Book 98 Earthquake Manual Flashcards
The Earthquake Emergency Mode of operation is predicated on the concept that, until otherwise determined, all commands shall assume that the earthquake has caused a catastrophic situation that will stress departmental capabilities to the maximum.
Earthquake Manual
- This operational mode incorporates THREE essential transitions from the normal emergency mode.
a. Prescribes immediate actions required of all commands to preserve emergency resource capabilities of the Department.
b. Establishes special communications procedures to preclude dependency on MFC capability.
c. Provides an immediate adjustment of the emergency command organization to ensure
continuing operational control of emergencies in the event of widespread devastation.
- This mode of operation will be initiated Department wide in the event of every detectable earthquake tremor anywhere in the City.
- This mode of operation will continue until otherwise determined by the Fire Chief or Deputy Department Commander. Such determination may allow varying degrees of return to normal emergency operations in selected divisions or geographic areas.
Earthquake Manual
Battalion Commands are the basis of this organizational mode and until otherwise determined, will function as independent operational systems within their geographic areas.
Earthquake Manual - Station Commanders
Responsible for all personnel, apparatus, and equipment, including rescue ambulance personnel, assigned to their fire station. This responsibility includes incident command, coordination and control of all personnel and resources of other City departments and outside agencies involved in emergency operations at an incident.
Earthquake Manual
EMS District Supervisors
Responsible for assisting Division and Battalion Commanders in setting up and staffing the necessary emergency medical organizations.
This may include liaison with the Medical Alert Center (MAC), Base Station Hospitals, Los Angeles County Health Department, Red Cross, and other outside organizations to ascertain and coordinate the availability of additional medical assistance.
Earthquake Manual
Battalion Commanders
Responsible for coordination and control of all emergency operations within their geographic area of command.
Set up operational command at Battalion Headquarters or at their pre-designated safe location site.
Provide a base for interdepartmental/interagency coordination and assistance.
Requests for additional assistance, guidance, and direction will be directed to the Division Commander.
Earthquake Manual
Division Commanders
Set up operational command at Division Headquarters or at their pre-designated safe location site.
Provide coordination and control of inter-battalion operational needs within their Division and coordination between Divisions and MFC.
Earthquake Manual
Fire Chief or Deputy Department Commander
Establish Department policy and guidance.
Provide coordination and control of overall Department Operations.
Participate in the City’s Emergency Operations Organization, if activated.
Earthquake Manual
Task forces, engine companies, rescue ambulances, and special equipment (i.e., Squads, H.U., Crash) normally assigned to a Battalion become the resources for that Battalion’s initial earthquake emergency operation and shall not be diverted from
that command without the approval of that Battalion Commander or higher authority.
Earthquake Manual
Any tremor shall be considered as a possible foreshock of a devastating earthquake. Therefore, any on-duty member aware of an earthquake tremor shall notify MFC via land line or radio.
Earthquake Manual
MFC is responsible for activation of the “Earthquake. Emergency Mode”. MFC shall simulcast a Department wide notification to all field units on Channels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11. MFC shall indicate their status as to operational capabilities.
In addition, notifications shall be made via
teletype, station alarm systems, and to the Fire Chief, Deputy Department Commander, and all on-call personnel.
Earthquake Manual
Safe Areas - Move all apparatus and personnel to pre-designated safe location sites.
a. If quarters cannot be properly secured when vacated, arrangements shall be made to provide a security watch, if possible.
b. Units will operate from these pre-designated safe location sites pending further notification by their Battalion Commander.
c. The re-housing of apparatus will be permitted only by the decision of the Fire Chief or the Deputy Department Commander. Such decision will be based on intelligence reports of quake magnitude, intensity, location, and prevailing conditions.
Before re-housing, station commanders shall inspect quarters for evidence of structural
Earthquake Manual
Trapped Apparatus - In the event that structural damage prevents removal of apparatus, members shall, if safety permits, retrieve turnouts, safety equipment, breathing apparatus, and handy talkies.
Determine the assistance required for extrication of the apparatus, if possible. Report availability and conditions to their Battalion Commander and be guided by their instructions.
Earthquake Manual
Battalion Commanders will initiate the radio check with their stations, then Division
Commanders will initiate the radio/status check with their battalions. (Numerical sequence as outlined herein shall be used to conduct status check.)
Earthquake Manual
If any Battalion Commander is unable to fulfill these responsibilities, the Station Commander of the Battalion Headquarters Station within that command will assume all
responsibilities to ensure completion of radio/status check. If a Battalion does not start its radio/status check within a reasonable time, the appropriate Division shall be notified by the next Battalion in sequence and the Division shall cause the status check to be taken.
Earthquake Manual
The lowest numbered Battalion in the Division will check its stations in numerical sequence, then the next Battalion will conduct its check.
Earthquake Manual
If acknowledgement is not received, that resource will be considered “not available”. If radio contact is impossible, station commanders shall make an effort to establish contact with the Battalion Commander by any means possible.
Earthquake Manual
Initial intelligence reports will originate from field resources to Battalion Commanders as a
result of the preliminary assessment in the immediate area by radio/status check.
Earthquake Manual
Use of Fire
Department Helicopters shall be requested through the Division Commander.
Earthquake Manual
Reconnaissance should normally be conducted along the pre-established map route of “special considerations” within each company district. This may vary due to time of day or existing conditions.
Earthquake Manual
Five-mile length of 6-inch portable water main is stored locally by O.E.S. An additional ten-mile length is stored outside of the area (5-6 hours away).
Earthquake Manual
One helicopter will immediately respond to each Division, command post, pick up an
observer(s), and conduct aerial reconnaissance in accordance with the Division reconnaissance plan.
Earthquake Manual
In the event of widespread telephone disruption or other notification difficulties, recall instructions may be broadcast over local radio and television stations. During a declared disaster, the Emergency Broadcast System will be utilized for the City of Los Angeles.
Off duty members will attempt to remain available for recall.
It is recognized that caring for the emergency needs of their family is a primary consideration. After those essential needs are attended to, members shall report their
availability as instructed or to their regular place of assignment.
Earthquake Manual
If Division Commands are not operable, the following Battalion Commands will have this
responsibility until relieved:
Battalion 1 for Division I
Battalion 3 for Division II
Battalion 10 for Division III
The frequency use set forth below will be followed as practicable.
(1) Division Disaster Frequency
(2) Normal MFC Frequency
(3) Command Frequency
Who has overall responsibility over helicopters