Blood Flashcards
What are the components of Blood?
Plasma, cell and cell fragments, Erythrocytes (red blood cells), Leukocytes (white blood cells), Platelets (fragments of none marrow cells)
What are the functions of circulatory system functions?
Transport, protection, regulation.
Blood plasma makes up how much of whole blood?
A little more than half
What is serum?
Plasma minus solids and clots
How much of Blood plasma is water?
92% by weight
Albumins, globulins, fibrinogen, and enzymes are what?
Major proteins of blood plasma
Glucose, amino acids, lactic acid, lipids, iron, trace elements, and vitamins are what components of blood plasma?
Salts of Na, K, Ca, Cl, Mg, bicarbonate, phosphate, and sulfate make up what of the blood plasma composition?
Urea, Utica acid, creatinine, creatine, bilirubin, and ammonia
Nitrogen wastes
Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen make up what components of blood plasma?
What is a Erythrocytes?
Red blood cells that carries Oxygen and carbon dioxide
What are some physical traits of erythrocytes?
Discoid shaped
Lacks nucleus, mitochondria, and other organelles
What do the molecules on cell the cell membrane of a erythrocytes determine?
Blood type
What do the cells of erythrocytes carry?
Millions of hemoglobin molecules
What is a normal range for men for RBC count?
4.6-6.2 million
What is a normal RBC count for women?
What is the hematocrit?
% of blood volume composed of RBCs
What is the normal range of hematocrit for men?
45%- 52%
What is the normal range of hematocrit a for women?
What is hemoglobin?
An iron-containing gas-transport protein normally found in RBCs
Hemoglobin consist of four protein chains called?
Each protein chain in a hemoglobin is bound with what?
What is at the center if each heme that binds oxygen?
Iron atom
What is hemopoiesis?
Production of blood
Where does Myeloid hemopoiesis occure?
Red bone marrow
What is Ereythropoiesis?
Production of RBC that originate from hemopoitic stem cells and last about 120 days
What are the most common bllod groups?
ABO and Rh
What is RH?
Rhesus monkey antigen, measure of antigens on memebranew
What does plasma contain?
antibodies that react against foreign antigens
What Blood type cane type O- donate to and what blood type can it recieve from?
Donate to all types and recieve only from O-
What Blood type cane type O+ donate to and what blood type can it recieve from?
Donate to O+, A+, B+, AB+; recieve from O-+
What Blood type cane type A- donate to and what blood type can it recieve from?
Donate to A-+, AB-+; recieve from O-, A-
What Blood type cane type A+ donate to and what blood type can it recieve from?
Donate to A+, AB+; recieve from O-+, A-+
What Blood type cane type B- donate to and what blood type can it recieve from?
Donate to B-+, AB-+; recieve from O-, B-
What Blood type cane type B+ donate to and what blood type can it recieve from?
Donate to B+, AB+; receive from O-+, B-,+
What Blood type cane type AB- donate to and what blood type can it recieve from?
Donate to AB-+; receive from O-, A-, B-
What Blood type cane type AB+ donate to and what blood type can it recieve from?
Donate to AB+; receive from all types
What are Leukocytes?
What do WBCs protect against?
Leukocytes migrate out of what into what?
Out of the blood stream and into connective tissues
What are Agranulocytes?
Lymphocytes and monocyetes that lack specific granules
What are Granulocytes?
Neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils; they gave various types of specific granules that stain conspicously and distinguish each cell tyoe from the others
Neutrophils are what % of WBCs?
What is the mean count of neutrophils?
4,150 cells/ul
What is the diameter of neutrophils?
9-12 um
Which WBC: nucleus usually with 3-5 lobes in S- and C- shaped array and fine reddish to violet specific granules in cytoplasm
Which WBC increases in bacterial infections?
What are the functions of Neutrophils?
Phagocytize bacteria
Secrete antimicrobial chemicals
Eosinophios are what % of WBCs?
What is the mean count of Eosinophios?
170 cells/ul
What is the diameter of Eosinophios?
10-14 um
Which WBC: Nucleus usually with two large lobes connected by thin strand and Large orange-pink specific granules in cytoplasm?
What are the functions of Eosinophios?
Phagocytize antigen-antibody complexes, allergens, and inflammatory chemicals
Secrete enzymes that weaken or destroy parasites such as worms
What % of WBCs are Basophils?
What is the mean count of Basophils?
40 cells/uL
What is the diameter of Basophils?
8-10 um
Which WBC: nucleus large and irregularly shaped, but typically obscured from view Coarse, abundant, dark violet specific granules in cytoplasm
What are the functions of Basophils?
Secrete histamine, which increases blood flow to a tissue
Secrete heparin, which promotes mobility of other WBCs by preventing clotting
What % of WBCs are monocytes?
What is the mean count of monocytes?
460 cells/uL
What is the diameter of monocytes?
12-15 um
Which WBC: Nucleus ovoid, kidney-shaped, or horseshoe shaped
Abundant light violet cytoplasm with sparse, fine, nonspecific granules
Sometimes very large with stellate and polygonal shapes
Which WBC fluctuates greatly from day to night, seasonally, and with phase of menstrual cycle
Increases in parasitic infections, allergies, collagen diseases, and diseases of spleen and central nervous system?
Which WBC is relatively stable and increases in chicken pox, sinusitis, diabetes mellitus, myxedema, and polycythemia?
Which WBC increases in viral infections and inflammation?
What are the functions of monocytes?
Differentiate into macrophages
Phagocytize pathogens, dead neutrophils, and debris of dead cells
Present antigens to activate other cells
What % of WBCs are Lymphocytes?
What is the mean count of Lymphocytes?
2,200 cells/ uL
What is the diameter of Lymphocytes?
Small class: 5-8
Medium class: 10-12
Large class: 14-17
Which WBC is the nucleus round, ovoid, or slightly dimpled on one side, of uniform dark violet color
Which WBC increases in diverse infections and immune responses
Which WBC destroys cancer cells, cells infected with viruses, and foreign cells
Present antigens to activate other cells of immune system
Coordinate actions of other immune cells
secrete antibodies
serve in immune system memory
What is Leukopoiesis?
Production of WBCs
Where do Granulocytes and monocytes stay until needed?
red marrow
Where do B lymphocytes and natural killer cells mature?
bone marrow
Where do T lymohocytes mature?
What are platelets?
small fragments of megakarycytes that aid in blood clotting
What has no nucleus, but do have other organelles, an open canalicular system, and pseudopods?
In addition to clot formation, functions of platelets include:
Vasoconstriction, clot dissolving, WBC attraction, destruction of bacteria, stimulation of mitosis for healing
What is hemostasis?
Cessation of bleeding
What does serotonin trigger?
What can thrombosis cause in the ederly?
stroke and heart failure
What are some Erythrocyte disorders?
Anemia -decreased oxygen carrying
Polycythemia-Excessive RBCs
What are some Leukocyte disorders?
Leukopenia - WBC deficiency
Leukemia - high white blood cell counts