Booklet 1, Big Question 7: How was each state affected by the 1848 revolutions and what were the different reasons for failure? Flashcards
Situation in Sicily
Desperate state - outbreak of cholera, period of Ferdinand II repression
How many army reinforcements arrived in Sicily?
What happened during the Sicilian 1848 revolution?
- The city was taken over and the 1812 constitution was demanded
- Ferdinand’s 18th January offer of autonomy to Sicily was rejected
- Revolutionaries had taken over most of the island and middle class moderates established a provisional government - they were worried about the peasants (who arrived to support), so set up a civic guard to control them: stop them from damaging property, freeing prisoners and burning tax records
- A parliament was elected and it was decided that the King of Naples no longer ruled Sicily
What happened in September 1848, Sicily?
Ferdinand dispatched a force of 20,000 to seize Messina and the Sicilian parliament surrendered after 3 days
Sicily, March 1849
- Ferdinand abolishes the Parliament in Naples
- (Ferdinand’s) Neapolitan forces advance on Palermo and the Sicilian government and its armed forces disintegrate
- Sicily and Naples become reunited under the same ruler (King of Naples)
Which group in Naples rose up when news of the situation in Sicily had spread?
Those that lived in the restive province of Salerno, which had suffered from famine
Naples, January 17th rising
- Launched by the secret societies
- Public records were burned
- Some Bourbon officials were killed
- Concessions by the King of Naples were met with demands for the 1820 constitution
Naples, January 27th
- 10 days later from the first rise, Ferdinand yielded after a massive demonstration
- Ferdinand appointed a more liberal ministry led by Nicola Maresca
- Troops were withdrawn from Palermo
- A conservative constitution is granted - this was greeted with enthusiasm
What did Ferdinand do after the granting of a new constitution in Naples?
A moderate ministry was established, headed by Carlo Troya. This persuaded Ferdinand to broaden the franchise, break diplomatic relationships with Austria, and to send a Neapolitan force against the Austrians. Ferdinand agreed to a 2 chamber parliament (which had limited powers) and to free the press from censorship
How many men were in the Neapolitan force sent against Austria following establishment of a moderate ministry?
17,000 men, headed by General Guglielmo Pepe
Who was put in charge of the government of Naples?
The anti-constitutional opportunist, Giustino Fortunato - however, actual power was in the hands of the king
What does the Pope do to not upset Austria?
In his Allocution, he states that war with Austria doesn’t have his blessing - goes against CA wishes for a united Italy, and weakens his position
Who does Pius IX appoint as his PM? What happens to them?
The anti-liberal Count Rossi, he’s murdered by a mob when entering Parliament on November 26th and the Pope abdicates to Gaeta in Naples
In the absence of the Pope, what happens in Rome/the Papal states?
A revolutionary government is established under the leadership of Giuseppe Galletti, who introduced popular measures: tax reform, public works, the setting up of the Constituente to decide the future of Rome and Italy
During the first meeting of the Constituente, what is discussed?
The setting up of a Roman Republic and announces the end of the Pope’s power
Who is Charles Albert persuaded by to beat the Austrians, which led to a crushing defeat in the Battle of ____, _____?
Gioberti and Chiodo (PM of Piedmont), Battle of Novara, 23rd March
Members of the Triumvirate?
Mazzini, Armellini, Saffi
What did the Triumvirate do?
- Reformed Roman laws
- Cleared slums
- Ended church control of the press,
- Abolished the death penalty
- Removed church control of education
- Promised a constitution
How is the Roman Republic defeated? + actions of other key individuals
- 20,000 French troops amassed and put Rome under siege
- Garibaldi escapes with 400 followers and marches to San Marino to continue the fight
- Mazzini appeals to the people of Rome o the 5th of July, and then escapes to exile in London
What triggers the “5 glorious days” in Milan?
A boycott of tobacco (which the Austrians had monopoly over)
What happened during the “5 glorious days”?
- 10,000 people presented a petition for liberal reforms to the Austrian governor general in Milan
- Barricades were soon put up which Anti-Austrian forces on one side and Austrian troops on the other
- Radetsky, the Austrian commander in Milan, withdrew to the Quadrilateral
- Lombardy asked Piedmont for a protective alliance against the Austrians
What did moderates led to Cassati want (5gd)?
Union with Piedmont
What did radicals under Cattaneo want (5gd)?
To create a federation of Italian republics
Why did CA declare war on Austria and invade Lombardy?
He feared French intervention
Events of CA’s declared war on Austria and invasion of Lombardy
- Italian troops from all over Italy swarmed to help CA - soldiers from Naples led by Pepe, an army from the Papal states led by Durando (however, this led to divisions in his army due to different political aims and regional loyalty)
- CA took Prechiera and won the Battle of Goito
- 30,000 French troops amassed on Piedmont’s western border - CA and allies are crushed at the Battle of Custozza
- The Piedmontese and expelled from Lombardy, on the 11th of August = Armistice of Salasco is signed
- CA abdicates and is replaced by VEII
- A peace treaty is signed between Austria and Piedmont
How many reparations did Piedmont have to pay to Austria?
65 million French francs
Who resigns when revolution breaks out in Vienna? What follows?
Metternich, a new Venetian republic is declared under Daniel Manin (who asks Piedmont and CA for an alliance against Austria)
Why does the Republic of Venice surrender?
Hunger and an outbreak of cholera - Venetia was then back under Austrian control
What happens in the Central Duchies?
Tuscany: Grand Duke Leopold grants a conservative constitution and is forced to appoint a more democratic government led by Montanelli, who wanted a people’s war against Austria. The atmosphere became more radical and Leopold fled. The moderates regain the upper hand after the defeat of Piedmont in Novara, which leads Leopold to return