Brainstem; Brainstem Surface Flashcards
hypoglossal nerve; n?
hypoglossal nucleus
spinal accessory n. n?
spinal accessory nucleus
vagus nerve; n?
nucleus ambiguus dorsal motor nucleus of X solitary nucleus (sensory visceral special) solitary nucleus (sensory visceral) spinal nucleus of X
Glosssopharyngel nerve; n?
nucleus ambiguus inferior salivatory nucleus solitary nucleus (sensory visceral special) solitary nuclues spinal nucleus of V
Vestibulocochlear nerve; n?
vestibular nuclei
cochlear nuclei
abducens nerve; n?
abducens nucleus
trigeminal nerve; n?
motor nucleus of V
chief sensory nucleus of V
mesencephalic nucleus of V
spinal nucleus of V
trochelar nerve; n?
trochlear nucleus
oculomotor nerve; n?
oculomotor nucleus
Edinger-Westphal nucleus
sensory visceral column
sensory neurons processing ifo from abdo & thoracic viscera
- nucleus soltarius (cuadal part)
sensory visceral special column
sens neurons info from taste buds
- nucleus solitarius (rostral part)
nucleus solitarius (caudal part)
sens neurons processing info from abdo and thoracic viscera
nucleus solitarius (rostral part)
info from taste buds, sens neurons
sensory somatic column
sens neurons; general somatic info from face
- spinal trigeminal nucleus
- mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
- chief sensory trigeminal nucleus
sensory somatic nuclei
spinal trigeminal nucleus
mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus
chief sensory trigeminal nucleus
sensory somatic special
sens neurons; auditory and balance info
cochlear nuclei
vestibular nuclei
sensory somatic special nuclei
cochlear nuclei
vestibular nuclei
motor somatic column
motor neurons innervating skeletal muscles hypoglossal nuc abducens nuc trochlearn nuc oculomotor nuc
motor somatic nuclei
hypoglossal nuc
abducens nuc
trochlearn nuc
oculomotor nuc
motor branchial column
motor neurons innervating branchial skel mm spinal accessory nuc nucleus ambiguus facial motor nuc trigeminal motor nuc
motor branchial nuclei
spinal accessory nuc
nucleus ambiguus
facial motor nuc
trigeminal motor nuc
motor visceral column
pre-ganglionic parasymp neurons inner viscera dorsal motor nucleus of X inferior salivatory nuc sup salivatory nuc Edinger-Westphal nuc
motor visceral nuclei
dorsal motor nucleus of X
inferior salivatory nuc
sup salivatory nuc
Edinger-Westphal nuc
solitary nucleus is used by
CN VII - tate fr ant 2/3 of tongue
CN IX - taste from post 1/3 of tongue
CN X - taste fr epiglottis
inf cerebellar peduncle connects
cerebellum to medulla
midd cerebellar peduncle connects
cerebellum to pons
sup cerebellar peduncle connects
cerebellum to midbrain
CSF exits the 4th ventricle via
foramen of Magendi
2 foramen of Lushka
Inferior Colliculus
aud info relay -> MGN
via the Brachium of Inf. Colliculus
Superior Colliculus
visual info (eye mvmt, reflex of orientation to sound)
lesion of CNIV
trochlear n. - diplopia when looking down and reading
Cerbral peduncle contains…(lat surface)
Corticopontine fibers
Pineal gland
releases melatonin
Pineal gland & Habenula
Stria medullaris
in thalamus
connects the habenula w/ the septal nuclei, hypothalamus, and thalamus
large association nucleus
CN XII emerges from
pre-olivary sulcus, Hypoglosseal n.
lesion of CNXII
ipsilat paralysis and dev of tongue towards side of lesion
nerves that emerge from post-olivary sulcus
CN IX - glossopharyngeal
CN X - vagus
CN XI - spinal accessory
area postrema
nausea vomiting center
narrow strip bet vagal trigon and margin of ventricl (4th)
Medial Geniculate Nucleus
thalamic relay for Auditory info
lesion of CN IX
glossopharyngeal n
loss of gag reflex (sensory limb), taste in post 1/3 of tongue, reduction of salivation
lesion of CN X
vagus n; loss of gag reflex (motor limb) dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) hoarsenss uvula pting away fr lesion
lesion of CN XI
spinal accessory n
weakness turning head to opposite side and shrugging ipsilat shoulder
basilar pons
large relay station connecting cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and spinal cord
abducens n CN VI emerges from
medially from the pyramid-pontine junction
lesion of CN VI
abducens n.
medial deviation of eye
medial/internal strabismus
facial n CN VII emerges from
cerebello-pontine angle
lesion of CN VII
facial n paralysis of mm of facial exp hyperacusis (over-sens to certain sound) loss of lacrimation and salivation loss of taste ant 2/3 of tongue loss of blink reflex (motor limb)
vestibulocochlear n emerges from
cerebello-pontine angle
lesion of CN VIII
Vestibulocochlear n
ipsilat sensorineuronal hearing loss
nystagmus (dancing eyes)
loss of balance
trigeminal n emerges fr
basilar pons
lesion of CN V
trigeminal n
loss of blink reflex (sensory limb)
ipsilat loss of gen sensation of face and scalp
jaw deviation toward side of lesion
oculomotor n emerges from
interpeduncular fossa
lesion of CN III
oculomotor n;
ophthalmoplegia (paralysis of mm)
lateral/external strabismus
ptosis (drooping eyelid)
dilated pupil and loss of lens accomodation (loss of parasym innerv)
loss of pupillary light reflex (motor limb)
mamillary body belongs to
the posterior hypothalamus
tuber cinerium
cont cells that regulate hormonal secretion from the ant pituitary gland
elevation of gray matter in floor of 3rd ventricle
(pituitary stalk)
connection bet the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
lateral geniculat nucleus
thalamic relay for visual info from retinae
lesion of CN II
optic nerve;
visual field deficit (anopia)
loss of direct puillary light reflex (sensory limb)