Bomb Threats - Located Explosive Devices - Detonations Flashcards
A demand for material value or services in which an explosive device is indicated as a means or perpetrating the extortion. This is a situation where the clear intent is robbery and not associated with a defined terrorist activity.
Bomb Extortion
The expression of an intention to detonate an explosive device.
Bomb Threat
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive Incidents
Any explosive, incendiary, overpressure device, all improvised explosive devices, military ordinance, and commercial explosive.
Destructive Device
Trained to find the presence of explosive substances to include firearms and ammunition. The EDD can be used to search offices, casinos, vehicles, parking lots, aircraft, luggage, packages, schools, and locker rooms to detect such substances.
Explosive Detector Dogs (EDD)
Any item (package, luggage, vehicle, etc.) identified as potentially containing chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosive material that requires specialized equipment and training to further evaluate. Suspicious indicators are based upon the prevailing and/or communicated threat, placement and proximity of the item(s) to people and valuable assets, and more tangible aspects including but not limited to; unexplainable wires or electronics, other visible IED components; unusual sounds, vapors, mists, powders, liquids, odors, etc.
Summary: Any package/bag/item that, due to a proper threat assessment, is a possible danger to the people or property in the area.
Suspicious Item
Any item (package, luggage, vehicle) that does not outwardly present itself as suspicious or threatening in nature; cannot be associated with a communicated threat; is not positioned to avoid observation and/or detection where people congregate; and critical assets are present. The owner may not be readily determined or located; however, there is usually a plausible explanation as to why the item was left unattended (e.g., a toy where children may have recently played, a briefcase or small backpack in a toilet facility or, a piece of luggage at a transportation venue in a non-high traffic pedestrian area).
Unattended Item
Any weapon, device, or destructive device that is intended to create a great risk of death, or serious bodily injury through the release, dissemination, or impact of toxic or poisonous chemicals, or their precursors; a biological agent, toxin, or vector; or
Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Done to protect first responders from any possible devices that may be placed to injure, maim, and kill them upon arrival. These searches should be conducted from low-to-high in a 360-degree manner around the “safe area.” When responding to a bomb threat, unattended item, or suspicious item, officers should conduct 25- and 100-foot searches.
- Upon arrival officers should do a visual search of 25 feet around their initial arrival location;
- After the initial 25-foot search, a 100-foot search should be conducted;
- If a new location is established for a command post, the 25- and 100-foot searches will be conducted again. The use of an EDD should be utilized if available.
25-foot and 100-foot searches
Any device that disperses any chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear material to cause injury, fear, death or denial of any area. This can also incorporate explosives as a means of dispersal.
Dispersal Device
Any chemical compound, mixture, or device, with a primary or common purpose to function by explosion. The term includes, but is not limited to, dynamite and other high explosives, black powder, pellet powder, initiating explosives, detonators, safety fuses, squibs, detonating cords, igniter cords, and igniters.
Explosive Materials
Finished explosive material that is ready to be utilized in an improvised explosive device. _____ _____ can be made utilizing household chemicals through a chemical process or combined to produce an explosive material that is intended for use
Homemade Explosives
A homemade explosive device designed to maim, harass, or kill. An IED will contain a power source, initiator, explosive material and switch or chemical mixture to create a hypergolic reaction. These devices can include, but are not limited to, modified military ordnance, homemade blasting caps, and homemade explosives (e.g., pipe bombs, booby-traps, and overpressure devices).
Improvised Explosive Device (IED)
Any material, substance, device, or combination thereof that is capable of supplying the initial ignition and/or fuel for a fire and is
designed to be used as an instrument of willful destruction.
Incendiary Device
An explosive device placed in a car or other vehicle and then exploded.
Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED)
- Specific location of the suspect item: This will help determine the command post (CP), route to staging, and assist in establishing a good perimeter.
- Unit number/cell number of officer or patrol supervisor on scene: the ARMOR commander will need to contact the officer on scene to gather intelligence prior to dispatching resources.
- Detailed description of item, photo (if available), and placement method: size, shape, container, was it thrown, placed, projected, etc.
- Description of what resources, person(s) or critical infrastructure is threatened: Utility facility (water, power, gas, etc.), crowds, etc.
- Protective measures taken: Perimeter, CP location, staging area, all actions taken.
5-Line Report