Book 100 High Rise Manual Flashcards
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Fire Attack Team
This company is also responsible to check two floors below the fire floor for the suitability for Staging.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
In high rise incidents the Rapid Intervention Company(s) is normally assembled and deployed from?.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The Lobby Control Officer reports to the Logistics Section Chief. This Officer is primarily responsible for notifying the Incident Commander of the number of floors in the building and that the elevators have been recalled, maintaining personnel/company accountability for all building entry and exits, accessing information from the fire control room, controlling vertical access of personnel to known safe routes, operating elevators (when determined to be safe), controlling the air handling system, pressurizing the stairwells, and coordinating the movement of supplies between Base and Staging.
Note: The location and position of the elevators will dictate whether an Elevator Group is established by the Incident Commander. The Elevator Group’s responsibility is to locate and search for unaccounted elevators which may contain building occupants.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The Ground Support Group is responsible for providing transportation for personnel, equipment, and supplies; providing refilling of SCBA cylinders and maintenance of SCBAs; provide fueling, service and maintenance of vehicles and portable power equipment and tools; and implementing the ground level traffic/movement plan at the incident including marking safe access routes and zones and coordinates the transport of equipment via the stairwells.
If an auxiliary water supply is required, the Ground Support Group Supervisor will coordinate and supervise this function.
Normally one member per two floors to move equipment up stairs.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Base may be established by available Engineer(s) from the first alarm assignment.
Base shall be established a minimum of ___ feet away from the incident structure.
reports initially to the Incident Commander and then to the Logistics Chief or Support Branch Director when that position is implemented.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The normal first alarm assignment for a reported fire in a high rise structure is five fire companies, an airborne engine company component (task force), a basic life support (BLS) ambulance, an advanced life support ambulance (ALS), an emergency medical services battalion captain, and a battalion chief. The five fire companies will consist of two truck companies and three engine companies.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
First-In Company
In a high rise incident, a minimum of a four-member initial fire attack team shall ascend to the reported floor.
Retain one copy of the building inventory sheet and ONE SET OF KEYS.
Captain determines the means of ascent. If a stairwell is utilized, the Captain relays stairwell identification to incoming companies.
This Fire Attack Team should check conditions two floors below the reported fire floor as to ascertain if it is suitable for Staging.
Two members of this team shall be used as fire attack while the remaining two members standby in the stairwell.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Second-In Company
This company establishes Lobby Control and the Officer becomes the Incident Commander.
Supplying water to the building standpipe system will be the responsibility of the first arriving 200 Series Engineer, except when the first arriving and second arriving companies are single engine companies. In this case, the Engineer of the second arriving company has the responsibility for water supply.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Staging should be established utilizing a company from the first alarm assignment consistent with strategic considerations and priorities.
Normally two floors below the fire
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Base may be established by available engineers from the first alarm assignment, or by a greater alarm company.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Command Post
A safe distance from the building; minimum 200 feet.
A safe distance from the building (at least 200 feet) and not in proximity to the command post.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Plan for early relief (10 to 15 minutes) for fire control personnel.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Air Operations Helispot
Helispot At least _____ mile from involved building.
Normally, helicopters should remain a minimum of ___ feet from the involved building while in flight and away from the Command Post.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The Rapid Intervention Company at a high-rise should involve a Light Force, Engine, or Squad and an ALS resource at a minimum.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Traditionally, occupant evacuation of the fire floor and the two floors above and below has been sufficient.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
High rise buildings designed for human occupancy are of two basic types, either residential or commercial.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
For our purposes, a high rise building is defined as a building which is over ___’ in height, measured from ground level access to the floor level of the highest floor intended for occupant use.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
A minimum of one fire drill annually
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Fire attack and evacuation remain the two highest priorities during high rise operations.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
In the event of a high rise fire, the danger to building occupants could develop from three sources.
1 - there is the possibility that occupants could be directly exposed to the actual fire.
2 - the possibility that a panic could result from the knowledge or belief that a fire is in progress in the building.
