Blood pressure and haemodynamics Flashcards
How is BP controlled intrinsically?
Response injury
How is BP controlled extrinsically?
Sympathetic innervation- Vasoconstriction
Adrenaline, angio 2, ADH, ANP
Nitric oxide
What controls rapid blood pressure?
Where are baroreceptors located?
Aortic arch
Carotid sinus
What occurs when BP increases?
1) Blood pressure increases
2) Increased baroreceptor active
3) Increase number afferent impulses to CV centre
4) Increase PSNS activity, decrease SNS activity
5) Decrease CO and vasodilation
6) Reduce BP
What occurs when BP decreases?
1) Blood pressure decreases
2) Decreased baroreceptor activity
3) Decrease number afferent impulses to CV centre
4) Increased SNS activity, decrease PSNS activity
5) Increase CO and vasoconstriction
6) Increase BP
What is the reaction involving CO and pressure?
What is units for equation of cardiac output?
Q= ml/min
change pressure= mm Hg
Resistance= mm Hg/ml/min
Write equation for Mean Arterial Pressure?