Breeding Management and Soundness Exam Flashcards
Brucella canis induces abortion by causing what pathology in the bitch?
What is the best test for canine brucellosis?
(Cornell multiplex test)
(T/F) The rate of increase of progesterone in the blood of a bitch equates to the rate of maturation of her ovulated oocysts.
Pair the following:
A - < 1ng/ml progesterone
B - 2 ng/ml progesterone
C - 5 ng/ml progesterone
D - Ovulation
E - No luteal tissue present
F - LH peak
A - < 1ng/ml progesterone (E)
B - 2 ng/ml progesterone (F)
C - 5 ng/ml progesterone (D)
Progesterone testing should occur every other day starting on day 5-7 of a bitch’s cycle (unless they are known to ovulate early), how do you figure out what day one is?
(Day one is when they start having vulvar discharge)
(T/F) Shipped chilled semen is equivalent to fresh semen in terms of how long it lasts in the reproductive tract of the bitch.
Describe the natural breeding method.
(Breed every other day as long as the bitch is standing after you identify ovulation via progesterone testing)
Frozen semen needs to be placed on a bitch’s most fertile day, how can you figure that out using both ovulation or LH peak?
(3-4 days post ovulation or 5-7 days post LH peak, look at the progesterone timeline and go from there)
What is the due date for dogs post LH peak, ovulation, and diestral shift?
(65 post LH peak, 63 post ovulation, 57 post diestral shift)
Pregnancy should be checked how many days after ovulation in a bitch?
(28 days)
When is the average peak fertility in male dogs?
(2-4 years)
When is the average peak freezability in male dogs?
(2-5 years)
Why are overweight dogs likely to be less fertile than normal conditioned dogs?
(Dogs tend to deposit fat in their scrotum and fat holds heat and heat is a no no for sperm)
Do thyroid, parathyroid, or adrenal (choose) endocrine abnormalities lead to infertility?
What class of flea/tick meds can impact fertility?
(Isoxazolines, target rapidly dividing cells which sperm cells definitely are)
If you are presented with a stud dog that has oddly low sperm cells and bad morphology/motility that usually has good numbers, you’re going to ask about meds and disease within how many days of his presentation to you?
(60 days, that’s how long spermatogenesis takes)
Describe what is contained in each of the fractions of ejaculate.
(First - whatever was in the urethra at the time, some prostatic fluid and +/- urine, second - sperm-rich, third - prostatic fluid only)
(T/F) Dogs do not need an LH peak to ovulate.
Ovulation can last anywhere from 12 hours to how long in dogs, and what type of oocyst do they ovulate?
(12-36 hours, primary oocysts)
The time it takes for a primary oocyst to become a secondary oocyte in dogs is a range, what is that range?
(48-72 hours, this is tied to P4 levels which will increase as the oocyst matures)
How long is the fertilization phase in dogs which is the time period after the maturation phase and before the oocyst becomes unfertalizable and/or dead?
(12-24 hours)
How long does shipped chilled semen last versus frozen semen?
(Shipped chilled → 5-7 days, frozen → 12-24 hours, 12 more likely than 24 hours)
What types of semen can be used for vaginal artificial insemination?
(Fresh or shipped chilled)
What types of semen can be used for transcervical and surgical artificial insemination?
(Fresh, shipped chilled, and frozen)
Fenbendazole deworming should occur how many days post ovulation?
(41 days)
Pre-whelping radiographs should occur how many days post ovulation?
(56 days)
You should evaluate the gross motility of a sperm sample at what microscopic magnification?
You should evaluate individual sperm cell motility with what microscopic magnification?
What type of movement should you be evaluating individual sperm cells for?
(Progressive linear movement)
Morphology of sperm cells should always be evaluated with what microscopic magnification and technique?
(100x oil immersion)
What is the normal number of sperm cells in ejaculate per kg in body weight?
(20 million per kg)
When using a hemacytometer to evaluate the concentration of sperm in a sample, how much does the sample need to be diluted?
(Needs to be diluted 10 to 1)
What are some of the normal flora of the prepuce that will interfere with culture results if you choose to culture sperm/prostatic fluid?
(Staphs, streps, pasteurella, mycoplasma, and E. col)
How long does spermatogenesis take?
(60 days)
Pair the following color with which ejaculate fraction should be that color:
Slightly cloudy
Pair the following color with which ejaculate fraction should be that color:
Greyish white
(Sperm rich)
Pair the following color with which ejaculate fraction should be that color:
Crystal clear
What breed of dog is predisposed to urethral prolapses?
Can both neutered and intact dogs have normal preputial discharge and what would you see on cytology if you sampled it?
(Yes both can have normal preputial discharge, will see WBC and debris on cytology)