Blue boxes: Ear anatomy Flashcards
Describe an auricular hematoma
Localized collection of blood that forms between the perichondrium and the auricular cartilage, that causes distortion of the contours of the auricle; if this enlarges, there will be compression of the blood supply to the cartilage
Can result in fibrosis of the ear (cauliflower ear) which can cause a deformed auricle
Describe acute otitis externally
Inflammation of the external auditory canal (swimmers ear) can be the result of a bacterial infection
pulling on the ear or the tragus typically causes an increase in pain
Describe otitis media
earache secondary to the bulging of the TM secondary to pus or fluid behind the ear which can cause blockage of the ET
if untreated can lead to hearing deficits
Describe perforation of the TM
A hole in the TM that can be caused by
- otitis media
- Perforation from foreign bodies
Where are the incisions from a middle ear abscess typically made and why?
Incisions are made postero-inferiorly through the membrane; they are made here because the inferior portion of the TM is less vascularized
This also avoids the ossicles and damage to the chordates tympani
Why are tubes placed in little kids?
Because of recurrent middle ear infections or abnormal drawing of the Eustachian tubes
Describe mastoiditis
Inflammation of the mastoid cells secondary to infection that can spread to the middle cranial fossa and cause osteomyelitis
Describe blockage of the pharyngotympanic tube
Causes retraction of the TM because of the blockage of the tube causing a negative pressure on the TM and affecting hearing
Describe paralysis of the stapedius
(Lesion of CN VII) excessive acuteness of hearing
Describe motion sickness
Results from discordance between the vestibular and visual stimulation secondary to the otoliths of the hair cells responding the linear acceleration and deceleration and causing proprioceptive changes
What are the three major symptoms that are caused by an injury to the peripheral auditory system?
- Hearing loss
- Vertigo
- Tinnitus (ringing)
What is conductive hearing loss?
Anything in the external or the middle ear that interferes with the conduction of sound or movement of the oval or round windows
patients will speak softly because their voices sound louder than everyone else’s voices
can be improved with a hearing device
What is sensorineural hearing loss?
defects in the pathway from the cochlea to the brain; affecting the middle ear
cochlear implants can be placed to transmit the impulses from the sound to the cochlea and stimulate the cochlear nerve
Describe Meniere syndrome
Excess endolymph production that is caused by the blockage of the endolymphatic duct that causes tinnitus, hearing loss, and vertigo
sense of pressure in the ear, distortion of sounds, and sensitivity to noises
What is a characteristic sign of Meniere syndrome?
Balooning of the cochlear duct, utricle, saccule, and in increase in the endolymphatic volume
What is high tone deafness?
Persistent exposure to loud sounds can cause degeneration of the spiral organ
What is otic barotrauma?
Caused by an imbalance in the pressure between the ambient air and the air in the middle ear
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