Bone Tissue 1: Flashcards
Where does tissu hématopoïétique reside?
Inside the bones
This is the Red blood and White blood cell progenitors
What are the two components of the extracellular bone matrix?
La matrice organique (ostéoïde):
Fibres collagènes + Substance fondamentale
Mainly Type I collagen
La matrice minérale:
65% of all the MEC
Complexe d’ions et de sels minéraux: Calcium and Phosphate
This is what makes bone hard!!!
Which part of the ECM makes bone hard and what proportion does this take?
La matrice minérale:
65% of all the MEC
What are the main components of the La matrice minérale?
Complexe d’ions et de sels minéraux: Calcium and Phosphate
What is the main content of La matrice organique ?
Fibre collagen type I
What are the 5 cells of bone tissue?
cellules bordantes
What are the only bone cells capable of diving?
cellules ostéogeniques
Wher edo you find cellules ostéogeniques in bone?
dans la couche interne du périoste
de l’endoste
sur les parois des canaux de Havers
What are perioste and endoste?
Kinda like perichondre for cartilage
they line the outside and iside of bone
True or False, Osteoblasts will divide to give osteocytes.
Osteoblasts are cellules différenciées qui ne se divisent plus
What cell is responsible for the secretion of ECM in bone?
What cell is responsible for the mineralization of bone?
What are cellules bordante and what is their main role?
At rest Osteoblasts
Ne se divisent pas
Ostéoblastes en repos, elles reprennent leur activité au besoin
Protection contre la dégradation de la MEC, régulation du Ca++ et de la nutrition de l’os
How are osteocytes formed?
Osteoblasts release bone material, imprison themselves becoming osteocytes
What are vésicules matricielles?
Released by ostéoblastes
contiennent beaucoup de
calcium et une variété
d’enzymes qui génèrent le
phosphate, ce qui va aboutir
à formation des foyers de
What is the role of osteocytes?
Renouvellement et maintenance de la MEC
Remodelage osseux (en sécrétant de
l’acide citrique, de la phosphatase acide,
des enzymes protéolytiques et des