3 - the gravest threat to building occupants in high rise fires is exposure to smoke and the products of combustion.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Fire Attack
The best way to protect high rise occupants from smoke and fire is to control the fire rapidly, which is best achieved through the properly operating fire protection systems.
A quick, aggressive attack combined with proper ventilation offers the best means of containing the products of combustion and the spread of fire, and thereby affords building occupants the greatest degree of protection.
The fire attack may have to be delayed until control of the stairwell used for fire attack has been established above the fire floor in order to ensure exiting occupants will not be exposed to the products of combustion.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
In the event of a working fire, all access stairwells should be pressurized with Fire Department blowers.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The Search Group Supervisor or Elevator Group Supervisor, if implemented, will check with the Lobby Control Officer or Systems Group Leader to determine the status and location of all elevator cars.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
As a search company enters a floor, a large, single, diagonal chalk line and the company designation shall be made on the entry door. When the office suite, or dwelling unit has been searched, a second diagonal line is placed on the door making a large “X”. The door is left closed to minimize smoke and fire spread. When all rooms on the floor have been searched and marked, the company shall complete the “X” along with their company identification on the stairwell door of the floor just searched and move on to the next floor.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
For a working fire, relocate occupants from the fire floor and at least two floors above and two floors below the fire to a safe location, preferable below the fire, to facilitate our operations. In most situations we can provide for occupant safety and Fire Department access by clearing five floors.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
When firefighters are able to move in the stairwell, the occupants three or more floors below the fire should be
managed until occupants above the fire can be evacuated. Occupants on floors three or more floors above the fire should also be managed and assisted in evacuation. Occupants on the fire floor will likely have already evacuated the fire floor. Occupants of the two floors above and below the fire should be assisted to the remaining stairwell which shall be designated as the evacuation stairwell.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Department policy requires the Fire Attack Team take with them their breathing apparatus, portable radio(s), forcible entry tools, high-rise hose packs, pigtail, thermal imaging camera, and a fire extinguisher if an elevator is used.
When feasible, the Fire Attack Team should also take a portable spotlight and extra air bottles.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
You may find that the 12-foot extension ladder fits into more elevator cars in your district that the 14-foot extension does,
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The entrance doors are very expensive and should not be broken except as a last resort. The large glass panels often found next to the doors are much less expensive and are a better choice,
Book 100 High Rise Manual
In addition to the key lock, some doors are held closed
by a magnetic device requiring ___-pound pressure to overcome it. If the key unlocks the door, but it resists
opening, give it a hard pull.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
If the fire is reported to be on or below the ____ floor, the stairwell shall be used and firefighters will walk to reach the fire floor.
sixth (6th)
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Elevators shall not be taken to, or above, the reported fire floor. If used as a means of ascent, elevators should not be taken closer than two floors below the reported fire floor or two floors below the lowest alarm activated floor location.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
No more than ___ personnel with equipment is permitted in any elevator.
six (6)
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The officer in charge of the Fire Attack Team should give an assessment of conditions found in the stairwell every four or five floors and, if elevators are used, during the precautionary stops every five floors.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
If an IDLH atmosphere is encountered, two members shall remain outside of the IDLH atmosphere until other resources arrive on scene. Once you have identified the
fire floor, before opening the stairwell door, you must check the floor above and report your findings to the
Incident Commander.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
When the door is hot to the touch, or if a fire is suspected, connect and charge a hose line.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Standpipe pressure in a high-rise building is controlled by three means: pressure regulating devices, pressure restricting devices, or orifice plates.
The Pressure Regulating devices control pressure, and assuming they are functioning properly, the volume of a give outlet can increase to supply more than one line, as long as the g.p.m. does not exceed the set limit which is normally ___ g.p.m.
Pressure Restricting devices work by restricting to flow by how far the valve can be opened, thereby reducing the flow and the p.s.i.
The orifice plate controls pressure by restricting volume and is limited to its design requirements for supplying ___ g.p.m.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Lines connected to orifice plates require that the orifice plate be removed and a member remain at the outlet. If an orifice plate cannot be removed, lines should not be completely shut off at the nozzle.
