Books_9 Flashcards
Jazz [sth] up
Make more exciting // Vivacizzare, ravvivare
Slump (v)
To assume a slouching or bent position or posture
Slack off (v)
Oziare, battere la fiacca, prendersela con comodo
Nifty (adj)
Very good, excellent
Racket (n)
Dishonest business // Giro losco
“Vincent is involved in some kind of racket and he’s made a load of money from it.”
To pamper yourself
Viziarsi, coccolarsi // to treat yourself well
Dull, tedious
Rut (n)
Abitudine, routine, monotonia
Odds and ends
Piccole cianfrusaglie, varie cose // Small miscellaneous items
Amped up
Overly excited, enthusiastic
Over your head
- Too difficult or strange for you to understand - “A lot of what was said in the meeting went right over my head”
- To go to a more important or powerful person in order to get what you want - “I was furious that he went over my head and complained to my manager”
Argle-bargle (n)
Copious but meaningless talk or writing // Baruffa, discussione
Do [sth] up
Redecorate, ristrutturare, rinnovare
Leer at [sb]
To look at [sb] lustfully or maliciously
Chard (n)
Pent-up (adj)
Repressed, held-in, confined (person,animal)
Pony up (v)
Get with it
- Termină cu asta, treci la treabă
- To modernize one’s attitudes and behavior - “Get with it, Martin. Go out and buy some new clothes!”
- To hurry up and get busy; to be more industrious with something, “ Get with it; we’ve got a lot to do // Let’s get with it. There’s a lot of work to be done.”
Bust (n)
Failure - “Man Facebook is a bust, it’s all baby photos and quizzes”