Book 01: Chapter 15 Flashcards
posterus, -a, -um
subsequent, following, next
equitatus, -us (m)
in partes
in the direction
agmen, -inis (n)
agmen novissimum
army on the march
rear guard
insequor, insequi, -secutus sum
to follow after, succeed, pursue, attack
alienus, -a, -um
that which belongs to another
*disadvantageous, unfriendly, foreign
rapina, -ae
plundering, pillage
pabulatio, -onis
foraging, fodder
populatio, -onis
laying waste
lacesso, -ere, -iui, -itum
to provoke, stimulate, irritate [w/ acc. of one provoked]
praesentia, -ae
in praesentia
presence of mind
*for the present
audax, ,-acis
satis habeo
it is sufficient
circiter (adv)
about, approximately
intersum, -esse, -fui
to be between
subsisto, -sistere, -stiti
to make a stand, withstand
propello, -pellere, -puli, -pulsum
to drive away, drive forth