Brainstem (Internal Anatomy) Flashcards
medulla oblongata connects the ____ superiorly and the ____ inferiorly
pons superiorly
cervical spinal cord inferiorly
continuous with anterior median fissure of SC
anterior median fissure of medulla oblongata
swelling on each side of median fissure
pyramids are bound laterally by
ventrolateral sulcus
Pyramids carry ___ and ____ tracts to SC
lateral and anterior corticospinal tracts
pyramids carry ____ fibers in brainstem
corticobulbar fibers
emerge from the anterior median fissure and pass laterally over the surface of medulla to enter the cerebellum
anterior external arcuate fibers
anterior external arcuate fibers arise from arcuate nuclei at ____ and pass around the lateral surface to enter the ____
base of medulla, inferior cerebellar peduncle
posterolateral to the pyramids
oval elevations produced by underlying inferior olivary nuclei
rootlets of ____ emerge from the groove between the pyramds and olives
hypoglossal nerve
posterior to the olives; connect medulla to cerebellum
inferior cerebellar peduncles
roots of ______, _____ and rootlets of ______ emerge lateral to the olives
glossopharyngeal, vagus
rootlets of accessory nerves
part of medulla oblongata that forms the lower part of the floor of the 4th ventricle
posterior surface of the superior half of the medulla
sulcus found in the posterior surface of the inferior half of the medulla
posterior median sulcus
what do you find on each side of posterior median sulcus
gracile tubercle
lateral to the gracile tubercle
cuneate tubercle
level of pyramidal decussation somatotopically organized
LE more lateral
UE medial
corticospinal fibers that convey impulses to the neck and UE cross first
lateral corticospinal tract
levels of medulla
Caudal half: pyramidal decussation, decussation of lemnisci
Rostral half: level of olives, level just inferior to pons
superiorly, the ____ occupy and form the pyramid
corticospinal fibers
inferiorly, about 90% of the corticospinal fibers decussate and continue down the lateral funiculus as
lateral corticospinal tract
posterior extensions of the central gray matter
nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus
becomes continuous with the inferior end of the nucleus of the spinal tract of trigeminal nerve
substantia gelatinosa
level of sensory decussation
level of lemnisci decussation
inferior half of medulla
crossing of second order neuron of the posterior column- medial lemniscus pathway
level of lemnisci decussation
decussation of lemnisci occurs ____ to the central gray matter, ____ to the pyramids
anterior to the central gray matter
posterior to the pyramids
axons of neurons in the dorsal column nuclei travel ventromedially as _____ and cross to the opposite side to form the ____
internal arcuate
medial lemniscus
dorsolateral position in medulla
lies lateral to the internal arcuate fibers
spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve (spinal trigeminal nucleus)
spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve descends to
c3 level of sc
sensations in spinal tract and nucleus of trigeminal nerve
exteroceptive sensations (pain, temp, light touch) from ipsilateral face
lateral to lemnisci decussation
lateral spinothalamic tract
anterior spinothalamic tract
spinotectal tract = spinal lemniscus
anterolateral region of lemnisci decussation
spinocerebellar tract
vestibulospinal tract
rubrospinal tract
oval elevations produced by underlying inferior olivary nuclei
gray matter shaped like crumped bag with mouth directed medially
responsible for the olives
olivary nuclear complex
principal nucleus, medial accessory olivary nucleus and dorsal accessory olivary nucleus
inferior olivary nucleus
cells of the inferior olivary nucleus send fibers medially across the midline to enter the cerebellum through the
inferior cerebellar peduncle
afferent fibers of olivary nuclear complex
spino-olivary tracts, cerebellum, and cerebral cortex
olivary nuclear complex is associated with
voluntary muscle movement
Vestibular nuclear complex consists of
- medial vestibular nucleus
- inferior vestibular nucleus
- lateral vestibular nucleus
- superior vestibular nucleus
vestibular nuclear complex is seen at this level
medial and inferior
anterolateral aspect of the inferior cerebellar peduncle
anterior cochlear nucleus
posterior aspect of peduncle lateral to the floor of the 4th ventricle
posterior cochlear nucleus
the common nucleus of the efferent fibers for glossopharyngeal (CN IX)- stylopharyngeus and vagus (CN X) nerves - pharyngeal muscles for swallowing and laryngeal muscles
large motor neurons
deep within the reticular formation
Nucleus Ambiguus
medial to lateral structures in the level of olives
Hypoglossal nucleus
Dorsal nucleus of vagus
Nucleus of tractus solitarius
medial and inferior vestibular nuclei
anterior surface of pyramids
arcuate nuclei
arcuate nuclei receive afferents from cerebral cortex and send efferents to the cerebellum through
anterior external arcuate fibers
arcuate nuclei control
contain corticospinal and some corticonuclear fibers
anterior of medulla is separated by the
anterior median fissure
