Body systems Flashcards
What are the 11 body systems?
M - uscular
U - rinary
R - espiratory
D - igestive
E - ndocrine
R - eproductive
S - keletal
L - ymphatic
I - ntegumentary
N - ervous
C - ardiovascular
Which body system is responsible for protecting the body from external damage?
Integumentary system.
True or False: The skeletal system is primarily responsible for movement.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system is responsible for hormone production.
What is the primary function of the muscular system?
Facilitating movement of the body.
Which body system includes the brain and spinal cord?
Nervous system.
What is the main function of the cardiovascular system?
To transport blood, nutrients, gases, and waste throughout the body.
Multiple Choice: Which system is primarily involved in immune response? A) Digestive B) Lymphatic C) Respiratory D) Muscular
B) Lymphatic.
True or False: The respiratory system is responsible for gas exchange.
What two systems work together to ensure homeostasis through communication?
Nervous and Endocrine systems.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system is responsible for the breakdown of food.
Which body system removes waste products from the body?
Urinary system.
What is the primary function of the reproductive system?
To produce offspring.
Multiple Choice: Which body system includes bones and cartilage? A) Muscular B) Endocrine C) Skeletal D) Integumentary
C) Skeletal.
True or False: The integumentary system includes the skin, hair, and nails.
What role does the lymphatic system play in the body?
It helps defend against infection and disease.
Which system is primarily involved in nutrient absorption?
Digestive system.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system is involved in the transportation of oxygen.
What is the main function of the nervous system?
To transmit signals between different parts of the body.
Multiple Choice: Which system regulates metabolism? A) Lymphatic B) Endocrine C) Muscular D) Skeletal
B) Endocrine.
True or False: The muscular system includes smooth, cardiac, and skeletal muscles.
What is the function of the skeletal system in terms of support?
To provide structure and support for the body.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system is crucial for emotional responses and memory.
Which body system helps maintain fluid balance?
Lymphatic system.
What is the primary function of the respiratory system?
To facilitate breathing and gas exchange.
Multiple Choice: Which system is NOT a part of the body systems? A) Endocrine B) Digestive C) Photosynthesis D) Cardiovascular
C) Photosynthesis.
True or False: The urinary system helps in regulating blood pressure.
What does the term ‘homeostasis’ refer to?
The maintenance of stable internal conditions in the body.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system produces gametes.
Which body system includes the heart and blood vessels?
Cardiovascular system.
What are the two main types of muscle in the muscular system?
Voluntary (skeletal) and involuntary (smooth and cardiac).
Multiple Choice: Which body system is responsible for the synthesis of Vitamin D? A) Skeletal B) Integumentary C) Endocrine D) Reproductive
B) Integumentary.
True or False: The digestive system is responsible for the detoxification of blood.
What is the main component of the integumentary system?
Fill in the blank: The _____ system helps in thermoregulation.
Which body system is primarily responsible for hormone regulation?
Endocrine system.
What is the role of the kidneys in the urinary system?
To filter blood and produce urine.
Multiple Choice: Which body system includes the lungs? A) Urinary B) Respiratory C) Digestive D) Cardiovascular
B) Respiratory.
True or False: The lymphatic system is a closed system.
What is the primary function of the digestive system?
To break down food and absorb nutrients.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system plays a key role in protecting against pathogens.
Which body system is involved in the production of blood cells?
Skeletal system.
What is the function of the heart in the cardiovascular system?
To pump blood throughout the body.
True or False: The endocrine system uses electrical signals to communicate.
What type of tissue makes up the majority of muscles?
Muscle tissue.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system regulates blood sugar levels.
What is the primary role of the nervous system in reflex actions?
To process stimuli and coordinate responses.
Multiple Choice: Which system is responsible for gas exchange in the lungs? A) Respiratory B) Cardiovascular C) Digestive D) Urinary
A) Respiratory.
True or False: The reproductive system is involved in the production of hormones.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system consists of bones, ligaments, and cartilage.
What is the function of the skin in the integumentary system?
To protect underlying tissues and regulate temperature.
Multiple Choice: Which body system is primarily involved in the fight or flight response? A) Nervous B) Endocrine C) Cardiovascular D) Both A and B
D) Both A and B.
True or False: The digestive system is responsible for the absorption of water and electrolytes.
What is the main function of the lymphatic system?
To return excess interstitial fluid to the bloodstream.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system is responsible for the transport of nutrients and waste.
What is the significance of the skeletal system in movement?
It provides leverage for muscles to pull against.
Multiple Choice: Which system regulates body temperature? A) Integumentary B) Cardiovascular C) Respiratory D) All of the above
A) Integumentary.
True or False: The urinary system helps to regulate electrolyte balance.
What role do hormones play in the body?
They act as chemical messengers to regulate various physiological processes.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system is involved in the exchange of gases between the body and the environment.
Which body system is responsible for the synthesis of red blood cells?
Skeletal system.
What is the primary function of the skin?
To act as a barrier and protect the body.
Multiple Choice: Which of the following systems is responsible for movement? A) Muscular B) Nervous C) Skeletal D) All of the above
D) All of the above.
True or False: The lymphatic system is involved in the transportation of oxygen.
What is the function of the pancreas in the endocrine system?
To produce insulin and glucagon.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system includes the trachea and bronchi.
What are the two main divisions of the nervous system?
Central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.
Multiple Choice: Which body system helps in nutrient absorption? A) Digestive B) Urinary C) Respiratory D) Lymphatic
A) Digestive.
True or False: The muscular system is primarily made up of connective tissue.
What is the function of the cardiovascular system?
To transport blood, nutrients, oxygen, and waste throughout the body.
Fill in the blank: The _____ system includes the ovaries and testes.
What is the role of the adrenal glands in the endocrine system?
To produce hormones that help regulate metabolism, immune response, and stress.
What does MURDERS-LINC stand for?