Blood Groups and Blood Transfusion Flashcards
What is an antigen?
An antigen is a substance that can stimulate an immune response and trigger the production of antibodies.
What are antibodies?
Antibodies are proteins produced by the body in response to the introduction of a foreign antigen.
Are antigen-antibody reactions specific?
Yes, antigen-antibody reactions are specific. A given antibody will only react with its corresponding antigen.
What are blood groups?
Blood groups are systems of antigens that are controlled by specific genes. The ABO blood group system is one example.
What does it mean to agglutinate?
Agglutinate means to clump together.
What are agglutinins?
Agglutinins are substances that cause clumping, such as IgM antibodies.
What are monoclonal antibodies?
Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-produced and cloned molecules that bind specifically to one epitope of an antigen.
Can you produce antibodies to antigens that you have?
No, you do not produce antibodies to antigens that you have. Your immune system only produces antibodies to antigens that you do not possess.
Can you produce antibodies to antigens that you do not have?
Yes, you can produce antibodies to antigens that you do not have. When introduced to foreign antigens, your immune system generates specific antibodies in response.
What are blood group antigens?
Blood group antigens are molecules that are present on the surface of red blood cells, and sometimes platelets and other body tissues. They are inherited characteristics.
How are blood group antigens encoded?
Blood group genes, via mRNA, either directly code for red cell membrane proteins or code for enzymes that cause the production of specific red cell membrane carbohydrate sugars.
Why are blood group systems important?
Blood group systems are important because we can produce antibodies to antigens that we do not have when exposed to such antigens. This can occur after a blood transfusion or during pregnancy when fetal red blood cells expressing antigens the mother doesn’t have cross into her circulation.
What can happen when exposed to antigens you lack?
When exposed to antigens you lack, it can lead to sensitizing events that can cause immediate catastrophic intravascular hemolysis via complement activation (in the case of ABO incompatibility), delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN), and problems in selecting blood for regularly transfused patients.
What are the consequences of blood group (allo) antibodies?
Blood group (allo) antibodies can cause immediate catastrophic intravascular hemolysis, delayed hemolytic transfusion reactions, hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN), and difficulties in selecting compatible blood for regularly transfused patients.
What is the ABO system?
The ABO system is the most important blood group system in relation to transfusion. It consists of four main groups: A, B, AB, and O, with variations in population frequency.
Where are ABO antigens expressed?
ABO antigens are not only present on red blood cells but also expressed on most endothelial and epithelial membranes. This has implications for ABO-incompatible solid organ and bone marrow transplantation.
What is the structure of the terminal sugars in the ABO blood antigens?
The terminal sugars in the ABO blood antigens are determined by red blood cell glycoproteins or glycolipids. They have a terminal sugar called fucose (H substance). Additionally, one of two enzymes can add either galactose or N-acetylgalactosamine to the antigen, resulting in the B antigen or A antigen, respectively.
How many main groups are there in the ABO system?
The ABO system consists of four main groups: A, B, AB, and O. The frequency of these groups varies among different racial populations.
What are the implications of the ABO system in solid organ and bone marrow transplantation?
The ABO system has implications for ABO-incompatible solid organ and bone marrow transplantation, as compatibility between the donor and recipient’s ABO blood types needs to be considered.
Which blood group is considered the universal donor?
Blood group O is considered the universal donor as it lacks A or B antigens on the red blood cells.
Which blood group is considered the universal recipient?
Blood group AB is considered the universal recipient as it can receive blood from any ABO blood type without causing a transfusion reaction.
What is the genotype and phenotype of blood group O?
The genotype for blood group O is OO, and the phenotype is O. It has no A or B antigens on the red blood cells and produces both anti-A and anti-B antibodies.
What is the genotype and phenotype of blood group A?
The genotype for blood group A can be either AA or AO, and the phenotype is A. It has A antigens on the red blood cells and produces anti-B antibodies.
What is the genotype and phenotype of blood group B?
The genotype for blood group B can be either BB or BO, and the phenotype is B. It has B antigens on the red blood cells and produces anti-A antibodies.
What is the genotype and phenotype of blood group AB?
The genotype for blood group AB is AB, and the phenotype is AB. It has both A and B antigens on the red blood cells and does not produce anti-A or anti-B antibodies.
How do we establish the blood group based on the antigen (forward grouping)?
To establish the blood group, we use a sample of the patient’s red blood cells (RBCs) and react them against test monoclonal anti-A and anti-B grouping antisera. The antibodies cause agglutination (clumping) of the RBCs when they react with their corresponding antigens.
Who is considered the universal donor for RBCs?
Blood group O- is considered the universal donor for RBCs as it does not have A or B antigens to react with antibodies in the patient’s blood.
Who is considered the universal recipient for RBCs?
Blood group AB+ is considered the universal recipient for RBCs as it does not have antibodies in the patient’s blood to react with ABO antigens, so it can receive blood from any blood group.
Why do we develop ABO antibodies?
In the absence of corresponding antigens, ABO antibodies develop during the first few months after birth. For example, a blood group A individual will start to produce anti-B antibodies. This is likely due to exposure to ABH antigen-like substances from the diet or environment.
How do we establish the blood group based on the antibody in the serum (reverse grouping)?
Reverse grouping involves detecting the antibodies present in a patient’s serum to confirm the blood phenotype. It is a “double-checking” mechanism that is essentially the opposite of forward grouping.
