Brick - Visual Dictionary Flashcards
any various arrangements of masonry units having a regular, recognizable, usually usually overlapping patterns
bond composed of overlapping stretchers
running bond
bond having a course of headers between 5 or 6 courses of stretcher
common bond
masonry unit specially formed or cut to finish a course or complete the bond at the corner of a wall
brick work having alternate courses of headers and stretchers in which the headers are centered on stretchers and the joints between stretchers line up vertically in all course
english bond
half the normal width, used for completing a course or for spacing regular bricks.
queen closer
brickwork bond having atlernating headers and stretchers in each course, each header being centered above ans below
flemish bond
three quarter brick for finishing a course for spacing regular bricks
king closer
masonry bond having successive course of stretchers with all head joints aligned vertically
stack bond
a brick having a darker end exposed as a header in patterned brickwork
flare header
Brick made for general building purposes
Common Brick
brick made of special clays for facing a wall.
often treated to produce the desired color
and surface texture. Also calles a
Facing brick
Face Brick
facing brick suitable for use where a
!minimum variation In size. narrow color
range. and high degree of mechanical
perfection are required.
facing brick suitable for use where a wider
color and greater variation In size are
facing brick suitable for use where
particular effects are desired resulting
from non uniformity In size. color. and
texture of the Individual units.
A white. powdery deposit that forms on an
exposed masonry or concrete’ surface.
a dense, hard-burned brick used esp for paving
a material having the ability to retain its physical shape and chemical identity when subjected to high temperatiure
a brick made of fire clay and used for lining furnaces and fireplaces
A brick or other masonry unit laid
horizontally In a wall with the longer
edge exposed or parallel to the surface
A brick or other masonry unit laid
horizontally In a wall with the shorter
end exposed or parallel to the surface
A brick laid
horizontally on the longer
edge w/ the shorter end exposed
A brick laid
vertically w/ the longer
face edge exposed
A brick laid
vertically w/ the broad
face edge exposed
A brick laid
horizontally on the longer
edge w/ the broad face exposed
Bull Stretcher
a brick or tile having normal face dimensions but a nominal thickness of 2” (51mm)
A brick cut transversely so as to leave one end whole
to chip or rub stones or bricks to a certain size or shape
a form of flemish cross bond In which the
courses are offset to form a diamond pattern
Flemish Diagonal Bond
a modified English bond in w/c the head joints in the stretching courses are offset by half the length of a stretcher. also called a
English Cross Bond
Dutch Bond
a modified flemish bond having courses of alternate headers and stretchers alternating w/ stretching courses
Flemish Cross Bond
a brickwork bond for lightly loaded boundary walls, having a sequence of a header and three stretchers in each course, w/ each header being centered over a header in alternate courses
Garden-wall Bond