Blood Transfusion in Practice Flashcards
A patient with blood group O can do which of the following:
- can receive group A red cells safely
- can receive group A fresh frozen plasma safely
- can receive group A platelets safely
- can have a group A child
1 - No
2 - Yes
3 - Yes
4 - Yes
A patient with blood group A can do which of the following:
- can receive group O red cells safely
- can receive group O fresh frozen plasma safely
- can receive group O platelets safely
1 - Yes
2 - No
3 - No
What do you do in the following situation?
29 year old para 2+0, 10 minutes post-delivery mother loses consciousness
P126 BP50/0
1 - Identify source of blood loss
2 - Give crystalloids & O neg blood
3 - Take her to theatre
4 - Activate massive haemorrhage protocol (2222)
If still loosing blood after transfusing 6 units, what other fluids should be given to the patient?
FFP + Platelets
What blood tests are used to monitor coagulation?
Prothrombin time (PT)
Activate Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT)
Fibrinogen (when PT and APTT are abnormal)
In someone who has lost a lot of blood, what other factors might need corrected?
1 - pH
2 - Calcium
3 - Temperature
Does someone who is 14 weeks pregnant need a blood sample taken?
Yes - they need their ‘booking bloods’ taken
What drug is administered to prevent haemolytic disease of the newborn?
Anti-D at 28 weeks
Apart from being given prophylactically to prevent HDN, when else should anti-D be given?
Following delivery of RhD positive baby