Book 01: Chapter 01 Flashcards
Incolo, incolere, incolui,
To inhabit, dwell
Omnis, -e
All, every, whole, the whole of
Differo, differre, distuli, dilatum
Carry in different directions, scatter, differ, be different
Propterea (quod)
On that account, therefore, (because)
Cultus, - us
Refinement, culture
Commeo, -are
To come and go, to visit frequently
(Parum, minus,) minime (adv)
Very little, least of all
Unbroken, continuously, repeatedly, without pause
Quibus (cum)
With whom
Gero, gerere, gesso, gessum
To carry, bear, conduct
Reliquus, -a, -um
Remaining, left, left behind. Trans. The other, other than the part already specified
Praecedo, -cedere, -cessi, cessum
Precede, go before, surpass, excel
Fere (adv)
Almost, nearly
Quotidianus, -a, -um
Daily, everyday, ordinary