Bridging Course 3-4 (ppt slides) Flashcards
With Wohler, identified the first example of isomerism in chemical compounds in 1825
Invented the kaliapparat (a device to measure carbon content of organic compounds) and the Liebig condenser
Correctly identified that nitrogen is an essential plant nutrient, and developed nitrogen-based fertilizers
Justus Von Liebig
Accidentally synthesised urea in 1828, disproving that organic compounds could only be made by living things
Co-discoverer of beryllium and silicon
Identified common fragments in organic compounds with Liebig
Along with Liebig, pioneered laboratory-based education
Friedrich Wohler
is best known for his work on the structure of benzene
August Kekule
used X-ray crystallography to show that all of the carbon-carbon bonds in a benzene ring are the same length
proved it was a flat molecule
Kathleen Lonsdale
is famed for his work on chemical bonding, for which he won a Nobel prize in chemistry. He proposed the the electronegativity scale
Linus Pauling
One of the principal founders of organic chemistry
father of the fertilizer industry
Justus von Liebig
He discovered benzene by extracting it from cylinders of compressed illuminating gas which had been collected from the pyrolysis of whale oil
Michael Faraday
with Liebig, they explored isomerism
synthesis ammonium cyanate -> urea
Friedrich Wohler
one of the pioneers of organometallic chemistry pioneered the concept of combining power or valence
Edward Frankland
he depicted benzene as a flat molecule
August Kekule
with Kekule, they independently recognized that C can link directly to one another to form carbon chains: C is tetravalent
Archibald Scott Couper
….First winner of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry
….His work helped found the modern theory of chemical affinity, equilibrium, kinetics, and thermodynamics
….He formulated the theory of the tetrahedral C and laid the foundations of stereochemistry
….He is one of the founders of physical chemistry
Jacobus van’t Hoff
He discovered the covalent bond and conceptualized electron pairs
….His Lewis dot structures and other contributions to valence bond theory have shaped modern theories of chemical bonding
Gilbert Lewis
….One of the founders of the fields of quantum chemistry and and molecular biology
….He formulated the concept of orbital hybridization and devised the first accurate scale of electronegativities of the elements
….He also worked on the structures of biological molecules, and showed the importance of the alpha helix and beta-sheet in the secondary structure of proteins
Linus Pauling
She used X-ray crystallography to show that C-C bonds in a benzene ring are of the same length
Kathleen Lonsdale