A complete shut off may raise the pressure in the line to the much higher static pressure of the system and could
rupture the hose.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Pressure Regulating Devices: Control Pressure
Pressure Restricting Device: Restrict Flow
Orface Plates: Restrict Volume to 200 GPM
Book 100 High Rise Manual
If the fire attack officer determines that a “wrap around” potential exists, it can be prevented by coordinating two hose lines. One line to attack the fire (offensive), and one line to prevent the fire from wrapping around the core (defensive). The two lines must be carefully coordinated so as to develop a situation of opposing lines.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
As the temperature of these gases increases, it reaches the flashover point, which may be as low as ___ degrees Fahrenheit.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
A classic backdraft symptom might occur as you opened a stairwell door to the fire floor. If air is drawn in, you had better close it quickly and remain in the stairwell until ventilation of the involved floor has been accomplished.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
stratification of smoke on one or several floors, present unique and varied ventilation problems. A downward draft, or “reverse stack effect,” becomes more pronounced when outside temperatures are higher.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Stairshafts in high-rise buildings constructed after 1974 are required to employ a shairshaft ventilation system. Pressurization fans, that function when the sprinkler or smoke detector systems are activated, are required to provide a uniform air velocity within each enclosed stairshaft.
The fans must provide not less than ___ cubic feet per minute while maintaining a positive pressure of not over ___ lbs. on interior doors.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Stratification of smoke and fire gases occurs as heat and smoke travel vertically within a building. These products of combustion will rise through any available vertical opening, cooling as they rise, until the temperature is equal to the temperature of the surrounding air. When stabilization of the temperature occurs, smoke and fire gases will form layers or clouds within the building. This stratification of smoke and fire gases generally serve as a “lid” for other products of combustion which will tend to bank down below the stratified smoke and horizontally spread to other portions of the building.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Mushrooming is a condition caused by smoke and fire gases that cannot vertically escape a building. Smoke and fire gases will rise to the highest level possible and then begin to bank down and fill all available spaces
Smoke may bank down below the fire floor. In stairshafts, this may occur all the way down to the entrance level.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Pre-1960 – Openable windows
- Post –1960 – Tempered glass on at least ___ sides of the building. (At corners, and at 50-foot intervals or less.)
- Post-1974 – Tempered glass on ___ sides of the building. (At corners, and at 50-foot intervals or less.)
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Tempered glass windows are identified by ___-inch luminous or reflective decals in a lower corner which indicate they are “For Fire Department Use.”
Also book 100
These are supposed to be identified by 2” minimum luminous or reflective Decals in a lower corner which indicates they are “tempered glass,”
Book 100 High Rise Manual
NOTE: Openable windows or mechanical smoke removal systems may be substituted for tempered glass.
• Post-1996 – Requirement of Smoke Control Systems (Uniform Building Code) in high rise buildings has eliminated the requirement of the installation of tempered glass.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Prior to breaking windows, radio notification shall be made indicating the need and intention to break glass and the specific side of the building.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
However, the natural air flow within building stairshafts is
virtually static in buildings up to ___ stories. Buildings over ___ stories will naturally flow minimal amounts of air in an upward direction.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Natural vertical air currents of ___ to ___ mph, that flow upward in stairshafts, can be created by simply opening a door at the bottom and roof levels of a stairshaft.
3 to 6
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Water turbine blowers produce significantly less noise and will provide more than twice the cubic feet of air per minute that a like-sized gasoline powered blower. Water turbine blowers can be requested through MFC.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Who shall be responsible for ensuring that stairshafts are pressurized?
Lobby Control
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Regardless of the size, portable blowers should be placed __ feet to __ feet back from the doorway and angled back at least __ degrees.
Placing fans in a V-shape is more effective than placing them is series
Placing portable fans inside the building below the fire floor is a way to generate pressure differentials to increase the effectiveness of positive pressure in tall buildings.
4’ to 6’
5 degrees
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The preceding cross ventilation operations are effe ctive up to ___ floors in a high-rise building.
