Blood Cholesterol Determination (M) Flashcards
What are the purposes of blood cholesterol determination?
1) To check risks of coronary heart disease
2) To assess the effectiveness of medications and
3) To serve as a preventive measure to check any risks depending on factors like eating habits, diet, stress, exercise and life-style related
What are the tests that are included in lipid profile test?
1) HDL cholesterol
2) LDL cholesterol
3) Triglycerides
4) Total Cholesterol
What is HDL cholesterol?
It is the amt of good cholesterol that helps to prevent heart diseases
What is LDL cholesterol?
It is the measurement of bad cholesterol that causes heart diseases by clotting blood arteries
How does LDL cholesterol cause heart diseases?
By clotting arteries
What are triglycerides?
It is the measurement of all triglycerides in the lipoproteins
What is total cholesterol?
It is the accurate amt of complete cholesterol in the blood
What are the characteristics and purposes of cholesterol?
1) It is a necessary component of cells and body fluids
2) It plays a major role in manufacturing and repairing cell membranes and in the synthesis of bile acids
3) It activates vit D
4) It serves as a precursor of steroid hormones
Provide an ex of steroid hormone
What is the purpose of estrogen?
It is the hormone that controls the transport and excretion of cholesterol
What is the sx consideration for blood chole determination (in terms of sx collection)?
In sx collection, fasting of 8-10 hrs is necessary
What is the sx consideration (in terms of suitable sxs for blood chole determination)?
Serum, heparinized, or EDTA plasma are suitable sxs
What is the sx consideration (in terms of stability of the sx) for blood chole determination?
Stability: for 7 days at 20-25 DC; for 3 mos at -20 DC
What is the sx consideration (in terms of sx usage) in blood chole determination?
Avoid using hemolyzed serum especially in colorimetric methods
Is it okay to use hemolyzed sxs? If yes, at what certain test/s? If no, at what certain test should it not be used?
No, especially in colorimetric methods
What is the sx consideration (in terms of equipment that will be used) in blood chole determination?
Use clean and dry test tubes during processing
What are the mats needed for blood chole determination?
1) Complete blood collection set
2) Three 5 mL clean and dry test tubes
3) Test tube rack
4) Automatic pipettors
5) Pipette tips
6) Parafilm
7) Spectrophotometer cuvettes
8) Tissue
What is the process employed in blood chole determination?
Cholesterol Oxidase-Peroxidase
What is the principle of Cholesterol Oxidase-Peroxidase?
Determination of chole after enzymatic hydrolysis and oxidation. The colorimetric indicator is quinoneimine w/c generated from 4-aminoantipyrine (4-aap) and phenol by hydrogen peroxide under the catalytic action of peroxidase
What is the colorimetric indicator used in cholesterol oxidase-peroxidase?
Where (or how) is quinoneimine generated?
It is generated from 4-aminoantipyrine (4-aap) and phenol by H2O2 under the catalytic action of peroxidase
What is the principle (or formula) of cholesterol oxidase-peroxidase?
Cholesterol ester -> via the action of CE -> Cholesterol -> via the action of CO; O2 becomes H2O2 + phenol + 4-AAP (via the action of PO, quinoneimine is produced) -> Cholestenone (produced right after the action of CO)
What is the process (or lab steps) of blood chole determination?
1) Prepare and inspect the rgnt
2) Prepare the ff tubes and add the chole rgnt
a. Blank (1000 uL)
b. Std (1000 uL)
c. Sx (1000 uL)
3) Add the ff rgnts to your test tubes
a. Blank (10 uL; distilled H2O)
b. Std (10 uL)
c. Sx (10 uL)
4) Mix and incubate
5) Read and record the absorbance at 520 nm
Via the use of either:
a. Spectrophotometer
b. Semi-automated analyzer
What is the reference range for blood chole determination?
Risk classification
1) Desirable
2) Borderline
3) High
Total Cholesterol in Blood (mg/dL)
1) < 200
2) 200 - 239
3) > or equal to 240
What is the unit used for blood chole determination?