Break with Rome Flashcards
What was drawn up in 1530 by Cramner, Foxe and St German?
Collectanae Satis Copiosa - compiled evidence to support royal supremacy
What book influenced Henry’s idea of the Supremacy?
Tyndale’s ‘The Obedience of the Christian Man’
What happened at 1531 Convocation of Canterbury?
Henry acknowledged as ‘singular protector, only and supreme Lord and, as far as the Law of Christ allows, even Supreme Head’ - both Henry and clergy see this as a win
When and what was the submission of the clergy?
1532 - all ecclesiastic laws subject to king’s approval
Confirmed in act of Parliament in 1534
When and what was the conditional act of restraint of annates?
1532 - would stop annates (payments) being made to Rome if divorce was not granted
When and what was the act of restraint of appeals?
1533 - ended the pope’s right to act as a final court of appeal in matters of canon law - meant Kath could not appeal to the pope
When and what was the act of restraint of annates?
1534 - annates now went to Henry, not the Pope
When and what was the act of dispensations?
1534 - further source of revenue redirected to the crown - ‘Peter’s pence’
When and what was the Act for the Submission of the Clergy?
1534 - confirmed details of 1532 submission
When and what was the act of succession?
1534 - declared Mary a bastard, Anne’s children to be heirs, oath of succession
When and what was the act of supremacy?
1534 - Henry given title of supreme head (takes away 1531 caveat), oath of supremacy
What and when was the treason act?
1534 - treason to threaten Henry or Anne or deny his right to be king
When and what was act of first fruits and tenths?
1534 - further revenue redirected to Crown
When and what was act extinguishing the authority of the bishop of rome?
1536 - removed all papal authority in england
Act of Ten Articles
1536 - PROTESTANT (caveat - possibly only done to appease League of Schmalkalden)
reduced sacraments from 7 to 3
First Royal Injunctions
orders to the clergy e.g. defending royal sup in sermons and teaching children Lord’s Prayer in english
First Act of Dissolution
dissolved small monastic houses (with income less than £200)
Bishop’s Book
1537 - PROT/CATH
compromise after PoG - reestablished 7 sacraments BUT said 4 that had been dropped were of lesser importance
Matthew’s Bible
english bible
Second Royal Injunctions
e.g. english bible to be placed in all parish churches
Burning of John Lambert
1538 - CATHOLIC (caveat, Caths also burned for denying royal sup - shows religion less influential than power)
burned for denying transubstantiation
Great Bible
first authorised edition of english bible - all parish churches ordered to have a copy
Act of Six Articles
replaced 10 arts - e.g confirmed transubstantiation, priests forbidden to marry etc..
King’s book
book defining doctrine of English church, asserted seven sacraments
Act of the Advancement of the True Religion
restricted reading of bible to clerics, nobles, gentry and rich merchants
Who was the Holy Maid of Kent and how did she oppose the Reformation?
Elizabeth Barton - grew in notoriety for her visions of the Virgin Mary
Prophesised against the marriage between Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn
Executed April 1534
Who was Bishop Fisher and how did he oppose the Reformation?
Bishop of Rochester, steadfast in his support for Catherine
Fined £300 for his support for the Holy Maid of Kent
Executed June 1535 for refusing to swear Oath of Succession
Who was Thomas More and how did he oppose the Reformation?
Lord Chancellor (resigned in 1532 after submission of the clergy)
Would not approve of the Boleyn marriage of reject papal authority.
Executed in July 1535 for refusing to swear Oath of Supremacy
Who were the Franciscans and the Carthusians and how did they oppose the Reformation?
Religious orders
Friars particularly dangerous due to their close proximity to Greenwich Palace - All 7 Friaries closed down and a number of Friars imprisoned
Over 3 years, 18 Carthusians were either executed or starved to death
What happened in July 1544 and July 1546 which showed Henry’s contradictions in religious policy?
Sir John Cheke, a Protestant Humanist, was appointed tutor to Prince Edward
Appointed heavily Protestant regency council
What act was passed in December 1545?
Chantries Act allowing for the dissolution of the chantries - passed but not enforced
What happened in July 1546 which shows Henry’s aversion to Protestantism?
Anne Askew burned for denying tramsubstantiation