BOOK 3 Flashcards
Who is the head of the Fire Department?
The Board of Fire Commissioners. It has power to supervise, control, regulate and manage the Department and to make and enforce all necessary and desirable rules and regulations
What is the Oath of Office?
I do solemnly swear that I will support this Constitution of the United States of America and that of the State of California; that I will obey the Laws and Ordinances of the City of Los Angeles, familiarize myself with and be obedient to the Rules and Regulations and orders of the Los Angeles Fire Department, and faithfully serve the City of Los Angeles in the discharge of my duties as a firefighter to the best of my knowledge and ability, So Help Me God.
What is an Apparatus?
Any Fire Department vehicle or boat having a shop number
What is the Administrative Office?
The Office of the Fire Chief
What is an Alarm?
A notification to respond to an emergency
What is an Apparatus Operator?
Engineer, apparatus driver, aerial ladder operator, or anyone acting in any of these positions
What is a Battalion?
A subdivision of a Division containing a number of companies
What is a Battalion Commander?
A Chief Officer or Acting Chief Officer in command of a Battalion
What is The Board?
The Board of Fire Commissioners; the head of the Fire Department as defined by Charter
What is a Bureau?
A major subdivision of the Department
What is a Bureau Commander?
Uniformed Chief Officer or civilian administrator in charge of a Bureau
What does the phrase “Though Channels” mean?
The transmission of orders and communications through the intermediate officers in ascending or descending order of rank
What is a Charter?
Charter of the City of Los Angeles
What is a Commanding Officer?
The officer or acting officer who is the member’s immediate superior in the chain of command
What is a Company?
Members under the command of a Company Commander, assigned to a station with apparatus
What is a Company Commander?
Officer or member in command of a Company
What is a Companies Fire Prevention District?
The area in which a company has specific responsibilities for the fire prevention inspection of assigned occupancies under supervision of a Battalion Commander
What is a Division?
A major subdivision of the Department directly subordinate to a Bureau or the Administrative Office
What is a Division Commander?
The Chief Officer in command of a Division
What is a False Alarm?
An alarm given with malicious intent or without reasonable cause. Fire Department resources determined not to be needed
What is a First-In District?
An area in which specific a company is normally the first to arrive in response to an alarm
What is a First Alarm District?
An area outside a First-In district in which companies routinely responds to a fire or other emergencies
What is a General Order?
An order issued by the Board to amend the Rules and Regulations of the Department
What are Headquarters?
In the absence of a specifically described location or office (Battalion, Division, etc.) the term refers to the building wherein the Administrative Office is located
What is a Hydrant District?
An area within a first-In district which a fire company is responsible to test hydrants
What are Loss of Privileges?
The loss of those privileges granted to members by the Chief. Within the meaning of disciplinary action assessment, such privileges may include, but are not limited to, the following: Early relief from platoon change, exchange of time between members, parking privately owned vehicles in station yards, family visitation to quarters, occupying beds in quarters while off duty, etc
What is the Manual of Operation?
An administrative directive by the Fire Chief establishing the practices and procedures of the Department
What is a Member?
Any employee duly and regularly appointed in the Fire Department under Civil Service Rules and Regulations to perform the duties of a regular firefighter in the City of Los Angeles, under whatever designation they may be described in any salary or departmental ordinance providing compensation for the Fire Department. The term member shall include officers. (Sec. 185 City Charter). For purposes of enforcement of these Rules and Regulations and of the Manual of Operations only, the term “member” shall include civilian employees of the Department. Civilian employees shall be accorded the privileges and be subject to such provisions contained therein which are not exclusively applicable to uniformed members. For the purposes of inclusion in the requirements and privileges set forth in the Rules and Regulations, Manual of Operation, and Section 2801 of the California Vehicle Code, the term “member” shall apply to Fire Student Workers.
What does “On Duty” mean?
A condition of employment wherein a member is actively engaged in a function of the Department
What is a Platoon?
One of the three groups, which is alternately on duty
What are Quarters?
Any Fire Station, Department building or office. A place wherein members are assigned or employed and any storeroom, workroom, yard, shop thereof
What is a Section?
A subdivision of the Department, other than Bureau of Emergency Services, directly subordinate to a Bureau or Division
What is a Section Commander?
Chief Officer, Acting Chief Officer or civilian administrator in charge of a Section
What is a Shift?
A period of 24 consecutive hours starting 0800 hours of any day
What is a Special Detail?
A special assignment for Department service
What is a Special Notice?
A notice issued by an authoritative Departmental source for the guidance and information of members
What is a Special Order?
A directive issued by the Chief for the administration of Department affairs. It shall be effective until cancelled or included in the Manual of Operation
What is a Unit?
A basic organizational unit of the Department, other than Bureau of Emergency Services
What is a Unit Commander?
Officer or member in command of a Unit
What shall a Board of Honorary Awards consist of?
- (1) Deputy Chief
- (1) Additional member from the Chief Officer rank
- (1) Member from the rank of Captain or below
What is a Medal of Valor?
A member is entitled to consideration for this award by performing an act of conspicuous heroism and/or bravery under extreme personal risk above and beyond the calculated personal risk demands of the fire service. A member receiving the Medal of Valor shall also receive a Certificate of Valor, A Medal of Valor Pin, a Resolution of Valor, and have their name inscribed on the Roll of Merit
What is an Award of Merit?
Members taking conspicuous action in rendering aid during a life-saving or life-threatening situation under circumstance: which pose calculated risk to the members, or performing an endeavor which brings significant credit to the Fire Department, are entitled to consideration for this award. A member receiving the Award of Merit shall also receive a Certificate of Merit
What is a Letter of Special Commendation?
An act performed of unusual character during emergency or non-emergency conditions, requiring initiative or ability worthy of recognition entitles a member to consideration for this commendation. Qualifying members shall receive a Letter of Special Commendation from the Fire Chief, which may or may not be based on findings by a Board of Honorary Awards.
Punctuality is required of all members. Failure to report for duty or to place of assignment at the time specified will be considered cause for disciplinary action. Unexcused absence of over ___ minutes duration will be considered absence without leave. Tardiness shall be reported immediately
120 minutes
Requests for interpretations of the Rules and Regulations may be made to who?
To the Board of Fire Commisioners
Breaches of the Code of Conduct will be dealt with in accordance with the disciplinary system and guidelines. Should there be any question of need for additional information you are urged to direct your inquiry to who?
To the Professional Standards Division
Officers shall require all subordinates to comply with all orders, regulations, practices and procedures of what?
Of the Department, and applicable Federal or State laws or City ordinances
Apparatus Drivers shall acquaint themselves with the topography, physical conditions, street names, numbers, locations and other matters affecting response in their __________.
In their first alarm districts
Apparatus Drivers shall have a general knowledge of their ___________.
Their greater alarm districts
Members shall promptly report any violation of the policies, Rules and Regulations, practices and procedures to their immediate supervisor within _____.
Within 24 hours
The _____ Codes adopted by the National Flag Conference shall govern Departmental Flag etiquette.
The Flag Code
Who has the power to supervise, control, regulate and manage the Department and to make and enforce all necessary and desire able rules and regulations?
The Board of Fire Commisioners