Blood cells and the hematopoietic system Flashcards
Hematopoietic system
-all blood vessels and their precursors
-the bone marrow, where cells have their origin
-the lymphoid tissues where some blood cells circulate as they develop and mature
3 functions of plasma components of blood
-carry the cells that transport gases
-aid in body defenses
-prevent blood loss
types of plasma proteins
*comprises approximately 54% of the plasma proteins
-contributes to plasma osmotic pressure and the maintenance blood volume
-serves as a carrier for certain substances
*comprise approximately 38% of plasma proteins
-alpha globulins transport bilirubin and steroids
-beta globulins transport iron and copper
-gamma globulins constitute the antibodies of the immune system
*makes up approximately 7% of the plasma proteins
-is converted to fibrin in the clotting process
*constitute 50% to 60% of white blood cells
*primarily responsible for maintaining normal host defenses against invading substances
-first cells to arrive at the site of infection
-have their origins in the myeloblasts found in the bone marrow
-move to the tissue for approximately 1 to 3 days (die in the tissue discharging phagocytic function or die senescence)
*1% to 3% of the total number of white blood cells
*increase in number during allergic reactions and parasitic infections
-associated with allergic reactions
In parasitic infection, the eosinophils…
use surface markers to attach themselves to the parasite and then release hydrolytic enzymes
- 0.3% to 0.5% of the total leukocytes
-consist of heparin, an anticoagulant, histamine, a vasodilator, and other mediators of inflammation
-similar to mast cells
-involved in allergic and hypersensitivity reactions
*20% to 30% of the total blood leukocytes
-function in the lymph nodes or spleen to defend against microorganisms through the immune response
3 types of of lymphocytes
B lymphocytes
T lymphocytes
natural killer cells
Monocytes and macrophages
*3% to 8% of the total leukocyte count
-cells survive for months to years in the tissues
-important role in chronic inflammation
-involved in the immune response (activating lymphocytes, presenting antigen to T cells)
-Circulating cell fragments to the large megakaryocytes
-Function to form the platelet plug to help control bleeding
-8 to 9 days in circulation
- blood cell originate from pluripotent stem cells in the bone marrow
*hormone like growth factors
- controls the proliferation, differentiation, and functional abilities of the various blood cells
Useful hematopoietic growth factors
Conditions that respond to use of hematopoietic growth factors
-Bone marrow failure caused by chemotherapy or aplastic anemia
-Anemia and kidney failure
-Hematopoietic neoplasm
-ID such as AIDS
-Congenital and myeloproliferative disorders
-Some solid tumors
Hematopoietic growth factors
-increase peripheral stem cells for transplantation
-accelerate cell proliferation after bone marrow engraftment
Complete blood count
provides info regarding the number of blood cells and their structural and functional
-CBC commonly performed to determine RBC, WBC, and Plt per unit of blood
white cell differential count
is the determination of the relative proportions (percentages of individual white cell types