Bridge Team Management - Chapter 3 - Passage planning Flashcards
Planning may be considered in two stages: ___________ and ____________ waters and ______________ and ______________.
ocean / open / coastal / estuarial
Charts not absolutely necessary fot the voyage but which are adjacent to the area to be traversed should be ________________.
In general the line determining “no-go” will be not less than _________________ , though this will need to be modified according to prevailing circumstances.
draught + 10%
_____________________ may well prove adequate in areas where the sea is smooth but will require a considerably higher figure in the ship is liable to pitch, roll or squat.
Draught + 10%
A _______________________ is required around the no-go areas at a distance that, in the worst probable circumstances, the part of the ship being navigated (the bridge) will not pass.
safety margin
Among the factors which need to be taken into account when deciding on the size of the margin of safety are: the dimensions of the ship, ___________________________, ______________________, and the manoeuvring characteristics of the ship.
the accuracy of the navigational systems to be used / tidal streams
As a general rule the margin of safety will ensure that the ship remains in waters of a depth greater than __________________.
draught + 20%
Circumstances may dictate that the 20% clearance will need to be considerably increased: when the survey is___________ or ______________ , in situations where the ship is ________________ or ________________ , when there is possibility that the ship is experiencing _____________ and when the ship may have increased the draught by passing into ________________.
old / unreliable / rolling / pitching / squat / fresh water
Ocean and open waters tracks should first be drawn on _________________ charts, according to the decisions made at appraisal stage.
The true direction of the track should be shown close to the track on the chart. This will not necessarily be the course steered to make this track; it only indicates the direction to ________________. The _________________ will depend upon various factors at the time of making the passage, like tidal set and drift, leeway, etc.
make good / course to steer
The distance off danger that a ship should maintain will depend on: the ______________ of a ship related to the depth of water, the _________________ conditions prevailing, the direction and rate of the _________________ or ________________, the volume of _________________ , the age and reliability of the _________________ and the availability of ___________________.
draught / weather / tidal stream / current / traffic / survey / safe water
Where the coast is steep to and offshore soundings increase quickly the minimum passing distance should be ______ to _______ miles.
1,5 / 2
As a guideline:
- Vessel’s draught less than 3 metres - pass outside _______ metre contour.
- Vessel’s draught 3-6 metres - pass outside _______ metre contour.
- Vessel’s draught 6-10 metres - pass outside _________ metre contour.
- Vessel’s draught more than 10 metres must ensure the there is sufficient UKC, exercising due caution within the ________ metre line.
5 / 10 / 20 / 200
Irrespective of the safe UKC, a ship in a situation where the nearest navigational danger is to _______________ must allow sufficient distance to allow an adequate alteration of course to _________________ for traffic avoidance.
starboard / starboard
In cases where the UKC is less than _______ of the deepest draught, or other percentage as was agreed at the appraisal stage, then it is essential that the OOW is aware of such reduced UKC.
In tidal areas adequate UKC may only be attainable during the period that the tide has achieved a given height. Ouside that period the area must be considered no-go. Such a safe period is called the __________________.
Tidal window
In confined waters, when navigating with large scale charts and where the margins of safety may be so close as to require the ship to commence altering course at the ________________ position some distance before the track intersection in order to achieve the new planned track.
wheel over
Paralell indexing is most effective when the radar is in the _______________ , ________________ and _________________.
North up / relative motion / ship centred
The paralell index may also be used to monitor other events, such as ___________________.
wheel over position
A ________________ is a position shown on the chart where a planned change of status will occur.
A waypoint can be used to indicate _______________________, change of ____________ , ________________ point and _________________.
end or beginning of sea passage / speed / pilot embarkation / anchor stations
___________________ may also be used as useful reference points to determine the ship’s passage time and whether or not a schedule is being maintained.
The point of no return will be the position where the ship enters water so ____________ that there is no room to turn or where it is not possible to retrace the track due to a falling tide and insufficient _________.
narrow / UKC
The ___________________ is the last point at which the passage can be aborted and the ship not be committed to entry.
abort point
The reasons for not proceeding and deciding to abort will vary according to the circumstances nut may include: deviation from _________________ , ______________________, non availability of _________ or ___________, sudden changes in ________________ , etc.
approach line / machinery-equipment failure / tugs / berth / weather conditions
In _________________ the GPS position may become inappropriate and position fixing depend upon radar and visual methods.
enclosed waters
As lights shown on a chart look similar they need to be studied to determine their individual significance. This needs to be done at the _____________ stage, not the operational stage when the OOW concerned may be too busy to spend time behind the chart table.
As a guideline, it is suggested that fixing should be at a time period such that it is not possible for a ship to get into danger _________________.
between fixes
__________________ is the line on the chart upon which an observer would see two identifiable objects in line, and can be used to give the OOW a quick indication of his position. For extreme accuracy the distance between the observer and the nearer object should be no ___________ than ______ times the distance between the objects observed.
Transits / more / 3
________________ may be used to determine gyro and magnetic compass errors by comparing charts and observed bearings.
______________________ can be used to ensure that a ship is remaining within a safe area or is not approaching a danger.
Clearing marks
Often a ship is required to follow a track in narrow waters without the benefit of a leading line. In this case a suitable ____________________ should be selected.
head mark