ANOVA?
used when between- and within-group analyses are conducted simultaneously (two or more groups are compared over two or more time points)
What is this graph showing?
no main effect for time or group and no interaction effect
What is this graph showing?
a main effect for time, but no main effect for group and no interaction effect
What is this graph showing?
a main effect for time and a main effect for group, but no interaction effect
What is this graph showing?
an interaction effect
What is an ANCOVA?
Analysis of covariance
Used when a researcher wants to statistically control a variable that could affect the outcome of a study
When are nonparametric statistics used?
When the assumptions for parametric statistics are not met
The data is not normally distributed (this requires a sample size of 30 or more participants)
What is a chi square?
The chi square determines if there is a statistically significant difference between frequencies in two or more groups
What is a Mann-Whitney test?
The Mann-Whitney test compares two groups and is used when the parametric assumptions are not met (comparable to the independent sample t-test)
What is a Kruskal Wallis test?
The Kruskal Wallis test is similar to the Mann-Whitney test, but it is used when three or more groups are compared (nonparametric equivalent of the one-way ANOVA)
What does the effect size describe?
the magnitude or strength of a statistic
What is a confidence interval?
a reliability estimate that suggests the range of outcomes expected for the population
What information does power provide?
Power provides information about the likelihood of detecting a difference if it exists.
What does Cohen’s d measure?
the difference between two group means reported in standard deviation units