If it is necessary to cross ventilate floors above the 25th floor, it may be necessary to utilize an additional blower in the pressurized stairshaft to supply additional pressurized air to the floor to be ventilated
Book 100 High Rise Manual
There shall be a smoke detector installed adjacent to the elevators at each landing, usually in a vestibule on each floor except the Lobby. Generally, elevators serving the landing or vestibule where a smoke detector is actuated are the only cars automatically recalled. Elevators in other banks continue to operate until smoke reaches their sensors of the lobby “Emergency Service” switch is operated (turned to “ON” position).
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Phase I, “Recall Phase” – Elevators recalled will respond non-stop to the lobby and ignore all other call button requests.
Automatic elevators having a total travel of more than ___ feet (or more than ___ feet, if new after October 6, 1975) may be recalled to the lobby by sensing devices (smoke detectors) or by a three-position key operated “Emergency Service” switch in the lobby.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Phase II, “Override Phase” – All automatic elevators having a travel of ___ feet or more above the lowest grade level may be recalled to the lobby by smoke detectors or by a three-position key operated “Emergency Service” switch in the lobby.
A three-position (On-Off-Hold) “Emergency Service” switch is provided in each car. The in-car switches are operative when the lobby “Emergency Service” switch is in the “ON” position. Turning both switches to the “ON” position operates the “Override Phase.”
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Elevators shall never be taken below grade until deemed safe for use by Fire Department personnel through making a visual assessment of conditions that might affect elevator use.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
If the building is equipped with split bank elevators, do not use an elevator that services the fire floor if a lower bank of elevators reaches within ___ floors of the fire floor.
Elevators that travel through a “blind shaft” should be avoided whenever possible.
five (5)
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Before utilizing an elevator, the elevator shaft shall be observed to determine the presence of smoke, fire, or water.
This procedure of checking for the presence of smoke, fire, or water shall also be performed during precautionary stops.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
All members, including the member assigned as the elevator operator, utilizing the elevator as a means of ascent shall be equipped with:
- full personal protective equipment
- breathing apparatus
- portable radio
- sound power phone
- forcible entry tool
appropriate equipment for fire suppression operations or assigned task.
Prior to going aloft, all members shall have donned their Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) facepiece and
be prepared to connect the regulator if an IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health) is encountered.
A dry chemical extinguisher shall remain in the elevator car with elevator operator.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The Fire Attack Team shall consist of a minimum of four members. When an engine company is first fire suppression resource at a high-rise fire, personnel from an additional resource must be on-scene and one member will be assigned and designated as the elevator operator before the elevator is used to go aloft.
If a Light Force is first on scene and assumes the role of fire attack, one member may be assigned to operate the elevator and four members can assume to role of the Fire Attack Team and go aloft.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Personnel utilizing the elevator for ascent shall make precautionary stops every ___ floors in order to test and confirm that the elevator is properly operating in the Phase II mode.
These precautionary stops shall be conducted even if the bank of elevators being used for ascent does not service the fire floor. If for any reason, the elevator does not perform as designed in Phase II operations, or acts
erratically, elevator operations shall be immediately stopped and the Fire Attack Team and the Elevator
Operator proceed to an appropriate stairwell.
five (5)
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Phase 1
“Emergency Service” switch shall be turned to “ON” even if the cars have already been returned to the lobby floor in response to the activation of a smoke detector.
After the key is turned to the “ON” position, remove the key from the switch.
The photo-electric beams and other non-mechanical door retraction safety devices are deactivated.
The “bypass” position is used during an incident to place the elevators in operation on a temporary basis when the entire building has been deemed safe for normal use, but there is still enough residual smoke to actuate the detector or the detectors are malfunctioning. The key is not removable when the switch is in the “bypass” position.
Lobby “Emergency Service” switches, marked with “RESET,” “OFF,” and “ON” operate in the same manner except that there is no means to bypass the alarm system when a fire protection device cannot be reset.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
If a “Door Close” button is not provided, continuous pressure on the desired floor button will serve to close the doors.
If multiple floor buttons have been actuated, the car will stop at the first of the selected floors that it reaches. At that time all other selections will be cancelled.
