Block 7 Flashcards
TNFa & IFNy dec EPO; IL6 inc hepcidin (ACP made by liver) -> bind ferroportin -> inhib Fe2+ transport -> high ferritin
nonmegalo anemia causes
alc/cirrhosis/liver dz, reticulocytosis; Diamond Blackfan -> congen RBC aplasia (tx w/ corticosteroids, transfusion, HCT), MDS, post splenectomy
details you forget about sphero vs PNH vs G6PD vs PKD vs W/CAIHA vs PCH vs drug AIHA
splenomeg, neg Coombs, post op Howell Jolly vs acquired PIGA or from AML, venous thrombosis, flow cytom or sucrose, neg Coombs, ecluzimab vs back/abd pain, degmacytes vs AR PKLR 1q21, echino/burr, rigid & 2/3 BPG, mitivapat vs spherocytes vs DL ab to P ag vs ceph, PCN -> sphero, schistocytes
details you forget about ITP vs TTP/HUS vs vWF dz vs vit K defic vs AT defic vs protein C defic vs antiphospholipid ab
consumed by splenic macs, dec megakaryocytes on smear, tx steroids/IVIG vs tx plasmapheresis vs inc PTT/bleeding time, dec ristocetin, tx desmopressin vs inc PT/INR vs AD SERPINC1, nephrotic, tx w/ warfarin vs warfarin nec -> tx w/ LMWH vs lupus anticoag inc PTT, anticardiolipin false pos syphilis
details you forget AML vs APML vs ALL vs CML vs CLL vs HCL
7/3 cytarabine/idarubicin vs PML 15/RAR 17, DIC vs TdT vs BCR-ABL fusion, low LAP, imatinib vs smudge, CD5, LAD vs CD103, TRAP+, splenomeg
details you forget: follicular vs mantle vs DLBCL vs Burkitt vs Hodgkin
macs vs cyclin D1 on 11/igG heavy on 14, tx w/ -zomib vs B sxs, RCHOP vs CD21, cmyc, starry sky, macs w/ ingested apop vs B sxs, CD15/30, BCL2 stain, AVBD; nodular sclerosing -> mediastinal, mixed cell -> neu/eos/macs/plasma cells
JAK2 mutation: polycy vera vs essential thrombocythemia vs PMF. Langerhans histocytosis: eos vs Hand Schuller vs Letterer dz
dec EPO, inc H&H vs inc PLT vs dry tap, dacrocytes/tear drop cells. children, bone vs 3ad exophthalmos, scalp, DI vs <2yo, diffuse skin rash, severe bone lesions
Osler Weber Rendu. Tumor Lysis
AD defect TGFB on angiogen -> telangiectasia, AVM, iron defic anemia, bleed easy. hypoCa2+ -> tetany, myalgia; hyperK/P/uric -> arrhythmia, nephrolith
ciguatoxin. Hg vs Ar poisoning
neuro/depol, GI, cold allodynia; tx = support -> mannitol for neuro, antiemetics, CCB for lingering sxs. tremor, neuropsych, gingivostomatitis, hem GI-itis/renal fail; tx w/ dimer if acute or succimer vs GI, garlic; tx w/ dimer or succimer
what class is imipramine in? ketorolac? details you forget: AIP vs PCT. psoriasis path
TCA. NSAID. abd pain vs excess hair growth, excess Fe/inc ferritin. hyper/parakeratosis, thick corneum & spinosum, thin granulosum, hypervasc dermal papillae
blood smear for thal vs sickle vs PMF. Langerhans histiocytosis
target cells, teardrop cells/dacrocytes vs target cells, Howell Jolly vs teardrop cells/dacrocytes, dry tap. immature dendritic cells; S100, CD1a & 207, Birbeck granules
causes of panniculitis/erythema nodosum. details you forget: NF vs TS vs Sturge Weber vs vHL
Histo/Coccoid, sarcoid, Crohn’s, Behcet, GAS. AD; pheo, cataracts vs AD; renal angiolipoma, astrocytoma, rhabomyoma vs spont mutation, port wine vs AD chrm 3 -> inc HIF; pheo
details you forget: Wern-Korsakoff vs Tourette vs delirium. biochem of schizo
dmg ant thal too, anterograde > retro vs <18yo >1y, tx psychoedu, CBT, tetrabenzamine, haloperidol but AE, a2 ag w/ no AE vs EEG rhythm slowing; tx dec sleep disturb, inc cog stim, antipsych prn. high DA & dendritic branching
OCD is ego-? how to tx phobias. anorexia vs bulimia vs binge eating
egodystonic. desensitization, reexposure, CBT. fear gaining wt, body distortion, low BMI; tx nutrition, CBT, olanzapine vs nml or overwt BMI; tx nutrition, CBT, SSRI vs tx CBT, SSRI, lisdex
borderline vs histrionic vs narcissistic. avoidant vs dependent vs OCPD
unstable mood & relationships, fear abandon, impulse vs attn seeking esp w/ physical appearance vs grandiose, entitled, no empathy but fragile self esteem & envi of others. fear rejection, timid, want relationships but shy vs clingy, excess desire for relationship/support -> abusive relationship, low self confidence vs egosystonic, need everything under their ctrl