Book 01: Chapter 03 Flashcards
permoveo, permovere, permovi, permotum
to rouse, excite, agitate, induce
adduco, -ducere, -duxi-, -ductum
to draw to, lead, bring to a state of mind
auctoritas, -tatis
support, backing, command, authority
constituo, -stituere, -stitui, -stitutum
set up, establish, post, arrange, draw up, set up the standard
proficiscor, -fisisci, -fectus sum
to start, set out, depart, proceed
iumentum, -i
beast of burden
carrus, -i
four-wheeled baggage wagon
coemo, -emere, -emi, -emptum
buy up, buy in large quantities
how much, as much as
suppeto, -ere, -ivi, -itum
to suffice, be enough for, be at hand
frumentum, -i
corn, grain
facere sementes
to sow, plant seeds
profectio, -onnis (f)
a departure
confirmo, -are
to make firm, confirm, strengthen, ratify
a period of two years
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum
[also meaning] to reckon, calculate, count
diligo, diligere, dilexi, dilectum
to prize, ove, esteem highly
attentive, careful
suscipio, -cipere, -cepi, -ceptum
to support, raise, accept, receive, undertake, begin
persuadeo, -suadere, -suasi, -suasum
to persuade
[dative + ut + subjunctive]
obtineo, -tinere, -tinui, -tentum
to hold, possess, take hold of
item (adv)
also, likewise
conor, -ari
to undertake, attempt, strive
acceptus, -a, -um
accipio, accipere
welcome, pleasant, agreeable
[of persons with dat.]
perficio, -ficere, -feci, -fectum
to complete, finish, accomplish
probo, -are
to approve, show, demonstrate, prove
conatus, -a, -um
[conor, conari]
exertion, effort
dubius, -a, -um
doubtful, uncertain
that not, but that, rather, but indeed
ius, iuris (n)
right, law
iuro, -are
ius iurandum
to swear, take an oath
oath that must be sworn
firmus, -a, -um
strong, healthy, stout
occupo, -are
take possession of, seize, master