Book 01: Chapter 08 Flashcards
deicio, -icere, -ieci, -iectum
to throw, cast, hurl down
[to disappoint]
ratis, -is (f)
raft, vessel, pontoons
complures, -a (n)
vadum, -i
a shallow, shoal, ford
non numquam
during the day
saepius (comp. of saepe)
more often
perrumpo, perrumpere, -rupi, -ruptum
to break through, burst through
munitio, -onis
concursus, -us
hostile encounter
concourse, union
a running together
telum, -i
spear, javelin
destituo, -stituere, -stitui, -stitutum
to forsake [with abl. of sep.]
exemplum, -i
example, precedent, warning
lacero, -are
to maim, impale, lacerate
dispono, -ponere, posui, positum
to distribute, arrange
to station at intervals (soldiers)
praesidium, -i
defense, guard, garrison post
castallum, -i
castle, fortress
communio, -ire
to fortify on all sides
invitus, -a, -um
unwilling, against one’s will
[in abl. abs: me, te, se, etc.: against my, your, will]
murus, -i
walls (of a city)
fossa, -ae
ditch, trench, channel
perduceo, -ducere, -duxi, -ductum
*to construct buildings, etc. from one point to another
to bring to, bring along