blood chemistry tests Flashcards
How do blood chemistry tests help with making a diagnosis?
Let’s the doctor know if organs are malfunctioning or if there are damaged cells
If you need plasma for a blood chemistry test, what color vacutainer tube do you collect the blood into? What is in that tube (besides the blood)?
Li Heparin (green)
For some blood chemistry tests, the test manufacturer specifically directs users to avoid certain anticoagulants if the test is to be run on plasma. Why is this?
may alter results
Why do liver function tests often have to be run more than once on a patient before a diagnosis is made?
Liver cells regenerate rapidly
If a patient’s BUN and Creatinine levels are high, what organ is failing?
The results of what blood chemistry test can be affected by stressing the animal during blood collection?
blood glucose
Levels of bilirubin are related to the function of what organ? Where does bilirubin come from?
Liver pre-haptic bound to albumin, conjugated direct
What is the function of globulins?
Alpha globulins—synthesized in the liver and primarily transport and bind proteins High-density lipoproteins; Very low-density lipoproteins
Beta globulins—include complement (C3, C4), transferrin, and ferritin Responsible for iron transport, heme binding, and fibrin formation and lysis Gamma globulins (immunoglobulins) Synthesized by plasma cells Responsible for antibody production (immunity)
List 7 electrolytes
Calcium: Ca++
Phosphorus: PO4
Sodium: Na+
Chloride: Cl−
Potassium: K+
Magnesium: Mg++
Bicarbonate: HCO3−
Give an example of when testing for electrolyte levels might be done
acid base balance
2 functions of the pancreas
Digestive-produces enzymes that break down food. Hormonal produces insulin to regulate blood glucose
Which test is associated with chronic pancreatitis if the results are elevated?
Which test is associated with acute pancreatitis?
What is hyperglycemia? What disease is it associated with? What organ is malfunctioning?
Increased blood glucose, diabetes, pancreas
5 blood chemistry tests used to check liver function
Bilirubin, ALT, AST, AP, GGT
Which 2 electrolytes are very important in maintaining fluid balance in the body?
Sodium and Chloride
Calcium and what levels are closely tied
Loss of potassium can occur because of what condition?
Vomiting and diarrhea-dehydration
Which animals can be deficient in magnesium?
Sheep and cattle
What is the function of bicarbonate?
Regulates the body’s pH
Name 2 Protein tests
Total Protein, albumin, fibrinogen
Dehydration will cause most blood chemistry test results to be abnormally (circle one) high / low
List two ways in which hemolysis can contribute to erroneous blood chemistry results
AST and ALT are found in RBCs so hemolysis could cause elevated levels in these tests
Pancreatic Function Tests
lipase, blood glucose, amylase
Liver Function Tests
Serum bilirubin, Gamma Glutzmyl Transpeptidase (gamma GT), AST, ALT, Alkaline Phosphatase
Kidney Function Tests
creatinine, BUN,
Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle tests
sodium, potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, chloride, calcium, bicarbonate,
Protein Tests
fibrinogen, globulin, albumin