Blood Pressure Unit 1 Flashcards
What is making the noise we are listening for?
Turbulence of blood and then the laminar flow when the sound disappears.
Why is there a large individual variability in BP?
Can be acute like stress from white coat syndrome, circadian rhythm , nutritional factor like caffeine, effects from certain drugs, disease, posture, and exercise
Can blood pressure Be too low?
Yes if they are symptomatic light headed. Can also be really big like 480/350
What are the types of BP measurement?
Ausculatory , oscillometric, and invasive
What is ausculatory blood pressure?
Latin for listening , noninvasive, typically done with brachial artery, usually use right side,
What are the korotkoff sounds?
Dr Nikolai korotkoff in 1905 coined these, 1. Snapping sounds is systolic 2. Murmurs between systolic and diastolic 3. And 4. Are pressures usually 10 mm above diastolic which are thumping and muting. 5. The silence as the cuff pressure drops below the diastolic!
What should we do if a large adult cuff doesn’t fit?
Can use thigh cuff, wrist monitor,
What happens if the cuff doesn’t fit right?
Is too big there will be an underestimation of BP, if too small there will be an overestimation.
What should we notice if we do blood pressure on the ankle? And what disease do we always check the ankle with?
It will be higher than 120/80 because it has to work to push the blood back up to the heart. We always check ankles is people with peripheral artery disease!
What do we do if we are taking a blood pressure on someone we have never met?
Always do left side and right side! And take the HIGHER of the number!! Don’t want to low ball it!
How can an EMT do a blood pressure in a loud ambulance?
Occlude art room and then palpate the radial artery in the wrist. When you feel pulse there it is the systolic
What if someone has long sleeves on?
Do it over the sleeve or have them take their arm out! Do not roll the sleeve up!
How long do we wait between measurements?
60 seconds
What if we can’t hear anything?
Bell turned wrong way
What if you find a high blood pressure after the first measurement?
Don’t tell them!! They will get nervous, just say you couldn’t hear it well and take it again!
What is the part that you put on the skin called?
The bell is for low frequency and is the smaller one. The diaphragm is for high frequency and is the larger one. We usually use the diaphragm for BP
What is oscillometric BP measurement t?
An automatic blood pressure cuff, uses vibrations . Non invasive, little training required. Can use in clinical or even ambulatory . It’s reliability and validity have been questioned. Do not use this during exercise!!
What is invasive blood pressure measurement?
Stick a sensor in the artery. Allows for real time and very accurate measurement! Used in research only!
What is pulse pressure?
Difference in max and minimum pressures. Systolic-diastolic. If less than 15 that’s too narrow
What is mean arterial pressure?
Average pressure throughout the cardiac cycle. DBP +[1/3pulse pressure] OR SVRCO. We cannot just average both because the diastole is for a shorter time
What is SVR?
Systemic vascular resistance MAP/CO. In mmhg *min/L
What is CO?
Cardiac output in L/min HR*SV. stroke volume is in ML/bear
What is double product?
Workload on the heart. HR*SBP big number no units
What is actually being measured?
The high and low pressure in the artery systole is contract and diastole is relax