Book 01: Chapter 01 Flashcards
Incolo, incolere, incolui,
To inhabit, dwell
Omnis, -e
All, every, whole, the whole of
Differo, differre, distuli, dilatum
Carry in different directions, scatter, differ, be different
Propterea (quod)
On that account, therefore, (because)
Cultus, - us
Refinement, culture
Commeo, -are
To come and go, to visit frequently
(Parum, minus,) minime (adv)
Very little, least of all
Unbroken, continuously, repeatedly, without pause
Quibus (cum)
With whom
Gero, gerere, gesso, gessum
To carry, bear, conduct
Reliquus, -a, -um
Remaining, left, left behind. Trans. The other, other than the part already specified
Praecedo, -cedere, -cessi, cessum
Precede, go before, surpass, excel
Fere (adv)
Almost, nearly
Quotidianus, -a, -um
Daily, everyday, ordinary
Proelium, -i
Battle, fight
Contendo, contendere, continui, contentum
To Strain, exert, compare, contrast
Prohibeo, -ere
To hold back, hold in check, restrain, hinder, forbid, prohibit
Obtineo, -tinere, -tinui, -tentum
To hold, possess, maintain, obtain
Initium, -i
In the beginning, from the beginning, start
Capio, capere, cepi, captum
To take, seize
Contineo, -tinere, -tinui, tentum
To hold together, keep together, keep in, surround, contain
Attingo, -tingere, -tigi, -tactum
To arrive at a place, border on, touch upon, touch
Vergo, vergere, versi
To bend, be inclined, verge
Orior, oriri, ortus sum
To arise, spring from, proceed from
Oriens, orientis
Rising, rising sun, east
Exter, exterus, -a, -um
Exterior, -ius (-oris)
Extremus, -a, -um
Outward, foreign, strange
Outermost, outer edge
Pertineo, -tinere, -tinui
To reach to, extend to, relate to, belong to
Occido, occidere, occidi, occasus
To fall, fall down, perish, be slain, decline, end