Book: Ch. 11 Flashcards
Define: General Revenues Fund budget
budget for a nondedicated revenue account that functions as the state’s primary operating fund
Define: General Revenue–Dedicated Funds budget
budget composed of funds for dedicated revenues that target money for specific purposes
Define: Federal Funds budget
state budget that includes all grants, payments, and reimbursements received from the federal government by state agencies and institutions
Define: Other Funds budget
budget consisting of all other funds flowing into the state treasury that are not included in other state budgets; this includes the Texas Highway Fund, various trust funds operated by the state, and certain revenues held for local higher education accounts.
Define: All Funds budget
budget that aggregates all monies flowing into the state treasury and all state spending
Define: regressive tax
type of tax where the tax burden falls more heavily on lower-income individuals
Define: progressive tax
type of tax where the tax burden falls more heavily on upper-income individuals
Define: matching funds
federal monies going to a state based on state spending for a program
Define: General Revenue Fund
the state’s primary operating fund
Define: Permanent School Fund (PSF)
fund created in 1854 that provides monies for primary and secondary schools
Define: Available School Fund (ASF)
dedicated fund established by the constitution for the support of public education in the state
Define: State Highway Fund
fund that supports the construction, maintenance, and policing of roadways and acquires rights of way; funded through a variety of taxes such as motor vehicle registration fees, the federal highway fund, and the sales tax on motor lubricants
Define: Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF)
fund established by constitutional amendment in 1988 to provide funds for the state during times of financial stress, commonly known as the Rainy Day Fund
Define: Permanent University Trust Fund (PUF)
fund established in 1876 and funded from the proceeds from land owned by the state; monies go to various universities in the University of Texas (UT) and Texas A&M systems
Define: Higher Education Fund (HEF)
state higher education fund for universities not having access to PUF monies
Define: National Research University Fund (NRUF)
fund established in 2009 to provide funding to universities seeking to achieve national prominence as research institutions
Define: Article 3, Section 49a (Pay-as-You-Go Limit)
portion of the Texas Constitution that requires the state to maintain a balanced budget
Define: appropriations
authorization by the legislature to a government agency or body to spend up to a particular amount of money
Define: debt service
money spent by the state to pay off debt; includes interest and principal payments