Body Planes & Oral Cavity Structures Flashcards
Anatomical Position
Standing erect, arms at sides, feet together, palms facing forward
Between two teeth
The top surface (of the tongue)
The bottom surface (of the tongue)
a vertical (longitudinal) plane dividing the body into left and right sections
A sagittal (vertical) plane diving the body into EQUAL right and left halves
Frontal/Coronal Plane
a vertical plane diving the body into front (anterior) and back (posterior) regions
Transverse Plane
a horizontal plane dividing the body into upper (superior) and lower (inferior) regions
space between lips/cheeks and teeth
Oral cavity proper
area surrounded by teeth or alveolar ridges back to palatine tonsils (includes region from floor of mouth upward to soft and hard palates)
Fordyce Granules
small, yellowish bumps on the inside surface of the cheeks (normal anatomy)
Linea alba
a white line or ridge that may be seen on the inside on the cheek (normal anatomy)
Parotid papilla
opening to Stensen’s duct, where parotid gland empties
a thin fold of connective tissue that attaches the lips and cheeks to the mucosa of the maxilla and mandible (labial and buccal frenums)
a space created between two teeth (most commonly between the maxillary central incisors)
Mucobuccal and Mucolabial fold
point where mucosa of the lips and cheeks turns toward the gingival tissue
mucobuccal-canine to canine
mucolabial- premolars
Alveolar Mucosa
movable mucosa lying against aveolar bone
Mucogingival junction
where alveolar mucosa becomes tightly attached to bone; beginning of gingiva
Bony potrusions on the buccal area
Palatine rugae
horizontal (transverse) ridges of epithelial and connective tissue in anterior hard palate, covered with keratinized epithelium
Incisive papilla
bulge of tissue posterior to central incisors at midline
Incisive foramen
under the incisive papilla (carries nasopalatine nerves and blood vessels)
Incisive foramen
under the incisive papilla (carries nasopalatine nerves and blood vessels)
Greater & Lesser Palatine Foramina
2 openings in bone on each side, lingual to 2nd and 3rd maxillary molars
Greater- nerves and blood vessels to hard palate
Lesser- nerves and blood vessels to soft palate
Torus palatinus
excess bone growth that may occur in the midline of the hard palate
Fovea palatinae (soft palate)
2 small depressions on each side of spine; openings of salivary glands
Uvula (soft palate)
downward projecting muscle at most posterior portion at the midline
Anterior tonsillar pillar
aka Palatoglossal arch fold of tissue immediately in front of palatine tonsil
Posterior tonsillar pillar
aka Palatopharyngeal arch (behind palatine tonsils)
part of the throat posteriorly to the oral cavity. Includes: back third tongue, the soft palate, lateral and posterior walls of the throat, and the tonsils.
space between the left and right tonsils and their pillars
Maxillary tuberosity
firm tissue bulge behind maxillary molars
Retromolar pad
small elevation of tissues posterior to mandibular third molar
Pterygomandibular fold
tissue overlying the pterygomandibular raphe (ligament extending between the anterior tonsillar pillar and the retromolar pad)
Median Sulcus
midline depression on dorsal surface of tongue
Fissured Tongue
deep prominent groove in the middle with fissures across the dorsal surface
Terminal Sulcus
separates the body of the tongue from the root (foramen cecum is found here)
Lingual Tonsil
Posterior to circumvallate papilla, large and red mucus producing glands
Circumvallate/vallate papillae
location: junction of body and root
bitter flavors
hosts taste buds and von Ebner glands (lies inferiorly)
Fungiform papillae
location: tips and sides of tongue
sweet and sour tastes
hosts taste buds
Filiform papillae
location: anterior 2/3rds of tongue
tactile properties only
acts as an abrasive coating
Foliate papillae
location: lateral surfaces of tongue
hosts many taste buds- around 1300
Lingual Frenum
fold of tissue extending from near tip of tongue down to the floor of the mouth. has plica fimbriata (fringe like tissue projecting on the sides)
Sublingual caruncles
2 bilateral small elevations at the base of the lingual frenum
opening for two major salivary glands: submandibular and sublingual glands
Sublingual fold
fold of tissue extending from sublingual caruncle back along floor of mouth on either side of
Mandibular tori
bony swellings on the lingual surface of the mandible (often at the canine area)
Parotid Salivary Gland
-anterior to ear, produces 25% of saliva
-empties into Stensens duct to parotid papilla
-serous secretions
Submandibular salivary glands
-two glands, below and toward posterior of the mandible
-empties into Whartons duct to sublingual caruncle
-mucous and serous secretions
Sublingual salivary glands
-two glands, along sublingual folds
-empties into Bartholins duct to sublingual caruncle
-smaller ducts (ducts of rivinus)
-mucous secretions
List Minor salivary glands
-labial (upper and lower)
-buccal (inner cheek)
-palatine (soft, posterior and lateral/hard)
-glossopalatine (posterior lateral to palatine tonsil)
-lingual (anterior/tip, posterior/lingual tonsils)
-Glands of von Ebner (wash taste buds so new tastes can be perceived)**
List Functions of Saliva
-helps prepare bolus of food for easier swallowing
-helps keep mucous membranes lubricated
-prevent dehydration (stimulus of dry mouth promotes water consumption)
-pH buffer (neutralizes acids to prevent tooth decay)
-contains immunoglobulins and lysozymes to to protect body
-cleanses teeth
List Lymph Nodes
-submental (under chin)
-submandibular (angle of mandible)
-cervical (sides of neck)
-auricular (parotid area)
-occipital (base of skull)