NOTE: Elevators installed after October 15, 1985 must have a separate “Call Cancel” button for use by emergency personnel.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
While the elevator is operating in the “Independent Service” mode, the photoelectric hold open device is rendered inoperative, but the automatic door open feature will continue to function. While the cars are being used in the “Independent Service” mode, they are not subject to recall by either the sensing device or the key
operated switches.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Automatic Mode (with photo-electric devices) – It is possible that the smoke may be of sufficient density to block the photo beam and cause the door to remain open. The photo-electric device can be rendered inoperable by depressing the switch marked: “TO BE USED IN CASE OF FIRE ONLY”. This action will cause the doors to close.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Dry Standpipes - Class 1
Pre 1960 - 4 or more stories in height
1960 - 1974 - 4 or more sties in height not exceeding 150’
Found on exterior (Pre 60) or stairwell (60-74)
Cover any portion of building w/ 30ft stream & 100 ft hose
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Dry Standpipes - Class 1 (Dry Risers)
4” to 6” Risers supplying 500 GPM minimum
Inlets: Two required 4 - 5 stories, 4 inlets 6 or more stories
2 1/2 outlets globe valve every floor, except 1st.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Wet Standpipes - Class II
Used by building occupants, not FD
3 or more stories in height
4 or more stories after 1983
Domestic water supply, gravity tanks, pressure tanks
No FD inlet
1 1/2 outlet w/ hose and nozzle
Risers 1 1/2 or 2 1/2
The flow requirements for Wet Standpipes at the roof outlets are:
Prior to 1948 - 8 p.s.i. flowing 20 g.p.m.
1948 to 1959 - 12 p.s.i. flowing 35 g.p.m.
1960 to 1970 - 15 p.s.i. flowing 35 g.p.m.
1970 to present - 30 p.s.i. flowing 35 g.p.m.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Combination - Class III
1960 to 1974 greater than 150 feet
Outlets - 1 1/2 occupants, 2 1/2 FD, Both on same riser
- 300 gpm for each 2 1/2 outlet
Hose - 5th floor and above may have 100’ pf single jacket w/ 1” smooth bore tip
Riser - 6” and must flow 1000 GPM each
Inlets - Four 2 1/2, 250 GPM each, 6 inlets when using 3 or more risers
Primary water supply:
- City mains connect to fire pumps
- Large buildings, internal tank
- Secondary through department connection
Orifice Plates:
2 1/2 if pressure exceeds 135 PSI
1 1/2 if pressure exceeds 70 PSI
Calibrated at 200 GPM at 45 PSI through 100’ of 2-1/2” hose with a 1” tip.
Fire Pumps - 1 diesel or 1 electric, no backup required
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Combined Sprinkler Standpipe -
After 1974 and greater than 150 feet
Combine wet standpipes supply and sprinklers
Outlets - 2 1/2 w/ PRV set at 80 to 125 PSI
- 300 gpm per outlet
Risers - Cross connected at the bottom
(1983 - 1988 not looped)
- 1000 GPM each
Inlets - 4 inlets 2 risers. 6 inlets 3 or more risers
Fire Pumps
- 75 - 150 ft, calculated sprinkler flow for 30 min plus additional 100 GPM per standpipe
- 150 - 275 ft, 500 GPM for the 1st riser plus 250 GPM for each additional riser for 30 min.
- 275 ft plus, 45,000 to 105,000 gallons on site,
( 1 electric, 2 diesel)
Pressure Regulating Devices when outlets are greater than 150 PSI
Pressure Restricting Device when PSI between 135 - 150
Orifice Plates when used above 135 PSI
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Buildings Under Construction
Every building ___ or more stories in height shall be provided with not less than one standpipe for use during construction.
Such standpipe shall be installed when the progress of construction is not more than ___’ in height above grade.
Such standpipe system shall be extended as construction
progresses to within one floor of the highest point of construction having secure decking or flooring.
