Blood lipoproteins 18 Flashcards
Which lipoprotein has the lowest density?
Which lipoprotein has the highest percentage of lipid and lowest protein content?
Which apoprotein is synthesized in the intestine and not the liver?
Where are chylos assembled?
intestinal muscosal cells
What is the function of a chylo?
carries TAG, cholesterol, fat soluble vits, CEs from intestine to peripheral tissues
What apoprotein is unique to chylos?
What apoprotein is apo B 48 a truncated form of?
Apo B 100
What process is Apo-B-48 involved in?
chylomicron metabolism
What protein loads ApoB48 with lipids?
microsomal triglyceride protein - MTP
When the nascent chylo reaches the blood, which apo proteins does it receive?
What activates lipoprotein lipase?
Apo C II
What does lipoprotein lipase do?
breaks down TAGs –> FAs or glycerol
- FAs stored in adipocytes or used for E in muscle
- glycerol is used by liver - gluconeogenesis
lipoprotein particle dec in size, inc in density
What apoprotein is returned to HDL? what forms as a result ?
apo C II is returned to HDL creating a chylo remnant
What binds to what to initiate the liver taking up chylo remnants?
Apo E binds to specific LP receptors
What are the two domains of lipoprotein lipase?
N terminal domain - lipolytic site
C terminal domain - binds LP particle and gives substrate specificity
How does insulin affect LPL expression?
adipose - increased
Muscle - decreased
What is Type 1 Hyperlipoproteinemia or familial LPL?
deficiency of LPL or apo CII
- -acumulation of chylo TAG in plasma
- higher risk for pancreatitis
Where are VLDLs produced?
Nascent VLDLs contain what lipoprotien?
apoB 100
What apoproteins do VLDLs obtain from HDL?
apoE and ApoCII
TAGs are transferred from VLDL to HDL in exchange for what? What enzyme facilitates this?
in exchange for cholesterol esters
What is the function of VLDL?
carries lipids from liver to peripheral tissues
VLDL is converted to what in the blood?
LDL with IDL or VLDL remnants
What is hepatic steatosis or nonalcoholic fatty liver?
imbalance btwn TAG synthesis and secretion of VLDL
What is the most common isoform of apoE? least common?
most = 3
least =2
What is familial type III hyperlipoproteinemia?
homozygous for ApoE2
-deficient in clearance of chylos or IDL
hypercholesterolemia and premature atherosclerosis
What does having ApoE4 put you at risk for?
alzheimers - inc susceptibility, decreased age of onset
How are LDL particles structurally different than VLDL?
much less TAG
more cholesterol and cholesterol esters
What is the function of LDLs?
provide cholesterol to peripheral tissues and return to the liver
What do LDL receptors recognize?
apoB100 and apoE
What is type II hyperlipidemia?
familial hypercholesterolemia
deficiency of LDL receptor
elevated plasma LDL cholesterol
After LDLs are taken up by clathrin coated pits, what happens in the endosome to uncoulple the particle from its receptor?
pH drops - ATP dependent proton pump
An oversupply of cholesterol has what two effects?
- dec expression of HMG CoA reductase -liver
- rate control step in cholesterol synthesis - dec expression of liver LDL receptor - liver
What happens to cholesterol if it is not needed?
esterified by ACAT
-can be stored in the cell
What are the six regions of the LDL receptor?
- LDL binding region - acidic residues
- EGF / transducin B - propeller??
- N -linked oligo domain
- O-linked oligo domain
- alpha helical pass
- cytosolic domain
Genetic mutations in the LDL receptor are of what type mostly?
mainly deletions
Nascent HDLs contain what apoproteins and are what shape?
discoid shape
Apo A1, CII, E
What is the function of HDL?
takes up cholesterol from peripheral tissues and returns to liver as cholesterol esters
What occurs in reverse cholesterol transport?
- influx of cholesterol peripheral tissue-> HDL
- esterification by LCAT
- binding of cholesterol ester rich HDL2 to liver
- transfer of cholesterol esters to hepatocytes
- release of lipid depleted HDL3
What is the function of esterification in reverse cholesterol transport?
mantains the cholesterol gradient
-allows further uptake from tissues to HDL
What is tangier disease?
absence of HDL particles
-no efflux of cholesterol by peripheral tissues - ABCA1
The uptake of cholesterol esters from the liver involves what receptor?
What enzyme in the liver degrades the TG and phospholipids of the HDL?
hepatic lipase
What does LDLR-related protein recognize?
apoE but not apoB100
- chylo remnant receptor
- DOES NOT recognize LDL
Where is scavenger class A receptor found and what does it recognize?
recognizes oxidized LDL
Does high cholesterol suppress scavengers?
When macros consume excess oxidized LDL what do they become?
foam cells
What do foam cells stimulate by secreting cytokines?
migration of smooth muscle cells from media to intima where they proliferate, produce collagen, take up lipids
Does the concentration of plasma LPs predict the development of CVD?
How is VLDL calculated?
TG/5 (20% cholesterol)
not valid if TG > 400
does a higher or lower total cholesterol/HDL indicate a high cardiovascular risk?
lower number
balance of transport to peripheral tissues/ reverse transport to the liver
What are optimal levels for:
- Total cholesterol
- TG
- Non-hdl
- TC 50 - female , >40 male
5. Non-HDL <4