What are the potential complications of acute hemolytic transfusion reactions due to ABO incompatibility?
Acute hemolytic transfusion reactions due to ABO incompatibility can result in red blood cell destruction, leading to intravascular hemolysis. In extreme cases, it can cause cardiovascular collapse, shock, renal failure, and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
What is the incidence of ABO incompatibility in red cell units transfused?
Approximately 1 in 180,000 red cell units transfused may have ABO incompatibility, resulting in major morbidity in 30% of cases and contributing to patient death in 5-10% of episodes.
What are the Rh antigens?
Rh antigens are components of red blood cell transmembrane proteins. The RhD and RhCE genes are responsible for encoding the antigens. The RhD gene encodes the D antigen, while the RhCE gene encodes the c, C, e, or E antigens, resulting in eight possible gene or haplotype combinations.
How is the presence of the D antigen checked?
The presence of the D antigen is determined by whether an individual is RhD positive (RhD+) or RhD negative (RhD-). The D antigen is a dominant trait, with approximately 85% of the European population being RhD positive.
What is the immunogenicity of the D antigen?
The D antigen is highly immunogenic, meaning it is very effective at stimulating the production of anti-D antibodies in individuals who are RhD negative and exposed to the D antigen through transfusion or pregnancy. It is the most clinically significant of the Rh antigens.
What type of antibodies are produced against the D antigen?
Antibodies produced against the D antigen are predominantly IgG antibodies.
Is there variation in the expression of the D antigen in different ethnicities?
Yes, there is variation in the expression of the D antigen in different ethnicities. For example, individuals of Japanese and black African descent may have an intact gene for the D antigen that is either not expressed or expressed at very low levels.
What is sensitization in relation to the Rh antigen?
Sensitization refers to the stimulation of the production of anti-D antibody after exposure to the D antigen. This can occur when an Rh-negative individual is exposed to Rh-positive blood, such as during pregnancy or blood transfusion.
What is the impact of Rh sensitization?
Rh sensitization can lead to hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) when an Rh-negative mother becomes sensitized to the Rh antigen and produces anti-D antibodies that can cross the placenta and attack Rh-positive red blood cells in the fetus.
How can Rh sensitization be prevented?
Rh sensitization can be prevented by administering Routine Antenatal Anti-D Prophylaxis (RAADP) to Rh-negative, non-sensitized women. This involves the administration of anti-D immunoglobulin to destroy any Rh-positive fetal red blood cells in the maternal circulation.
What are some sensitizing events that may require additional doses of anti-D immunoglobulin?
Sensitizing events that may require additional doses of anti-D immunoglobulin include delivery, miscarriage, chorionic villus sampling (CVS), amniocentesis, falls, trauma, and antepartum hemorrhage (APH).
What are the practical aspects of compatibility testing before transfusion?
The minimum requirements for compatibility testing include ABO compatibility, Rh D compatibility (Rh D-negative for Rh D-negative patients), and Kell compatibility (Kell negative for Kell-negative patients). For patients with clinically significant antibodies, units that are negative for the specific antigen to which the patient has developed antibodies should be selected.
What tests are used to estimate the volume of fetal cells in maternal circulation?
The Kleihauer test is used to estimate the volume of fetal cells in maternal circulation. It involves staining the cells and identifying fetal red blood cells (pink) and maternal red blood cells (pale). Flow cytometry can also be used to confirm the volume and administer further anti-D if needed.
What components of blood can be transfused?
Blood component therapy is commonly used instead of whole blood transfusion. The components that can be transfused include red blood cells (RBCs), fresh frozen plasma (FFP), platelets, cryoprecipitate, and buffy coats. Plasma derivatives such as human albumin solution (HAS), clotting factor concentrates, and immunoglobulin solutions are also used.
How is donor selection and infection transmission minimized in transfusion?
Donor eligibility is assessed through a questionnaire covering health, lifestyle, travel, medical history, and medications. Precautions are taken to reduce the transmission of prion-associated diseases. Routine screening for infections includes Hepatitis B, HIV 1+2, Hepatitis C, HTLV I+II, and Syphilis. Special circumstances such as Malarial antibodies, West Nile virus antibodies, and Trypanosoma cruzi antibodies are also considered.
What is the process of blood donation and collection?
Suitable donors attend donation centers where whole or part blood donations are taken. Blood is collected into bags containing a preservative and anticoagulant called CPD (citrate phosphate dextrose). The donations are filtered to remove white blood cells (pre-storage leukodepletion). Further manufacturing is done to separate blood into components such as RBCs, plasma, and platelets. Plateletpheresis or apheresis involves directly collecting the required product from the patient using a special machine.
What are some special requirements for transfusion?
Special requirements for transfusion include irradiated blood, washed red cells/platelets, single donor platelets, HLA/HPA selected products, and pathogen-inactivated FFP (fresh frozen plasma).
How does the transfusion process work?
The need for transfusion is identified based on specific indications such as acute bleeding, bone marrow failure, or thalassemia. When there are no alternatives, blood is prescribed, and the appropriate unit(s) of blood are found by the laboratory. The blood is transported to the clinical area, where a nurse verifies the patient and the product. The transfusion begins with monitoring, and for specific requirements like CMV-negative blood, the nurse ensures that the blood meets those requirements.