Risk factors for breast cancer?
Age FHx Previous breast cancer Previous benign breast lesions Ovarian, endometrial cancer Chest irradiation Excess oestrogen exposure
What are non-Proliferative breast lesions? Ix? Rx?
Mastitis - breast inflammation or infection
- most important DDx is inflammatory carcinoma
- US to rule out abcess, requires drainage
- Rx: Flucloxacillin
Duct ecstasia
- firm, mobile, smooth, regular borders, painless, asymptomatic
- US, biopsy, triple assessment if over 40
- Rx: observations, surgery if rapidly growing > 2-3cm, symptomatic
Breast cancer lump features?
8/10 lumps not cancer
Firm, irregular, painless, immobile
Peau d’orange - tumour blocking lymph drainage -> lymphedema
Dumpling: tumour putting traction on suspensory ligaments
Lymph oedema of arm from blockage
What is Paget’s disease of the nipple?
Adenocarcinoma involving skin and ducts -> nipple excoriation
CA 15.3
+/- genetic testing for BRCA 1 2
Mammogram US Look for mets - CT chest, ABDO head - WBBS
What would you expect to see on mammogram of a breast malignancy?
- spiculated border
- stellate lesion
- increased density
- microcalcifications
- irregular shape
- I’ll defined margins
- microcalcifications
- variable echo fencing
When should you screen breast cancer?
Asymptomatic women every 2 years 40-70 years
If pt < 35 -> ultrasound
If pt 35-50 -> no PREf
If pt > 50 -> mammogram
If preg -> US useful
Rx of breast cancer?
Early stage
- breast conserving therapy plus radiation
- mastectomy
- if pt lymph node positive -> axillary node dissection
- if pt lymph node negative -> sentinel node biopsy
Locally Advanced
- neoadjuvant systemic therapy rather than primary surgery
Features of fibrocystic changes?
Fibrocystic changes
- rf: obesity, nulliparity, late onset menopause, late age first childbirth
- pain, tenderness with nenstrual cycle
- US: hypoechoic mass, clearly demarcated borders
- Rx: primrose oil, bromocriptine, danazol
When would you do genetic screening breast cancer?
High risk
- BRCA mutation identified
- 2 1st or 2nd degree relatives on same side of smoky with Br or Ovarian Ca plus Br CA < 40, ovarian < 50 or bilateral br Ca
- 3 1st or 2nd degree relatives on same side of family with br or ovarian cancer