Book 01: Chapter 04 Flashcards
indicium -i (n)
information, evidence, disclosure
betray, inform against
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum
to compel
collect, bring together, restrict/confine
damno, -are
to condemn, punish, sentence
oportet, -tere, tuit
it is proper, it behooves, one ought to
enuntio, -are
to tell, divulge, disclose
obaeratus, -a, -um
obaerati, -orum
in debt
conduco, -ducere, -duxi, -ductum
to bring together, unite, connect
eripio, -ripere, -ripui, -reptum
to snatch away, tear out
iudicium, -i (n)
trial, law court, jurisdiction
constituo, -stituere, -stitui, -stitutum
to set up, place, establish
ob (w/ acc.)
ob rem
in front of, before
to the purpose, because of
conscisco, -sciscere, -scivi, -scitum
sibi mortum
to inflict upon oneself
to kill oneself
and not, and never
arbitror, -ari
to perceive, judge, decide, think
suspicio, -onis (f)
[suspicor, -ari]
mistrust, suspicion
[to suspect w/ acc.]
exuro, -urere, ussi, -utum
to burn up, consume