blood vessels pt.2 Flashcards
pressure in peripheral venules are less than __ percent than ascending aorta (largest artery)
Folds of tunica intima projecting from vessel wall pointing in direction of blood flow. Ensures one-way flow of blood toward heart, powered by contraction of skeletal muscles. Not present in arteries
Valves (in venous system)
Valves permit blood flow in one direction and prevent _______ of blood toward capillaries.
When valves do not work properly, blood can ______ in veins, causing _______.
pool, distention
condition caused by weak or damaged vein walls and valves. causes discomfort and cosmetic problems in thighs and legs
varicose veins
condition which veins or blood vessels in and around your anal canal and lower rectum become swollen and irritated
Systemic venous system contains __ percent of total blood volume
Amount of blood circulating in venous system
3.5 liters
Amount of blood carried in venous networks from digestive organs to liver, providing a blood reservoir.
1 liter
Consists of a tube of endothelial cells. Comprised of delicate basement membrane. Lacking both tunica media and tunica externa. About the width of single RBC
Two major types of capillaries
continuous and fenestrated
capillaries in which the endothelium is a complete lining. Located throughout body in all tissues except epithelia and cartilage
continuous capillaries
Capillaries permitting diffusion of water, small solutes, and lipid-soluble materials. Otherwise selective vesicular transport is used.
continuous capillaries
Continuous capillaries in CNS & thymus contain _____ ______, only allowing selective vesicular transport. Important for blood-brain barrier.
tight junctions
Capillaries containing “windows,” or pores, penetrating endothelial lining. Permits rapid exchange of water and larger solutes.
fenestrated capillaries