fibers emerge from the decussation of the lemnisci and send afferents to thalamus
medial lemniscus
flattened tract on each side of the midline posterior to the pyramid
medial lemniscus
posterolateral corner in the level of olives
lateral to 4th ventricle
inferior cerebellar peduncle
small tract on each side of the midline posterior to the media lemniscus and anterior to the hypoglossal nucleus
medial longitudinal fasciculus
pathway that connects the nuclei involved in eye movements ( CN III, IV, VI) to each other and to the vestibular nuclei for horizontal and conjugate eye movement
medial longitudinal fasciculus
rotates as it ascends from medulla to pons
On the most anterior part of the tegmentum, long axis is transverse
medial lemniscus
medial lemniscus is accompanied by
spinal and lateral lemnisci
lies posterior to the lateral part of the medial lemniscus
facial nucleus
fibers of facial nerve wind around the abducens nucleus producing the ____
facial colliculus
beneath the floor of the 4th ventricle on either side of midline
medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)
main pathway connecting vestibular nuclei with nuclei controlling EOMs (oculomotor, trochlear, abducens)
medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)
fibers derived from cochlear nuclei and nuclei of trapezoid body
run transversely in anterior part of tegmentum
crossing auditory fibers
trapezoid body
pontine nuclei
trapezoid body crosses what fibers
terminate in pontine nuclei
corticopontine fibers of crus cerebri
transverse section through the cranial part
- contains what nuclei
posterolateral to the motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve
superior cerebellar peduncle
superior cerebellar peduncle is joined by the
anterior spinocerebellar tract
largest cerebellar pedunle, carry mainly inputs
middle cerebellar peduncle (brachium pontis)
inputs to cerebellum from the pontine nuclei
pontocerebellar tracts (from corticopontine fibers to pontine nuclei)
midbrain developmental
midbrain connects the pons and cerebellum with the
midbrain long axis inclines anteriorly as it ascends through the
tentorial notch
midbrain is traversed by
cerebral aqueduct
exits the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III)
interpeduncular fossa
emerges from the dorsal aspect of midbrain, curves around, and appears at the lateral borders of the cerberal peduncles
trochlear nerve
passes under the cerebral peduncles before the peduncles disappear into the substance of the cerebral hemispheres
optic tract
rounded eminences divided to superior and inferior pairs by vertical and transverse groove
corpora quadrigemina (quadrigeminal plates)
superior and inferior colliculi transmits what information
superior colliculi - visual
inferior - auditory
merge midline below the inferior colliculi
wind around the lateral aspect of midbrain to enter the lateral wall of cavernous inus
trochlear nerve
pass from superior colliculus to lateral geniculate body and the optic tract
superior brachium
connects the inferior colliculus to the medial geniculate body
inferior brachium
structures included in tectum tegmentum, basis pedunculi
tectum - quadrigeminal plates
tegmentum - main portion, ascending and descending tracts, reticular nuclei and other nuclear masses
basal pedunculi - cerebral peduncles (substantia nigra, crus cerebri)
pigmented nuclear mass between dorsal surface of cerebral peduncle and tegmentum
substantia nigra
cerebral aqueduct is surrounded by
central gray matter (periaqueductal gray matter)
contains superior and inferior colliculi
part of auditory pathway
receives terminal fibers of lateral lemniscus
inferior colliculus
in the central gray matter close to the median plane just posterior to the MLF (medial longitudinal fasciculus)
trochlear nucleus
trochlear nucleus decussate in the
superior medullary velum
large motor nucleus between tegmentum and crus cerebri
substantia nigra
medium sized multipolar neurons that contain melanin and is concerned with muscle tone
substantia nigra
separates crus cerebri from tegmentum
substantia nigra
medial fibers of crus cerebri
frontopontine fibers
lateral fibers of crus cerebri
large nucleus that is part of the visual reflexes
superior colliculus
superior colliculus is connected to the lateral geniculate body by
superior brachium
the afferent pathway for the light reflex ends in the
pretectal nucleus
after relaying in the pretectal nucleus, the fibers pass the PSY nucleus of oculomotor nerve
Edinger -Westphal nucleus
situated in the central gray matter close to the median plane just posterior to MLF
oculomotor nucleus
oculomotor nucleus fibers pass anteriorly though the ___ to emerge on the medial side of the crus cerebri in the interpeduncular fossa
red nucleus
medial, spinal, and trigeminal lemnisci form a curved band posterior to substantia nigra but the
Lateral lemnisci does not extend to this level
rounded mass between the cerebral aqueduct and substantia nigra
red nucleus
has presence of iron containing pigment in the cytoplasm
red nucleus
superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium conjunctivum) decussates at the level of the
inferior colliculi at midbrain