Breast - Dobson Flashcards
Small, irregular, numerous, clustered calcifications on mammography indicate what?
Paget disease of the breast ER/HER2 profile?
Have what?
ER-, HER2+
Almost all have underlying cancer
What has the morphology of monomorphic proliferation of regularly spaced cells w/cribriform spaces, only partially fills involved ducts?
Atypical ductal hyperplasia
What presents w/button like subareolar enlargement and is more common in puberty or the very old?
What else?
What tumor has equal occurence in men and women?
What is used to inhibit HER2?
What has the morphology of green-brown nipple discharge w/plasma cells on biopsy and lipid-laden macrophages?
Duct ectasia
What tumor is sporadic or associated w/radiation or lymphedema, mean age of 35, and is high grade?
Women receiving cyclosporin A after a renal transplant may get what?
What Nottingham score?
some tubule, solid clusters or single infiltrate, mitotic figures present
Phyllodes tumor presents in whom?
What chromosome mutation?
What mutation is more aggressive type?
Women in 60s, palpable mass
GOF ch. 1
Least favorable breast cancer subtype?
Poorly diff, ER-and/or HER2+
What morphology shows uniform population of cells w/oval or round nuclei, mucin+ signet ring cells and lack of E-cadherin?
RF for what?
Invasive carcinoma, BOTH breasts
What presents w/an erythematous breast that is painful, and a fever is present?
From what?
Acute mastitis
Pregnancy and breast feeding
HER2-, ER- occurs in what pts?
Metastases to where?
Relapse pattern?
Response to chemo?
Young women, AA and Hispanics, BRCA1 mutation
Bone, viscera, brain
Very short, < 5 years
HER2+, ER-/+ occurs in what pts?
Metastases to where?
Relapse pattern?
Response to chemo?
Young women, non-white women, TP53 mutation carriers (ER+)
Bone, visceral, brain
ER+ –> 15%
ER- –> 30%
AJCC stage 0?
Basal like sporadic tumors often have mutation?
What drugs cause gynecomastia?
Some Drugs Create Awesome Knockers
Spironolactone Digoxin Cimetidine Alcohol Ketoconazole
Also Estrogens/hormones
Where and how is breast cancer in men described?
Avg age?
Near the nipple, hard nontender mass, more involvement of LNs
What morphology describes bulbous, leaf-like protrusions w/higher cellularity, higher mitotic rate, and nuclear pleomorphism?
What is contraindicated?
Phyllodes tumor
Axillary LN dissection
What stage AJCC?
Invasive carcinoma > 2cm w/ 1-3(+) LNs OR
Invasive < or equal to 5 cm w/ 0-3(+) LNs?
Stage II
What is a dramatic presentation of metastasis from the breast?
Carcinoma en cuirasse
What ethnic group has the highest incidence of breast cancer?
Highest mortality?
Describe the tumor progression cycle with an ER+, TP53 mutation
HER2 amplification –> atypical apocrine adenosis –> DCIS –> HER2 enriched cancer
Gynecomastia may be due to what conditions?
Liver disease Drugs Decreased testosterone XXY Testicular neoplasms
Prognosis of metaplastic or micropapillary carcinoma?
Most favorable breast cancer subtype?
Well diff, ER+, HER2-, low proliferation
ER+, HER2- low proliferation occurs in what pts?
Metastases to where?
Relapse pattern?
Response to chemo?
Older women, and men
Bone, visceral, brain
< 10%
What carcinoma has morphology of soft, rubbery, pale gray-blue gelatin in small cluster and islands of mucin.
Mucinous (colloid) carcinoma
AJCC stage if distant metastases present?
When does fibroadenoma present?
Diagnose how?
Women 20s-30s, multiple and b/l
Palpable mass or mammographic density
Well-circumscribed, rubbery, white nodules
What is the most common type of breast cancer to present as an occult primary?
Metastases to where?
Lobular carcinoma
Ovary and uterus
Spontaneous unilateral discharge worrisome for what in women over 60?
What cancer shows increased staining for Ki67?
ER+, HER2- high proliferation type
what is a painless palpable mass that may show saponification or calcification on mammography?
Fat necrosis
What morphology is described by poorly differentiated, 50% apocrine and 40% micropapillary carcinoma?
HER2+ carcinoma
What morphology is seen in well differentiated to poorly differentiated tumor w/mucinous, papillary, cribriform, and lobular patterns all possible?
ER+, HER2- carcinoma
What is the major subtype of breast cancers?
ER+, HER2-
What are the intralobular tumors?
Inflammatory carcinoma has a higher incidence in whom?
Described how and why>
Very poor
Peau d’orange due to blockage of lymphatics
What has the morphology of ER-, HER2-, softer than other carcinomas, minimal desmoplasia, presents as well-circumscribed mass, has solid sheets of large cells w/pleomorphic uncle and prominent nucleoli which compose more than 75% of the tumor mass, frequent mitotic figures, and mod-marked lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate surrounding and w/in the tumor?
Medullary carcinoma
AJCC stage if 4 or more + LNs and > 5cm?
ER-, HER2- most common with what mutation?
ER+, HER2-?
Paget disease cells stains positive for what?
Express what?