Where construction height requires installation of a Combination Standpipe (exceeds 150’ in height), fire pumps and water main connections shall be provided to serve the standpipe. This includes temporary inlets, normally 2 to 2-1/2”. Up to 150’ in height this system will be a Dry Standpipe. Once the standpipe exceeds 150’, a temporary manually started fire pump shall be installed.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Salvage operations should begin where the greatest loss is expected. Generally, this is the floor of origin or the floor directly below.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
A 2”-line at 200 g.p.m. adds 1,670 pounds per minute.
A 2-1/2”-line at 325 g.p.m. adds nearly 2,800 pounds per minute.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
(there should be ___ unplasticized copies of the Building Inventory sheet in the lock box). If possible, give one copy of the Building Inventory to the initial Fire Attack Team along with one stairwell or master key.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Normally, we will not operate air handling controls (except for complete shut down) unless we are very familiar with the specific building or the Building Engineer is on the scene.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Find the sound powered telephone handsets (___ removable and one permanently attached in the Fire Control Room). Telephone jacks may be found in each elevator car, all elevator vestibules and elevator lobby, every enclosed exit stairway at each level, and each exit location where a stairshaft exits to a public way.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Building communication systems
They provide public address communication to elevator cars, elevator vestibules, corridors, stairways, rooms with an occupancy load of 50 or more, and every dwelling unit in a hotel or apartment.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Hoist rescues are limited to 250’ or approximately 20 stories below the roof.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
When waiting to load and/or board a Department helicopter, personnel shall form a single line at least ___‘ from the aircraft, toward the front side, in full view of the pilot at all times.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
A “High-rise Building” is defined as a building which is over 75‘ in height measured from ground level access to the floor level of the highest floor intended for occupant use, NOT to the actual height of the building.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Steel Beams Coated With a Fire Retardant Material commonly known as Mono-Kote.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
1960 - This was accomplished by providing 2-hour, fire-resistive separations between floor levels and around vertical shafts.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Most new high-rise buildings have an Emergency Helicopter Landing Facility on the roof. The number inside the 50’ by 50’ pad identifies the load capacity of the pad in thousands of pounds. For example, a number 10 indicates 10,000 pounds.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Halon 1301 total flooding systems are usually used to protect computers and other high-value equipment.
Five percent or more of the volume of the room will then be composed of halon gas.
Halon will decompose into toxic gases, principally phosgene, if permitted to heat to approximately 900 degrees Fahrenheit.
A halon exhaust switch is provided outside these rooms.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
IC must determine cause of fore
A - Unit determines dollar loss
Book 100 High Rise Manual
After 1974 One is a minimum 2” diameter pipe adequate to fill the tank in not more than ___ hours from the main water supply system,
or after 1983 a 6” pipe to fill it in ___ hours.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The run-out timer is normally set for ___ to ___ minutes for electric driven fire pumps and ___ minutes for diesel driven pumps.
seven to ten
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Additionally the pressure generated by a fire (up to ___ times atmospheric pressure) will force smoke through these openings and may contaminate other floors or stairshafts within the building.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
The purpose of the test valves is to permit a periodic test of the building fire pump which is required to pump ___% of its rated capacity.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Diesel Motors Fuel Supply
1960 - 1974 ____
1974 Present _____
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Normally, ___ companies should be kept at Base for each company held in staging.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Civillians should remain ___ feet from a high rise
Book 100 High Rise Manual
A Plenum is a hidden space
Book 100 High Rise Manual
HVAC systems designed for smoke removal may also be used, providing they exhaust a minimum of ___ air changes per hour, and exhaust to the exterior of the building without recirculating to the other sections of the building.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Any switching of the air handling controls should be done cautiously and under the direction of the ________
Incident Commander.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Once implemented, whom will elevator group report to?
Rule of thumb,
Anyone close to the fire reports to operations
Anyone far from the fire, such as lobby, reports to logistics.
One exception is medical unit which will be near staging reports to logistics.
Book 100 High Rise Manual
Fire Resistive (General Rules)
Floors - 2 hours
If it says retrofit - 45 min
Everything else normally 1 hour
Elevator vestibules
walls 1 hour
doors 45