Books_11 Flashcards
Time-share (n)
Shared property // Multiproprietà
Canvass / (a place)
- Fare un sondaggio
- Settacciare, perlustrare
Tightly wound
Tense, unable to relax / persona tesa incapace di rilassarsi o divertirsi
Weasel (n)
Covet [sth]
Long for, desire // Bramare, desiderare
Moot point
Topic or issue that is debatable or arguable but that there is no foreseeable solution or answer to.
Fashionable, stylish / chic
On the nose
Exact, precise - Your guess was right on the nose.
Con le mani nel sacco - The shoplifter was caught red-handed as he stuffed items into his pockets.
Nab [sb]/[sth]
Someone: catch, apprehend
Something: steal
Have a gander at [sth]
Dare un’occhiata a [qlcs]
Femminuccia, pappamolle
Come undone
To lose all control / avere un esaurimento - If you don’t take some time off work to relax you’re going to come undone
Prance (v)
- To walk in an energetic way and with more movement than necessary
- When a horse prances, it takes small, quick steps and raises its legs higher than usual
Fly the coop
Tagliare la corda - He was never happy living at home with his parents, so as soon as possible he flew the coop and got his own place
To be gunning for [sb] or [sth]
- To aim to harm [sb] / prendere di mira - My new manager has been gunning for me since I had that last period of absence.
- To seek to obtain [sth] / mirare a - She stays late every day because she’s gunning for a raise.
None of your beeswax
None of your bussiness
- Stylish
- Playful
Frolic (n,vi)
Divertimento, spasso / divertirsi, spassarsela