The cost of a purchased finite-lived intangible asset
amortized over its useful life
Indefinite-lived intangible assets
are not amortized, but they are tested for impairment at least annually
The cost of internally developed intangible assets
R&D cost
Under IFRS: Development cost capitalzied
US GAAP: all expensed, except in the case of software
Assets acquired in a business combination
The acquisition method
The purchase price
is allocated to the fair value of identifiable assets of the acquired firm less its liabilities
Any excess of the purchase price above the fair value of the acquired firm’s net assets
an unidentifiable intangible asset
cannot be separated from the business itself.
Impairtment under IFRS
- Under IFRS, an asset is impaired when its carrying value exceeds the recoverable amount
- the asset is written down to the recoverable amount
- Loss recoveries are permitted, but not above historical cost.
The recoverable amount
the greater of fair value less selling costs and the value in use (present value of expected cash flows)
Impairtment under US GAAP
- an asset is impaired if its carrying value is greater than the asset’s undiscounted future cash flows
- the asset is written down to its fair value
- Subsequent recoveries are not allowed for assets held for use.
Intangible Assets With Indefinite Lives
tested for impairment at least annually
Long-Lived Assets Held for Sale
- No longer depreciated or amortized
- The loss can be reversed under IFRS and U.S. GAAP if the value of the asset recovers in the future
If a long-lived asset is exchanged for another asset
a gain or loss is computed by comparing the carrying value of the old asset with fair value of the old asset (or fair value of the new asset, if more clearly evident).
A spinoff
- the transfer of assets that constitute an entire division or subsidiary into a new legal entity-
No profit or loss is recorded on the disposal in the income statement.