Books_11 Flashcards
Time-share (n)
Shared property // Multiproprietà
Canvass / (a place)
- Fare un sondaggio
- Settacciare, perlustrare
Tightly wound
Tense, unable to relax / persona tesa incapace di rilassarsi o divertirsi
Weasel (n)

Covet [sth]
Long for, desire // Bramare, desiderare
Moot point
Topic or issue that is debatable or arguable but that there is no foreseeable solution or answer to.
Fashionable, stylish / chic
On the nose
Exact, precise - Your guess was right on the nose.
Con le mani nel sacco - The shoplifter was caught red-handed as he stuffed items into his pockets.
Nab [sb]/[sth]
Someone: catch, apprehend
Something: steal
Have a gander at [sth]
Dare un’occhiata a [qlcs]
Femminuccia, pappamolle
Come undone
To lose all control / avere un esaurimento - If you don’t take some time off work to relax you’re going to come undone
Prance (v)
- To walk in an energetic way and with more movement than necessary
- When a horse prances, it takes small, quick steps and raises its legs higher than usual
Fly the coop
Tagliare la corda - He was never happy living at home with his parents, so as soon as possible he flew the coop and got his own place
To be gunning for [sb] or [sth]
- To aim to harm [sb] / prendere di mira - My new manager has been gunning for me since I had that last period of absence.
- To seek to obtain [sth] / mirare a - She stays late every day because she’s gunning for a raise.
None of your beeswax
None of your bussiness
- Stylish
- Playful
Frolic (n,vi)
Divertimento, spasso / divertirsi, spassarsela
Whack job (n)
Insane person
Thimble (n)
Measly (adj)
Meagre / misero - The job paid me a measly fifteen dollars for a day’s work.
Ooze [sth]
- Exude, project / emanare, irradiare, trasudare - Gary oozes confidence and charm.
- Flow slowly / colare, filtrare- Acid is oozing from your car battery.
Senior moment /to have a senior moment
- Memory lapse / lapsus
- Perdere colpi, avere la memoria che perde colpi
Trifle with [sb/sth]
To treat frivolously / scherzare con [qlcn] - I wouldn’t trifle with her if I were you. She has a nasty temper
Kook (n)
Stravagante, eccentrico
Brazen, brazen-faced
Sfacciato - Their brazen disregard for the law shocked everyone involved
Gimlet (n)
Gin and lime juice
Poon hound
A promiscuous person, especially a man, who frequently seeks sexual intercourse with women
Banter (n, vi)
Light-hearted chat - If you spent less time on banter, you’d get more work done. - We bantered for a few minutes before she said why she’d called.
Down pat (US)
Off by heart, memorized / alla perfezione - Allison didn’t need any notes, as she had her speech down pat.
Dapper (adj)
Man: smart, stylish / in ghingheri
Rake (n)
- Rastrello
- Licentious person
Uva spina

Stammer (n, vi)
Bungle [sth]
Do incompetently / Pasticciare qcsa
Pet peeve
Something that a particular person finds especially annoying
From the get-go
Sin dall’inizio - Maybe expecting everything from the get-go is asking a bit much
Blimp (n)
Flake out [on sb]
Tirare pacco - Rick agreed to come to the party with me, but he flaked out at the last minute
Out of one’s depth
Not having the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with a particular subject or situation
I’s always struggle at school. I hated it and felt out of my depth.
Get your ducks in a row
To organize your tasks and schedule so that you are ready for the next step / to be well prepared or well organized for something that is going to happen
In dribs and drabs
Un po’ alla volta / a spizzichi e bocconi
Take the high road
To take a more honorable or ethical course of action
Smut (n)
Oscenità, sconcezza
Rub [sth]/[sb] out
Something: erase
Someone: kill / fare fuori
Yokel (n)
Peasant, countrydweller // campagnolo, provincialotto
A fillip to [sth]
Stimolo, incentivo
Qualm (n)
Scrupolo, remora
I don’t have the slightest qualm about not inviting him