Books_13 Flashcards
Tooth and nail
Furiously or fiercely, with all of one’s strength and effort - I know my brother has fought tooth and nail to be re-elected, so his victory tonight is certainly well earned.
Small potatoes
A tiny, trifling, and/or inconsequential person, thing, or amount (of something) - I’ve been trying to raise my concerns about the project, but I’m small potatoes to the company’s upper management.
Like shooting fish in a barrel
Of some task or activity, exceptionally easy to do or accomplish - It should have been like shooting fish in a barrel, but convincing them to increase their investment is proving a lottrickier than we expected.
Bolster [sth]
- Torbido - The crocodile waited in the murky water.
- Confuso, nebuloso - The law student had a hard time getting through all the murky details of the case.
Crony (n)
Friend, associate
Lame duck
Person holding office after his or her replacement has been elected to the office, but before the current term has ended.
Cajole [sb]
Persuadere, convincere
Budge (v)
Move slightly: physically - I can’t make the rock budge even a little bit!
Chivvy [sb]
Molestare, tormentare
Go figure!
- Pensa un po’, pensa te
- Chi l’avrebbe mai detto? - After years of reckless spending, now she’s broke–go figure.
Case the joint
Check out a place / fare un sopralluogo
Out of whack
- Not or no longer working or functioning properly.
- In a disordered or chaotic state
Ispido, irsuto, irto
Garish (adj)
Sgargiante, vistoso
Sleet (n)
Wet snowfall / nevischio
Scemenza, pagliacciata, baggianata
Way of walking / passo, andatura, camminata
Maculato, punteggiato
Overly sentimental