Pale cytoplasm containing MPS, PAS+
Cytokeratin 7
What presents as a bloody nipple discharge in premenopausal women and is characterized by a fibrovascular projection lined by epithelial and myoepithelial cells?
Intraductal papilloma
What mutation associated w/Li-Fraumeni syndrome?
Describe it
Cancer at young age w/multiple organs
Name the types of proliferative breast disease without atypia
Increased risk for cancer?
Sclerosing adenosis Epithelial hyperplasia Complex Sclerosing Lesion Papilloma Gynecomastia
Yes, about 2x in Either breast
ER+, HER2- high proliferation occurs in what pts?
Metastases to where?
Relapse pattern?
Response to chemo?
BRCA2 mutation carriers
Bone most often, then viscera
< 10 %
Flat epithelial atypia is what?
What common deletion?
Inc # of acini/lobule, normal in pregnancy
Ch 16
What are the 2 types of atypical hyperplasia?
Atypical ductal
Atypical lobular
What is an incidental finding and has morphology of Inc # of luminal and myoepithelial cells?
Epithelial hyperplasia
What proto-oncogene encodes HER2?
Member of what family?
Promotes what?
Mutation promotes growth and survival of tumor cells
How is DCIS detected?
Mammography as calcifications or mass
What morphology is described by poorly differentiated, pushing bodies, central necrosis, lymphocytic infiltrate w/medullary features?
ER-, HER2- basal-like carcinoma
AJCC stage I?
Invasive carcinoma < or equal to 2cm
What morphology of DCIS has cribriform “cookie cutter”, solid, bulbous or true papillae w/fibrovascular core w/no myoepithelial layer?
What organisms cause acute mastitis and what complications may be caused respectively?
S. Aureus - abscess
Strep - cellulitis
What Nottingham score?
Tubular w/small round nuclei, low proliferation rate
What DCIS shows pruritit, unilateral erythematous eruption w/scale crust, and is almost always associated w/poorly differentiated invasive carcinoma?
What ER/HER2 profile?
Paget’s disease
ER-, HER2 amplification
What Nottingham score?
Invade as ragged nests/solid sheets w/enlarged irregular nuclei
3 (poorly differentiated)
LCIS is always what?
Loss of what?
Expresses what?
Incidental finding
Yes, 20-40%
ER+, PR+
What are the most common palpable lesions?
Invasive carcinomas
Granulomatous mastitis occurs in what setting?
Parous women w/sarcoidosis or Tb
Can occur w/breast prostheses or nipple piercing
What morphology of DCIS has tumor cells w/pleomorphic, high grade nuclei and areas of central necrosis?
Comedo DCIS
What chromosome abnormalities are common in proliferative breast disease with atypia?
Increased risk for cancer?
Loss of ch. 16
Gain of ch. 17
Yes, 5x in either breast
What has the morphology of a “radial scar” and the nidus of entrapped glands in hyaline stroma?
Complex sclerosing lesion
What are some features of familial breast cancer?
Variable age of onset
No classic features of hereditary cancer syndromes
Fat necrosis undergoes what kind of necrosis?
Bloody or serous discharge from the nipple suggests what?
Intraductal papilloma
What other cancers are associated with BRCA1?
Ovarian Male breast Prostate Pancreas Fallopian tube
Describe the tumor progression cycle with an ER-, BRCA1 mutation
Unkown –> TP53 mutation and BRCA1 inactivation –> DCIS –> “basal like” cancer (ER-, HER2-)
Does early menarche increase or decrease risk of breast cancer?
Age at 1st live birth?
Cowden syndrome has what mutation?
What some features of hereditary breast cancer?
Earlier age of onset
1st degree relatives of carriers at 50% risk
AD inheritance
Describe the tumor progression cycle with a ER+, BRCA2 mutation
Ch1 gain, ch16 loss –> flat epithelial atypia –> PIK3CA mutation –> atypical ductal hyperplasia –> DCIS –> luminal cancer (ER+, HER2-)
What has the morphology of keratinizing squamous metaplasia of nipple ducts leading to dilation and rupture?
Periductal mastitis
Morphology of nonproliferative breast changes?
Cysts or fibrosis beget apocrine metaplasia (NO inc risk for cancer)
Lumpy breast, blue-dome appearance
Function of BRCA gene?
Repair dsDNA through homologous recombination
What has the morphology of a “swirling pattern” and may appear as solid cords or double strands of cells?
Sclerosing adenosis
Presentation of squamous metaplasia of lactiferous ducts (aka Zuska disease/Periductal Mastitis)?
Occurs in whom?
What other setting?
Painful subareolar mass, inverted nipple
90% smokers
Vit A deficiency
1/3 of cancers detected how?
The rest?
Palpable mass
What presents as multiple hard palpable masses, atrophic ducts and lobules , thickened BM and is associated w/women that have T1DM and autoimmune thyroid?
Sclerosing Lymphocytic lobuitis
Lymphocytic mastitis
Duct ectasia sx?
Occurs in whom?
Palpable subareolar mass w/white nipple secretions and skin retraction
Multiparous women 50s-60s
What are the presenting sx of breast issues?
Nipple discharge
Abnormal screening exam
Mass - lumpiness
Localized pain differential dx?
Ruptured cyst
What are the 3 developmental disorders of the breast?
Milk line remnants
Accessory axillary breast tissue
Congenital nipple inversion